Note: If possible, could we keep discussion here constrained to the *development* of leaders as opposed to which ones you'd like to be added..?
Latest Developments
Leader Specification
FBX Exporting
Nexus Art Tool
Useful Links
Getting new leader models into the game follows the same principles as new units since they work in very similar ways. So initially, we've been focusing on simple units before moving on to leaders.
Please see this thread for information on how to get a new unit into the game (as per the screenshot below).
Custom leaders modded in-game successfully!!!
New custom units now modded into the game successfully!!!
Material Editor non-functional -- FIXED (use Lemmy's material tool, see here)
5Kb null animations on export -- FIXED
Exported animations not playing in Nexus viewer -- FIXED
No skin deforming with bones -- FIXED (ensure you pick a skinned shader in the Material Editor, max of 32 bones if using the unit shader)
Alfred the Great, in-game, work-in-progress.
Some mesh errors need repairing and normal maps need adding.
Test model imported into the Asset Viewer, animating correctly
And here it is in-game!
As an interesting side-effect of making the code changes required to fix the 5Kb error, Lemmy has managed to get the game assets viewable in the Granny Viewer (previously, these assets would crash the viewer). More info here.
(if anyone is interested in progress of my own leader, screens are here. Wirapuru's WIP is here - click the spoiler to show.)
Leader Specifications:
- Poly Count
Approx 10,000 triangles (unknown what LOD specs for lower graphics settings are at this stage) - Textures
Multiple textures per leader but primarily, diffuse map (512x512) and normal map (2048x2048)*
Texture name conventions are as follows:
texturename_diff = Diffuse (colour) map
texturename_norm = Normal map
texturename_sref = Specular reflection map
The texture name should match the object it is applied to. For example, I have a leader comprised of the meshes "arthur_skin", "arthur_costume" and "arthur_hat". Texture names would be "", "", "arthur_hat_diff", etc. - Materials
One shader per mesh, multiple meshes per character. In other words, a shiny reflective hat would need to be a separate mesh to a furry collar. - Facial Animation
20 to 30 facial bones. Very similar in set-up to Civ IV leaderheads - Skeleton
It doesn't look like the skeleton setup is too important however, as with units, ensure that your skeleton is parented to a root bone at the origin
In 3DS Max, create a 'dummy' object, set its position to x:0 y:0 z:0 and then link the root Biped bone (normally called 'Bip01') to this object. Make sure you add this dummy object to your skin
*note: This is based off image file size so may not be completely accurate
FBX Format Export:
Biped is supported through the FBX export / import process, however, the Biped Mixer is not. So you must "Compute Mixdown" and then "Copy Mixdown to Biped" before exporting animations.
Ensure you export using the *2010* version of the FBX exporter. All other versions yield errors in tests.
Ensure you export using the *2010* version of the FBX exporter. All other versions yield errors in tests.
Blender 2.49b was used to generate Firaxis' test FBX file. Other versions untested.
Nexus Art Tool:
Unpacking the PAK (*.fpk) files
Load the Nexus Art Tool, select the "Nexus" tab, click "Script Browser", select "Extract PAK (*.fpk) files", click "Run Script", and... wait.
The material editor in the Nexus Art tool has bugs preventing it from being terribly useful at the moment. Instead, use Lemmy's Material Editor (see here) to transfer a material from a Firaxis model and modify it.
With this tool, it's also possible to make re-skins of existing units.
With this tool, it's also possible to make re-skins of existing units.
Useful Links:
Granny Viewer - Free viewer for checking *.gr2 files outputted by the Nexus Art Tool.
Nexus Tools Wiki - Currently a bit pointless since it's basically just a ripped off old version of this post
First Look at Nexus - Deliverator's experiments with unit reskinning
Jaroth's Civ 5 Leader Info spreadsheet
CaptainBinky, Lemmy101, Wirapuru, Ekmek