• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

CTIV-9: The Academians

Maquis said:
And how do you know when this is? End of 2007? In time for CIV 5 to be released? :hmm:

I'm guessing there will be another expansion in March/April of next year, and then a complete set later in 2007, followed by Civ 5 in 2008.
Good game, guys. We got lucky in the begining and was able blocked off 3 Civs to the north and have a larger chunk of land for ourselves. I think that alone ensured we could tech a faster pace.

The remaining game was simply a splendid execution of team effort. This game proves that you can focus on research with a small number of cities and win.

lurker's comment: A bit late, but congrats everyone! I enjoyed following this SG and reading your reports, especially since I've played with most members of this team. As Greyfox said, you can be a builder and researcher and still win the game.

Too bad the CTIV-series have been stopped:(
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