Cycles of Arete

I may be wrong, but I thought that in the Debate Thread the COA decided that because no citizens other then members of the COA could speak in the deciding threads on gameplay, and so they would create an Estates General open to the rest of the citizens to voice their opinions. It is set up now that only one representative of a faction may speak in the assembly, and two independents may speak as representatives.

Where has our voice gone? This certainly is beginning to feel like the COA is attempting to dissolve other competition, especially for independents, as game play ideas from independents cannot be represented as their ideas can vary greatly.

It's ok, thecommonnate. Because vra wasn't very clear with his posting on th Estate General, there is currently a lot of confusion about the system. But it will work, and vra is going to try and fix the threads sometime today.

Let me try a quick explanation. In the Public Square, citizens not in a faction can apply to be a rep for the "non-aligned" citizens and/or they can discuss the issues they feel are important for the country. Most, if not all of the issues discussed in the Public Square hread will be brought up to the King in a Council meeting with the King by one of the 2 reps who represent the "non-aligned" citizens. Any citizen can post in the Public Square. Even the reps as a citizen. The King and I are both citizens, so we can post in there too, if we so desire. Everyone will have a voice to bring up issues. And if one or both of the reps need to be replaced, the Public Square is the place where the King or I will go for that replacement, because that's where people will have applied for the position.

The Estates General Sign-up thread is for people in a faction, who wish to apply for a rep position within their faction.

The Estates General Assembly Hall is for ALL reps to post the comment/debates/discussions on the issues the citizens have brought up. In this thread, all citizens will be able to see if their rep is working at his/her job. The issues brought up by the citizens those reps represent need to be discussed. Some long-term, some short-term. But they should still be discussed among the reps. A representative will also be able to post the results of the council meetings they attend. If two or three different reps have different opinions about the decisions made because of (or in) a Council meeting, they can debate it in the Assembly Hall. Again, all citizens will be able to monitor their rep's work here.

lurker's comment: I think you guys may be making this way too complicated but what I understood was that because only CoA members could speak in the chats (although anyone could attend) the Estates General was to provide a representative for non-CoA folks there. Three very slightly different threads to handle discussions that will probably simultaneously appear in faction and gameplay threads seems like a mess, but well see how it goes.
There is only one thread to talk about stuff. There are two sign-up threads, one for faction and one for non-faction.
Okay, sounds good, but I'm still not getting the public square.

Its the place where independents can sign up as independent reps and where everyone can discuss issues?
I think vra may be a little confused also. If you read my above post, the Public Square is a place for all citizens to voice their concerns. If it was for sign-ups only, it would be a huge waste of a thread. The Assembly Hall is only for Reps to discuss, according to vra. That is where the reps post as rep. Other citizens are not allowed to post there, according to vra. Therefore, regular citizens, not aligned with any faction can post in the PUBLIC Square. Citizens in a faction can post in their faction thread. It's that easy.

Earlier, thecommonnate, you posted this:
"I may be wrong, but I thought that in the Debate Thread the COA decided that because no citizens other then members of the COA could speak in the deciding threads on gameplay, and so they would create an Estates General open to the rest of the citizens to voice their opinions. It is set up now that only one representative of a faction may speak in the assembly, and two independents may speak as representatives.

Where has our voice gone? This certainly is beginning to feel like the COA is attempting to dissolve other competition, especially for independents, as game play ideas from independents cannot be represented as their ideas can vary greatly."

Well, the Public Square is where you voice your concerns. This is by Order of the King's Regent. This Public Square is where your voice has gone, thecommonnate. Use it as much as you want and make sure, by checking the Assembly Hall thread, that the independent reps are forwarding your concerns to the King. You can also post in other gameplay threads, voicing your opinion. Have you posted in the Research thread or the War thread lately?
There is only one thread to talk about stuff. There are two sign-up threads, one for faction and one for non-faction.

You reposted in the Public Square what I wrote, which is good. I appreciate that. But the above quote kind of nullifies that effort. There are two threads in which to talk about stuff. And there are two sign-up threads.

The Assembly Hall is for the reps to talk about stuff. Just the reps talk in the assembly Hall. The Estates General Sign-up thread is just for people in a Faction to apply (or sign up) to become a rep for their faction.

The Public Square is where all citizens can discuss their issues and concerns about the nation. It is also where citizens not aligned with a faction (independent) can sign up to become an independent rep. All reps should monitor the Public Square for new issues closer than all citizen should monitor the Assembly Hall to see if their rep is doing his/her job. ;)
Ahh, okay, I think I have it form your description Cyc...

I'm sure this will clear up as it goes on though, it looks promising.
Cyc's interpretation is what's it's supposed to be, but apprently I'm doing a horrid job of writing sensibly these days.
Spoiler :


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Then join us, my friend. Our bond will reinforce the Monarchy. Nothing will stand in our way. :hammer:
The Cycles of Arete


The Cycles of Arete shall rule the land under a Monarchy. A King or Queen will govern with supreme authority. All disputes and grievances will ultimately come before the Monarch or their agent. The King will appoint citizens the different positions within it's governmental operations. There will be a Council of Great People, an advisory board to the King. This Council will be filled with not only the citizens taking the higher government positions, but with representatives from the citizenry at large.

The Cycles of Arete (COA) will stay in power until at least the end of the Babylon War, but not beyond the discovery of a new governing technology. If still in power at that time, the COA will dissolve and initiate a new revolution. Listed below are the Bylaws and guidelines for the Monarchy.

1. All faction laws and rules must abide by The Civfanatics Forum rules.

2. Any citizen of the Aretan Nation may apply for membership in the Cycles of Arete Faction by posting in the COA thread. Instructions for this are in the first post of that thread.

3. Any Game-Play or Role-Play issues any citizen has during the rule of the COA may be brought to the attention of their Council of Great People Representative.

A. Two Representatives will be selected from the Independent citizens at large. Independent citizens would be those who choose not to be in a faction. The two Representatives will be chosen by the King or his Regent. Those wishing to apply for a Representative position for the Independents should apply in the Public Square.​

B. All those in charge of Secondary factions, or those other than the
Prime Faction will choose who will be their Representative in the
Council of Great People. Those wishing to apply for a Representative
Position for their Faction should apply in their Faction thread.​

C. The Public Square – This is not only where Independent citizens
will apply for a Representative position, but also voice their issues and
concerns about the game. Representatives will be monitoring the Public
Square and bring these concerns to the King’s attention at the next
Council Meeting.​

D. The Assembly Hall – This is where all Representatives will
post about and/or discuss the issues and concerns brought before
them. Only Representatives may post in the Assembly Hall.​

E. Estates General – This is were all citizens that are in a Faction
apply to be a Representative for their Faction.​

4. The King will appoint a Regent to cover his duties should he be called away or perhaps killed in battle. When the Regent becomes King, he will appoint a new Regent to fill his empty position.

5. The King will assign Save playing duties to Designated Players. These Designated Players (DP) will play the Save at a designated date and time twice a week with at least 5 turns played, but not more than 10. Notes, Battle Logs, and Screenshots will be required from each Turn Chat/Session. Turn Chats will be held in public chat rooms – either mIRC or the #turnchat room through the Forum Java system.

6. This Constitution is currently under construction. Additions will be made shortly until it’s completion. At that time rules governing how it can be changed will be posted.
All faction laws and rules must abide by The Civfanatics Forum rules.

the civfanatics forum rules, as represented by the moderator staff? Or some other mentioning on the moderators?

with at least 5 turns played, but not more than 10
Perhaps there should be an upper bound of 15 instead of 10? I consider 10 the average, so a bound of 5 to both sides seems nice. You might also mention that the expected amount of turns should be announced in the instruction thread?

Battle Logs
These can all be found in-game, IIRC, so should they be posted from the in-game log?
the civfanatics forum rules, as represented by the moderator staff? Or some other mentioning on the moderators?
Forum Rules v4.1, which can be found at the bottom of this and most any Civfanatics Forum page. ;) Moderator interpretations will be negotiated.

Perhaps there should be an upper bound of 15 instead of 10? I consider 10 the average, so a bound of 5 to both sides seems nice. You might also mention that the expected amount of turns should be announced in the instruction thread?
Lord Civius had asked for minimum of at least 10 turns per week, so I supposed during weeks where only 1 TC is playable, 15 turns would not be unreasonable. I shall make the change and include your suggestion about expected amount of turns to be played in the Instruction thread.

These can all be found in-game, IIRC, so should they be posted from the in-game log?
I'm not really sure about this, as I've never been "in-game". Battle Logs are standard in a forum based game, so whatever method is most convenient AND most accurate should be applied.
I'm not really sure about this, as I've never been "in-game". Battle Logs are standard in a forum based game, so whatever method is most convenient AND most accurate should be applied.

IIRC the normal game log, which also records things like cities being founded and war being declared, records battels as win/loss, and the separate combat log gives the odds for every battle, and a blow-by-blow record of the battle, which, basically is very long and tedious. Every battle takes about 10 lines, I think, in that log, so for a real war, it might be too long.
... Some of us are playing with mods such as the BUG which erases the ingame log in favor of a built-in Autolog, so I think posting the log is the best option.
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