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DAMN MUSIC in 1.17f


Feb 4, 2002
Ok I don't like the music of Civ3; it is ok five minutes, not for hours of play.
Anyway iTunes works well in background, except that since patch 1.17, I CAN'T TURN OFF THIS DAMN MUSIC. I did turn off everything everywhere, but the noisy thing still reappears more or less randomly, ussually with full power (I have set the slider to the minimum, too!).

GRR. That turns me crazy. Why the hell do they constantly send untested things. I PAID for that, damn it!

If anything can be done about that, thanks for suggesting.
Originally posted by tlr
Anyway iTunes works well in background, except that since patch 1.17, I CAN'T TURN OFF THIS DAMN MUSIC. I did turn off everything everywhere, but the noisy thing still reappears more or less randomly, ussually with full power (I have set the slider to the minimum, too!).

I can't reproduce this problem. Can you tell me what "everything" you turned off entails and an example of when the music turns back on? I need specifics, not generalities please.

Originally posted by Brad Oliver

I can't reproduce this problem. Can you tell me what "everything" you turned off entails and an example of when the music turns back on? I need specifics, not generalities please.

For the record, my music preferences work perfectly now. iMac SE graphite G3 400 mHz, sys X.1

Thanks Brad.
I too have not had a problem with the sound. Both the music and the effects work all the time, and when I want to shut them off, they both stay shut off when I do turn down the volume.

I have the same system as SSK, the SE Graphite 400 iMac, except I'm running system 9.1

Glad to have the patch so soon after it came out for PC

Keep up the good work Brad and Co. :goodjob::D
Well, I too have had some problems with the music (G4 Cube, OS 9.2, 128 MB RAM with VM turned up to 180MB), though it works FAR better than pre-patch :D . The thing is that I often have to load a save game twice before it appears, and it occassionally seems to be playing a 'background' music track. I think this is what the first guy referred to. If you switch music on with this, you have two parallel (just slightly off-sync) tracks playing, and if not the 'background' track (otherwise identical) still plays.

Hope you can fix this :egypt: - thanks for taking the time. Oh, and PLEASE bug Firaxis about at least allowing us some control over start locations - its a real pain.
I apologize to have got upset about this bug on the music (that was SO irritating!). It is apparently linked to the transition 1.16 -> 1.17, since after the game crashed, I restarted, and now it is ok with the music, the preferences stick as expected.

Anyway I have much more crashes than in 1.16 (which never crashed for me), and some of them can be reproduced. I have kept a game + a crash.log file for the developers if you are interested (email to tlr at mac.com), where a crash always occur for me at the same point during the new turn (apparently just before saving the automatic save file for this turn). I noticed two files "bic__in.tmp" and "bic__out.tmp" in the Civ3 folder, are these related to the crash? I have kept these too.
I forgot something in the previous message: I have been able to work-around the bug by putting something in the build queues for those cities which are about to complete a building. The crash comes apparently form the fact I selected something different in the proposed list ("The city XXX has build YYY. Do you want to build -> choose in list"). Just saying "ok" causes no crash here.

So if you have the same problem, preselect the next building in the build queue.
Originally posted by tlr
Anyway I have much more crashes than in 1.16 (which never crashed for me), and some of them can be reproduced. I have kept a game + a crash.log file for the developers if you are interested (email to tlr at mac.com), where a crash always occur for me at the same point during the new turn (apparently just before saving the automatic save file for this turn). I noticed two files "bic__in.tmp" and "bic__out.tmp" in the Civ3 folder, are these related to the crash?

Yes, please stuff the save game, then e-mail it to me at bradman@pobox.com and I'll take a look. The tmp files you see are unrelated, and are always created during gameplay, then deleted when the game normally exits.

We have found and fixed a number of core PC bugs that cause pretty bad crashes since the 1.17f release. One involves disbanding/killing a transport in some instances, and another involves calculating the number of wonders for a faction during turn upkeep. This last one is a very blatant and very obvious bug in the code, and is probably what the bulk of the crashes reported on 1.17f are about. If you're generating a crash log in OS X and it shows a crash in one of the "upkeep" functions, that's the one. Hopefully we'll have a patch out ASAP to address the crashers.

I, too, have a similar problem with Civ3 music.

I actually enjoy it, but I also like to have iTunes playing in the background. The audio preferences will turn off the Civ3 music for a while, but eventually, it forgets that I had it turned off (this is without quitting the game). To solve this problem, I simply go and open the Audio preferences again. The settings are the same, and the music is immediately shut off, but five to ten minutes later, the music comes back on, and I have to open up the audio preferences again.

Any clue why? Maybe this could be fixed in a future patch?

Thanks for all your hard work, Brad. This is truly a great game!

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