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Cultural gigs

duke o' york

It don't mean a thing....
Apr 24, 2001
Don't get around much anymore
I probably shouldn't have used the word gig in the title as this thread isn't really about that sort of thing so please don't corrupt it with tales of when you went to see Motorhead at Donnington or The Backstreet Boys at Madison Square Garden. I'm trying to keep this vaguely intelligent. Anyway:

Last week I went with my girlfriend to a poetry reading by Seamus Heaney at Leeds University. He only spoke for an hour, but it was spellbinding stuff, as befits a Nobel Laureate. He gave readings from a wide range of his work, and punctuated the poetry with little anecdotes and explanations of each. Maybe it was because Mr Heaney was such a nice person and had none of the "star quality" so detestible in many literary heavyweights, or maybe it was the quality of the readings and poetry, but we both had a very pleasant evening. It was difficult not to imagine oneself as onew of the auditors when Dickens gave a reading of the latest chapter of David Copperfield or some such.
Last September we both went to the RSC at Stratford to watch their modern-dress production of Hamlet and it was a wonderful occasion. Despite the massed ranks of schoolchildren dragged there against their will for exam study, the atmosphere was respectful and the although the production did not introduce anything too innovative, the cast were excellent and it proved that the story written 400 years ago to which everyone knows the plot can still be gripping, fascinating entertainment.
I want those fanatics interested to tell of similar evenings they have spent, whether at a poetry reading or at the theatre or opera or ballet.
Went to Parsifal recently. The Red Army Choir gave a concert in town in 99. Try to catch as many plays as a busy schedule allows, what with most evenings taken up down at the Hellfire Club...;)
I went to a musical last week: Aida by Elton John and Tim Ryce. I don't know if this meets your standards of a cultural gig but I liked it more than I had expected! (The major reason for me to go initially was the girl sitting next to me;) )
Seamus Heaney: absolutely loved his Beowulf.
I don't get out that much, but had a nice day out to the Lowry Centre just before Christmas, a very interesting collection they have there.
The two most recent cultural events I visited were:

1.The play "Dantons Tod" by Georg Büchner;Büchner was 22 when he wrote it,I just imagine if I´ll do so well with 22,probably not

2.The opera "Fidelio" by Beethoven;his only opera,I didn´t understand much,because the female voice sang way to high
One of these day's I'll get to a Philip Glass performance somewhere. Either something happens so I can't go or I don't hear about it until it's over. :(
I was in a Buchner play once - Woyzeck. Among other parts, I was the voice of an old Jewish knife merchant. Ah, the zenith of my life. It's been downhill since then...:D
My own theatrical career never got better than working the lights at a school play. :p
However, I think I can claim to have raised the average cultural achievements of the human race by having not been an actor at some point. My delivery is similar to Marvin the Paranoid Andriod ;)
Hey, don't put yourself down. Sylvester Stallone, Steven Seagal and their ilk have made a little dosh as actors whilst not being able to...:lol:
One is putting on a little play this year oneself, Stephen Fry's "Latin, or Tobacco for Boys, a short piece about a pederastic school master, and will proceed with trying to finish my own dramatic magnum opus, an absurdist Russian Western/ghost/love story entitled "One Night in Bakunin".

'Tis very strange, and full of bizarre snippets of twisted popular culture (playing chess with a Grim Reaper who is actually a local agricultural labourer, hanging a poltergeistic piano, derailing a train by spilling hot mares milk on the drivers lap, etc, etc) as well as moments of utter despair and raw emotion. A work in progress.
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