Cycles of Arete

Will the CoA implement the Yenarii as our currency? Seemed the Citizenry liked the idea before my absence and I never got a chance to poll it. Seeing as it has Civplayahs avatar it would seem a perfect fit if he is to be our King.


Yenarii- a cross between the Yen (Japanese currency) and Denarii (Grecko-Roman currency).

Name creation- Civplayah
Coin design- Cyc
That's freakin' awsome!
That's freakin' awsome!
Thank you, 1889. Although I never got to finish it. I couldn't find the right graphics program for free. :D
Perhaps we could discuss how the Estates General will function?
The Cycles of Arete celebrates! :banana:

We have won the Election! The COA now takes it's place as Prime Faction.

Our Charter shall be enhanced to encompass a brighter future for our citizens. Our new currency is now being pressed into service (so to speak). And a new Land Grant Program will surface with more stability and flexibility.

The Cycles of Arete welcome you. Come join us in our journey of new Government.
Great, can't wait to hear it vra.
Glad to see you won the elections, everyone. I voted for you due to the members you have (Civplayah, Provolution, Cyc, TheCommonate and 1889 seems particularly active), and the projects you are developing (The LG system and currency are some of these).

Last but not least, I got a very persuasive offer from Civplayah in a tied situation, promising full control over either New Giruvegan or Madrid. I am in doubt which of these I am going to choose, but at the moment, I am leaning towards Madrid, the holy city of Hinduism.

I welcome this coorporation between the POF (well, me) and the COA.

on another subject, Civplayah, does the offer include a seat in the :gp:"council"?
And what of the Estate General title, has anyone worked anything out yet?
lurker's comment: Oops maybe non-members with big mouths should observe some special procedures when posting here.
lurker's comment: Oops maybe non-members with big mouths should observe some special procedures when posting here.

Yeah, it was this kind of behavior that created the secret forums in the first place.
I believe he's talking about the Triad era. But I could be wrong.
lurker's comment: Oops maybe non-members with big mouths should observe some special procedures when posting here.
I'm sorry, did someone offend you, 1889? I missed it, but I will apologize if this is the case.

No special procedures are required to post here, as we're interested in your concerns and questions. So post on. As long as you don't turn into McCreepy (all mouth and finger-pointing with no substance), we welcome your interest.
I am in the process of writing a draft Charter for the Cycles of Arete. This Charter will contain our mission statement, rules of government, and how we plan to eliminate rival factions. The COA is looking for help with the Charter, so if you have suggestions, please present them below. Discussions will ensue and the final product will be our Charter pending approval of our King. We'd love to hear from ya.
Though I am not a Cycle I am a citizen of Arete. I have never seen a D-game so bumped and bruised and still survive. I am happy to see you (Cyc) in charge, hell you don't even own civ4! You are the reason I returned and have decided to give it a go one more time. My only suggestion would be for citizens to cut out the bickering and leave their egos at the door. Support your fellow citizens in their ventures and they may return the favor. As far as the charter keep it simple, government can only get in the way, they don't solve problems citizens do.

A few sub-forums to help organize wouldn't hurt.
2 citizens as designated players to ensure TC's get played.
2 TC's a week, even if they are only 5 turns.
A nice fresh RP structure in the works. I'm on it........
I may be wrong, but I thought that in the Debate Thread the COA decided that because no citizens other then members of the COA could speak in the deciding threads on gameplay, and so they would create an Estates General open to the rest of the citizens to voice their opinions. It is set up now that only one representative of a faction may speak in the assembly, and two independents may speak as representatives.

Where has our voice gone? This certainly is beginning to feel like the COA is attempting to dissolve other competition, especially for independents, as game play ideas from independents cannot be represented as their ideas can vary greatly.
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