December World - game thread

The Russian Commonwealth, as the foremost proponent of peace and prosperity in Europe, condemns the current conflict engulfing Iberia. We call for an immediate armistice, reject any proposals to escalate the conflict, and invite the participants to convene in our non-capital of St. Petersburg to negotiate a settlement.
From: The joint declaration of the Italian President, Senate and Parliament
To: Portugal-Brazil and Communard France
CC: The entire world

Italy hereby declares its full support to the Iberian Republic. We demand an immediate retreat of both Portugal-Brazil and France from any Iberian Terretory and a stop of all hostilities towards the Iberian Republic.
We hereby put of a 3-day (real life till 8pm MESZ 04.04) ultimatum towards both the Twin Crowns of Portugal-Brazil and Communard France to fullfil these demands. Come to the negotiation table and cease your hostile actions towards the Iberian Republic or face the consequences.

We hereby declare, that, if this ultimatum should be ignored, we consider ourselves at war with all nations invading the Iberian Republic.
We stand with them for freedom, republicanism and democracy and will not tolerate any attempts at supressing them.

We also join the Iberian call for support towards all free nations of the world. Do not sit by idle while Autocrats and Communards destroy the freedom of smaller nations. Let us stop this madness together, free people of the world.
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The Commune of France shall send representatives to St. Petersburg to discuss the spot of bother afoot in Iberia.
North German Federation appreciate the Russian Commonwealth's call for sanity and peace in these turbulent times, and will be sending representatives to Petrograd in order to help observe and negotiate peace in Iberia.
North German Federation raises objection to Italy being allowed to join the conference after their declaration of war against our signatory partners in France and Portugal-Brazil, and will withdraw all representatives and mediation assistance should Russia allow them to sabotage the conference with their presence. If this comes to pass, we shall call for a new conference in Hamburg or London.
The Commune of France raises a formal protest to the Italian state sending representatives to this conference. The purpose of this conference is to establish a lasting peace in Iberia, not to coddle the delusions of Mediterranean robber-barons. The matter at-hand will not permit Italian meddling. We respectfully request the Russian Commonwealth bar the attendance of Italian representatives.
From: Quebec
To: Iberia, France, Italy, Portugal-Brazil

Quebec is saddened by the news of the war in Iberia. Our stance is one of strict neutrality when it comes to matters of the European continent. We, however, have a humanitarian duty towards those who seek refuge from oppression and war. As such we announce that Quebec opens its borders to Iberian refugees. Iberian refugees will be given the choice of either staying in Quebec until the end of the war or, if they wish so, shall be granted immediately Quebec citizenship so that they can enjoy the same rights as all Canadians. Our country was built on immigration and we welcome Iberians who want to make Quebec their new homeland. We hope that the warring powers shall not prevent civilians from fleeing the warzones.

Men and women of Iberia, beware the attack of the bourgeoisie!

BEWARE, BRAVE CITIZENS OF SPAIN! The evil forces of the Italian Mafia Republic have shown their true colors. Dark armies, lurking in shadows, seeking to ATTACK and to KILL innocent Catalonians whose political associations they fear, have emerged from the woodwork SLAUGHTERING police officers in the line of duty. Now their blood runs in the streets, testament to the brutal iniquity of the Italian state. Their widows cry and the mafia gangsters seek to assuage their guilt with flashes of silver. UNPRINCIPLED GANGSTERS, WHO PUT A DOLLAR SIGN ON THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE!

WAR WAS BROUGHT TO IBERIA BY THE ITALIANS! Unsatisfied with their greedy plundering of the Iberian workers, Italy demonstrates it has no qualms sending its agents to create more widows for police officers and honest workingpeoples.

WORKERS OF IBERIA, RISE UP! Your government has failed you! War is upon you, a war in which the bourgeois elite sitting fat and comfortable in Madrid sell your entire nation to Italian businessmen! A war in which Iberia's destiny is not her own! A war in which you have to watch your countrymen die while your government, too corrupt and too inept to move from its glutted stupor, sits dazed and worthless. Will you sit and watch while your country is sacrificed to the unholy devils of capitalism?

No longer! The time is now for you to take your destiny in hand and plant your banner in the ground! Unfurl the flags of the working class and seize your moment!

¡No passaran! ¡Per la llibertat i la justícia!

We eye the conference warily, and hope that it results in no territorial changes whatsoever.
We eye the conference warily, and hope that it results in no territorial changes whatsoever.
That is the ideal solution, yes.

We are sure that France and Portugal Brazil will agree that a neutral, independent Iberian Republic is to their best interests if they are only willing to stop calling each other slurs and names/
The Italian Republic hereby declares, that, if the other powers also do, we will agree to a ceasefire for the duration of the conference.

We also issue an apology to the British Royal family. Next time we will speak about Monarchism in general and not the British Royal family in specific.
In the interests of stability and prosperity in Europe, Russia proposes the following 6-point peace plan.

1) An immediate end to hostilities between all combatants, formally declared or not.

2) A Government of National Unity between the Liberal Government in Madrid and the PICT in Barcelona.

3) An end to the ban on Communist and Monarchist parties that agree to abide by the ceasefire in Article 1.

4) A referendum on the status of the monarchy, organized according to the timetable set by the National Unity Government.

5) The expulsion of the influence of international criminal syndicates from Iberia, including but not limited to the Italian Mafia.

6) The maintenance of Iberia's territorial integrity, notwithstanding any autonomous governments or territories.
Portugal-Brazil raises the following objections in response to the Russian terms:

2. We reject the blatant exclusion of the monarchist parties from the 'government of national unity'
4. We reject a referendum overseen by the puppets of the mafia and the communists

At current terms, the peace plan must be rejected by Her Most Imperial and Royal Majesty's government
North German Federation raises diplomatic objection to a peace that forces the Iberian government to form a supposed National Unity Government with the PICT against rights of national sovereignty, or vice versa.
China, as the preeminent power in the Mediterranean, supports such efforts to maintain a general peace as providence provides.

Notwithstanding the above, China reiterates its guarantee of the Baelrics. This is intended to ensure that neutral commerce has a port from which to form convoys and to submit to such reasonable checks for contraband and so forth as the parties to the conflict might require.

China asks that the current parties to the dispute — France, Porto-Brazil and Italy — acknowledge and agree to respect this guarantee.
North German Federation raises diplomatic objections to Taiping Mandate regarding this sudden declaration of protection of the Balearics Isles, done without seeking opinion of Iberian governments.

While Taiping Mandate may be well intentioned in their actions we must object to this statement as this action will likely inevitably force Taiping military involvement in the war and excacerbate the situation further.
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