• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

damn these new maps!

Every one of the new maps I’ve seen looked pretty ace. My only complaint is that there aren’t any actually large maps in the base game.
What I am seeing is better spawn area spacing which is a great improvement. But, no improvement to having a balanced spawn for all civs, even with "balanced" start areas turned on.
Add me to the 'love the new maps' category.

AIs still spawn too close, however.
OP, have you tested the advanced settings? I'm curious if that would help you. In the advanced setup you can change the age of the planet which changes the amount of mountains. Additionally I believe you can select arid climate.
The maps are beautiful, but still nowhere as interesting to explore and play as the largest ynamp Terra maps.
Someone know if you can make a map in worldbuilder now and play it right away without using the play your custom map mod?
Maybe I just got unlucky, but my first Continent map out of the gate looks pretty "ordinary"-i.e no different to what I got in Vanilla or R&F.
Been playing Inca so the extra mountains are nice. Probably not gonna feel that as much as I try another civ.
Add me as well to the list of people who are loving the more feature-rich maps. This is overall the biggest thing I love about Civ 6 -- how you have districts (especially encampments!) and wonders taking up a full tile, how they added cliffs, and so on. I love all the extra detail on the maps.

I would love it if they added some canyon-like features that they had in beyond earth.
I have noticed that unlike vanilla and R & F, GS's mountain ranges pretty consistently have mountain passes. Which means you no longer have to go .... all.... the... way... around... to... get... to... the... other.... side.
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