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DD01 - Double Trouble

Just a quick update.

Continent #3 has terrain added, I'll probably complete Continent # 4 tonight. On Wednesday I'll add the resources & rivers. I should be able to complete the map and all the rule changes on Thursday and send it out that night.
Ok, thanks.
Quick update, got delayed a bit with real life, but the map is complete, my only worry is I'm a bit to liberal with resources & luxuries. The game will probably play at Regent (except there's no AI). I'll work on the ruleset this afternoon and hopefully send out turn 1 later today.

Still need an E-mail from Hawklord with his password, but I'll assign a default rather than hold up the game if necessary.
Yep, I understand married life....
Having trouble finding the place to setup the starting units. I found it last week and can't find it now. Once I find that, all I have left to do is setup the order of play and we'll begin.
Ok, got the starting units set and run a quick test on it tonight and if all works, we'll be starting tonight.

Hawklord: Password recieved, thanks
Ok, save has been sent to Cyc

Somehow, I managed to end up with barbarians as roaming (thought I had set them to sendentary)

Take a look at the game when you get it and make sure everything looks ok to you. If need be we can restart pretty easy at this time.

Everyone should have 2 Settlers, 2 Workers & 1 Explorer

Each start is on a river with a food bonus & a nearby luxury

Best of luck to all
Got and played the save. Both of my tribes only had 1 Settler and 1 Worker. Each had an Explorer. Probably means a restart. But if we're going to start with two Settlers each, let's not play on a Standard sized map. Let's go large.

Also, I didn't get Calis' email. Should I use the one supplied in the first post? Is that still valid?

I liked both starts. But what if everyone else got two Settlers and 2 Workers? Or just the non-Agri tribes got two. Anyway, if we're restarting, I'm hoping we're not using a Standard sized map.

Oh, and niether of my starts were on a river (blue on the tile), but both were next to a river tile.
Yes, my Email is still valid.

But please let's stay at standard and switch to two settlers to speed up the starting period.
Ok, GPS to Calis.
The map is set at standard (which is 125 X 125 default) but I increased the map size to 200 X 200 so that we'd keep the cheaper techs, yet have a lot more space.

I'll fix the starting units when I get home and send it to you again.

A couple of questions if you happen to remember the start.

Do you remember how much gold you had at the start?

We're you on a river with a food bonus? (to check for a river, see if your tile had any gold)

The turn should have been 3950 BC, right?
I started with 50 gold, like you planned. My starting tiles did have 1 commerce, so I guess they were both river tiles. And the year was 3950bc.

I like his map/start. Let's play! That is after you've fixed the sarting units quantity.

Did you send it to Hawklord, Calis? So he could double-check his start?
Sorry, I misunderstood your question DenyD. I thought you asked for the previous game.

So I didn't play htis turn, yet.

Should I play it or are we going to restart??
You can go ahead and play it and make sure everything looks ok. I'll be adding the missing units and re-sending the start to Cyc later tonight.
I just spent 3 hours trying to add the extra units without success. I've sent a couple of requests for help and hopefully I'll get a reply tomorrow. I'll work on it again tomorrow.
Not a problem for me, denyd. I'd be happy playing this game the way it is. The problem is all the extra work it's caused you and the two week delay in starting the game.

Forget about the extra units and let's just play as is before I forget why I show up here several imes a day. This is getting dissappointing, to say the least.
What's bugging me is that it is adding the explorer, but not adding the additional worker & settler.

File will be out tonight whether or not I get the extra units added.
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