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DD01 - Double Trouble

According to my last post this is probably with Calis

:bump: :wavey:
building and exploring

building and exploring

Ooops I forgot that cities lose population when building settlers. :crazyeye: Played too much on Civ4.
Just lots of walking, roading & irrigating at the moment

GPS to Calis
Oh no, now Salte has fallen off of the earth (no contact since 4/14). When (if) he returns, I'm going to see if I can find a player not in this game to play keeper of the passwords, so that we won't have to abandon the game if one of us goes AWOL. As of now all we can do is hope Salte returns to us soon, safe and happy.
Ok, looks like Salte isn't coming back

I don't have the admin password or Salte's, so this one can RIP

If there is any interest, I'd like to try this one again.

Any takers?
Looks like game 1 is dying (MIA Salte), so I'm looking to see if there's any interest in starting up a new game with the same parameters. If so, please check-in in the game 1 thread. Thanks

Checking in. :)
Looks like the Fall of Rome may not get off the ground. But as I indicated earlier this looks like a lot of fun, so if you're starting up a new, count me in.

Tribe choices: Celts and Ottoman. Oh, wait. Is Calis still wanting the Otoman tribe? If so, let me know.
Shame it was such a lovely land with friendly neighbours

I know what you mean, I had popped 3 techs and a settler for each tribe.

Ok,we're almost all set:

Calis - Playing England and Ottomans
Cyc - Playing Celts & ???
Hawklord - Playing Vikings and Babylon
DenyD - Playing Sumer & Iroquois

Cyc: Looks like Calis is keeping Ottomans, so you'll need to pick a 2nd tribe
Hawklord: If you'd like to change tribe let me know
I believe I'll try the Inca tribe.
No, I made a mistake here. I meant to say the Mayans, not the Incas. Hope it's not too late to change.
No problem - I won't be starting on the map until later tonight (after I work on the Saber-Council tech deal)

Since there are no EXP tribes in the game, I'm going to replace the starting scout for each tribe with a starting Explorer. That should help negate some of my map knowledge.

I'm planning on using the original parameters that I gave GBNO1Fan, lots of resources, need to cross ocean for contact and limited crappy land.
How's the map coming along, denyd?
Sorry about the delay (map making lost out to keeping the wife happy on Mother's Day).

I've got 2 islands done and should be able to finish the others soon, unless you'd like the one that's mostly swamp & jungles while everyone else has BG, Cattle & Wheat.

I should probably start collecting passwords (please e-mail them to me) so that there won't be an additional delay.
:lol: Not a problem. I know how wives can be. Had one.

I thought I was getting the Swamp/Jungle island by default. ;) Jus kidding, I can wait. I'll send my password.
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