Looking for the door...
I may be wrong, but I thought that in the Debate Thread the COA decided that because no citizens other then members of the COA could speak in the deciding threads on gameplay, and so they would create an Estates General open to the rest of the citizens to voice their opinions. It is set up now that only one representative of a faction may speak in the assembly, and two independents may speak as representatives.
Where has our voice gone? This certainly is beginning to feel like the COA is attempting to dissolve other competition, especially for independents, as game play ideas from independents cannot be represented as their ideas can vary greatly.
It's ok, thecommonnate. Because vra wasn't very clear with his posting on th Estate General, there is currently a lot of confusion about the system. But it will work, and vra is going to try and fix the threads sometime today.
Let me try a quick explanation. In the Public Square, citizens not in a faction can apply to be a rep for the "non-aligned" citizens and/or they can discuss the issues they feel are important for the country. Most, if not all of the issues discussed in the Public Square hread will be brought up to the King in a Council meeting with the King by one of the 2 reps who represent the "non-aligned" citizens. Any citizen can post in the Public Square. Even the reps as a citizen. The King and I are both citizens, so we can post in there too, if we so desire. Everyone will have a voice to bring up issues. And if one or both of the reps need to be replaced, the Public Square is the place where the King or I will go for that replacement, because that's where people will have applied for the position.
The Estates General Sign-up thread is for people in a faction, who wish to apply for a rep position within their faction.
The Estates General Assembly Hall is for ALL reps to post the comment/debates/discussions on the issues the citizens have brought up. In this thread, all citizens will be able to see if their rep is working at his/her job. The issues brought up by the citizens those reps represent need to be discussed. Some long-term, some short-term. But they should still be discussed among the reps. A representative will also be able to post the results of the council meetings they attend. If two or three different reps have different opinions about the decisions made because of (or in) a Council meeting, they can debate it in the Assembly Hall. Again, all citizens will be able to monitor their rep's work here.