Any game at CDG has nothing to do with the CivFanatics DG3 so any plan that requires that site does not need to be discussed here.
Using PTW will cause a significant number of our players to not be able to look at a save. They would never be able to be President or DP. It would be very difficult and cumbersome for them to manage an office. Yes, there have been Leaders in the past who could not load the game. For some of the very low intensity positions (Judiciary, Science) this is not a great issue. For the higher Council positions and all Governor I cannot conceive how a Leader could do their job without looking at the save game.
The idea of a multiplayer PTW game is attractive but again this should be viewed as a separate entity from the demogame. donsig and other proponents, I'd be happy to help you get that started and perform moderator duties on those forums if they are approved.
What we are left with for Demogame 3 is a choice between PTW and Civ3. The major benefit of PTW is multiplayer and that isn't needed for the democracy game. The rest is candy (new civs, units, improvements). I am not willing to shut out a large number of our players just to have those additions. If anybody still has a compelling reason why we should use PTW then I will listen, otherwise I consider this a closed issue.