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DD01 - Double Trouble

Just to be sure, these are the rules for the game, correct? I realize the game may be played in Regent (no biggie), but did we get the Barbs back to Sedentary? This would be a good thing to know. Other than what's listed below, is there anything else we need to know?

Number of human players: 4 (2 tribes each)
Number of AI: Zero
Level: Monarch
Size: Standard (or Large)
Map: Normal weather & terrain on a Continents map

(Wrapping X=yes, Y=??)
Barbarians: Sedentary
SGL: On, but cannot rush Major Wonders (this is by agreement)
Statue of Zeus: Available for 300 shields, no ivory required

Map parameters (hand made by GBNO1Fan):
Each player will have their two tribes alone on their continent.
Resources will be plentiful (strategic, luxury & bonus)
Contact will require crossing multiple ocean tiles

Special rules:
Allied tribes are those owned by same human.
They can not trade workers or cities with each other.
They can not go to war with each other.
Maybe using Locked Alliances (Map Maker checking on this)
Barbarians are Roaming (turns out this is set at map generation time and cannot be changed)

Map is Standard for calculations (OCN, tech rate, etc) but enlarged from 125X125 to 200X200

Statue of Zeus is original price, no ivory but is now a minor wonder (no traits)
Also Knights Templar is a minor wonder (no traits) also original price

I felt if one guy got both of these might be unbalancing for the rest, so now everyone can have Crusaders & AC

Hopefully, I've got everyone set to monarch and there should be 50g

I managed to give an explorer to each tribe and will work on the extra worker & settler

X-wrap is yes and Y-wrap is no

Didn't try the locked alliance setup, but this can be handled by agreement (same with worker trading)

I probably gave everyone too many resources (strategic, food & luxury) so this game will play a lot easier than the settings. There is a lot of water to be crossed to reach a neighbor so even the SEA tribes will have to use a Suicide Gambit before Galleons (even with Great Lighthouse).
I figured out what was wrong and the save has been sent to Cyc.

Take a quick look around on turn 1 and let me know if you see any gamebreakers.

GPS (not really played) to Cyc to start us off
GPS to Calis.

2 Setlers and two Workers. One Explorer. The right year, although I forgot to look at he gold amount. You probably didn't mess with that, as it was correct last time. Everthing looked good to me.

I'm really glad we got this game going. Hopefully, it moves quickly. You guys got lucky, here's my starting position. That's my Mayan guy looking at my Celt guy, but too cold to move.

Thanks to Bobv2. Too funny.


  • starting position.jpg
    starting position.jpg
    38 KB · Views: 56
1. DenyD
2. Cyc
3. Calis
4. Hawklord

I think...

Yes, that's close enough. I believe denyd tried to make it so I was first and he was last, but I'm not sure if he was successful.
GPS to Cyc
GPS to Calis. Man this is slow.
Is my clock wrong or do we really need a day and a half to move a Settler, two workers, and an explorer? I mean was there a death in the family? Are you getting divorced? Did someone fly planes onto a building in NYC? What gives? I mean if 4 moves takes a day and a half, what's it going to be like in 500bc? This game will never finish.
No, but I only have access to the internet at work as I am working away from home. If it arrives on a Sunday when there is a bank holiday I don't get it until today. I will play tonight and send tomorrow.
GPS to Cyc
GPS to Calis.
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