DemoGame Rules - The Three Books

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Donovan Zoi

The Return
Oct 22, 2002
People of Fanatica, behold the Three Books!

This is the home for the new DemoGame 4 ruleset. Our nation is governed by three sets of laws --- the Constitution, the Code of Laws(CoL) and the Code of Standards(CoS). All are presented here in their entirety. Take note that due to the length of the CoL and the CoS, their contents have been divided into 2 and 3 posts respectively.

My thanks go out to Ravensfire for formatting this entire document. :)

This is not a discussion thread.
The Constitution of Fanatica

We, the people of Fanatica, in order to create an atmosphere of 
friendship and cooperation, establish this Constitution of our 
beloved country. We uphold the beliefs that each citizen must 
have an equal voice in the government and ruling of our country, 
that government itself is a construct of and servant to the people,
that rules, regulations, and laws should be established to 
facilitate the active participation of the people and to make 
possible the dreams and desires of the citizens.

Article A.  All Civfanatics Forum users who register in the Citizen 
            Registry are citizens of our country. Citizens have the 
            right to assemble, the right to free movement, the right 
            to free speech, the right to a fair trial, the right to 
            representation, the right to seek to redress grievances 
            and the right to vote.

Article B.  Governing rules shall consist of these Articles of the 
            Constitution, such amendments that shall follow and lower
            forms of law that may be implemented. No rule shall be 
            valid that contradicts these Articles excepting an 
            amendment specifically tasked to do so.

Article C.  The government will consist of the Executive Branch, 
            Legislative Branch and Judicial Branch.

Article D.  The Executive branch is responsible for determining 
            and implementing the will of the People. It is headed
            by thePresident who shall be the primary Designated 
            Player. The President shall take direction from a 
            council of 4 leaders and from other elected and appointed 
            officials via the turnchat instruction thread.
              1.  The Minister of Internal Affairs shall be 
                  responsible for all domestic and cultural 
                  initiatives, as prescribed by law.
              2.  The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be responsible
                  for matters involving treaties with foreign nations, 
                  as prescribed by law.
              3.  The Minister of Defense shall be responsible for all
                  military strategy and troop activities, as 
                  prescribed by law.
              4.  The Minister of Trade and Technology shall be 
                  responsible for all tech acquisition and trade 
                  initiatives, as prescribed by law.

Article E.  The Legislative Branch will be formed of two houses. 
            The Senate will be formed of the Provincial Governors, 
            each of whom are responsible for the care, management 
            and use of the cities and lands of a province in 
            addition to legislative responsibilities.  The Congress
            will be formed of the entirety of the citizenry and is 
            responsible for the drafting of new Laws.

Article F.  The Judicial Branch will consist of one Chief Justice
            and two Associate Justices. These three justices are 
            tasked with upholding the Constitution and its supporting 
            laws (if any) in a fair and impartial manner as prescribed 
            by law. The Chief Justice shall have the additional 
            responsibility to organize and conduct the affairs of the 
            Judicial Branch.

Article G.  All elected positions shall have a fixed term. All vacant 
            elected positions shall be filled by appointment of a 
            citizen to fulfill the remainder of the term.

Article H.  No person shall hold multiple positions of leadership 
            (President, Department Leader, Judiciary, Provincial 
            Governor) simultaneously.

Article I.  Census, and Amending the Constitution
              1.  The census shall be defined as the average number 
                  of votes cast, dropping fractions, in each of the
                  contested elections in the most recent general 
              2.  Ratification of Amendments to the Constitution 
                  shall require each of the following:
                a.  A poll which is open for at least 48 hours, which 
                    states the text of the proposed new section(s), 
                    the text of the section(s) being replaced, and 
                    posing the question in the form of yes / no / 
                b.  A majority of yes votes.
                c.  A number of yes votes greater than or equal to 
                    2/3 the census current at the start of voting on 
                    the amendment, dropping any fraction therein.

Article J.  Elected officials must plan and act according to the will 
            of the people.

Article K.  All irreversible game actions must progress during a 
            public turnchat, while reversible game actions(ie build 
            queues) that adhere to legal instruction can be prepared 

Article L.  The constitution, laws and standards of Fanatika can never 
            be contrary to the rules and regulations of the 
            Civfanatics forums. Moderators may veto any such 
            constitutional amendments, laws or standards.

Article M.  Commission of any game action by any person other than 
            the Designated Player while carrying out their duties 
            that is not instantly reversible without reloading the 
            save is strictly forbidden.
              1.  Exception: Determining options in the renegotiation 
                  of Peace agreements requires an action of acceptance 
                  or war to exit the bargain screen. This may be done 
                  but the game must be immediately closed without 
Code of Laws(Sections A - C)

A. Citizen Rights 
  1. Right to Assemble 
    a.  Citizens may form civilian agencies/groups to 
        perform specific tasks or promote specific agendas. 
      1.  Examples include a history tracking group and 
          activists for or against war. 
      2.  Citizen groups may lobby for candidates and agendas. 
    b.  Political parties (slate polling) are not permitted. 

  2.  Right to Free Movement 
    a.  Each citizen resides in a city of Fanatika. 
    b.  Citizens choose where they live and may change this 
        location at will. 

  3.  Right to Free Speech 
    a.  Citizens may post their comments in forum threads 
    b.  Citizens may post their comments in chats wherever 
    c.  Citizens may create discussion threads on any topic. 
    d.  Citizens may create polls on any topic. 

  4.  Right to a Fair Trial 
    a.  A citizen accused of a crime is considered innocent 
        unless proven otherwise. 
    b.  Cases will be tried by the Judiciary and citizenry 
        through discussion, judged by the Judiciary, and 
        sentenced by the votes of the citizenry.
  5.  Right to Representation 
    a.  The citizenry forms the Congress and thereby controls
        the passage of laws and amendments. 

  6.  Right to Seek a Redress of Grievances
    a.  Any citizen may call to account any violation of the 
        Constitution or Code of Laws. 
    b.  Any citizen can request that a departmental leader 
        post a poll that lies within that leader's 
      1.  If two other citizens agree with the proposed poll
          (proposal seconded and carried) the request becomes
          a demand and the leader must comply. 

  7.  Right to Vote 
    a.  All citizens have the right to vote in all public 
    b.  No citizen will be forced to cast their vote against 
        their conscience. 
    c.  No citizen will vote more than once in the same poll. 

B.  The Executive Branch 
  1.  Presidency 
    a.  The Leader of the Executive Branch is the President. 
    b.  The Deputy of the Presidency is the Vice President. 
    c.  Is responsible for determining what to do with Great 
    d.  Is responsible for worker activities. 
    e.  Is responsible for policies, plans and agendas for 
        departments when these have not been set by a 
    f.  Is responsible for policies, plans and agendas for 
        items and activities that have not been defined as a 
        task of an individual department or leader. 
  2.  Council 
    a.  The Council of the Executive Branch consists of the 
        Leaders of the 4 departments. 
    b.  Each department shall have a deputy. 
    c.  Department Leaders share several powers and 
        responsibilities, regardless of department. 
      1.  Post polls and discussions to determine citizen 
          desires for departmental policies, plans and 
      2.  Cast a tie-breaking vote in the polls determining 
          their departmental policies, plans and agendas. 
      3.  Formulate departmental policies, plans and agendas 
          based on citizen feedback. 
      4.  Formulate departmental policies, plans and agendas 
          of their own in the absence of citizen feedback 
          (forum outage, low participation, etc). 
      5.  Convey these policies, plans and agendas to the 
          President for play in the game. 
    d.  Departmental powers and responsibilities may overlap. 
        If overlap should cause the creation of non-
        complementary plans, departmental precedence shall 
        be determined by rank in the Chain of Command. 
    e.  Ministry of Internal Affairs 
      1.  Is responsible for settler placement. 
      2.  Is responsible for wonder building, including 
      3.  Governor of cities that do not have a provincial 
      4.  Is responsible for the mapping of Provincial 
      5.  Evaluate Cultural needs of all cities.
      6.  Monitor overall happiness of COUNTRY_NAME.
      7.  Coordinate efforts of Governors on national 
    f.   Ministry of Defense       
      1.  Is responsible for troop movements. 
      2.  Is responsible for defensive plans. 
      3.  Is responsible for offensive plans. 
      4.  Is responsible for troop upgrades and terminations. 
      5.  Track relative strength of foreign nations
    g.   Ministry of Foreign Affairs
      1.  Is responsible for declarations of war. 
      2.  Is responsible for peace treaties. 
      3.  Is responsible for construction of embassies. 
      4.  Is responsible for rights of passage. 
      5.  Is responsible for trade embargoes. 
      6.  Is responsible for mutual protection pacts. 
      7.  Is responsible for placement of spies. 
      8.  Is responsible for intelligence gathering, 
          spying and sabotage. 
      9.  Track world-wide diplomatic situation.
    h.   Ministry of Trade and Technology
      1.  Is responsible for tech research queue. 
      2.  Is responsible for tech trades. 
      3.  Is responsible for tech espionage. 
      4.  Is responsible for trade deals. 
      5.  Is responsible for tracking the status and 
          expiration of established deals. 
C.  The Legislative Branch 
  1.  The Senate (Governors) 
    a.  Structure
      1.  The Senate shall be comprised of all Provincial 
        A.  Should the number of provinces at the beginning 
            of a term be less than 3, a number of At-Large 
            Governors shall be elected.
          1.  The number of At-Large Governors shall be that
              needed to bring the total number of Governors 
              to 3.
          2.  Should a new province be formed in mid-term, 
              and an At-Large Governor exist, the At-Large 
              Governor receiving the most votes in support 
              during the election shall become the Provincial 
              Governor of the new province.
      2.  The Senatorial President shall be the Vice-President
        B.  The Senatorial President shall be empowered to 
            vote only when a Senate vote is tied.                   
    b.  A governor organizes the production of their province.
      1.  A governor organizes the build queues of the cities 
          in thier province
      1.  A governor organizes the tile use in their province. 
      2.  If a tile is unused, it may be used by a city in a 
          neighboring province. 
      3.  A governor organizes tile development in their 
      4.  A governor may determine if population rushing is 
          to be used in a city within their province.
    c.  The Senate shall meet prior to each turn chat and 
        vote on the slider settings for the next game play 
        session in a Senate Slider poll.
      1.  The results of this vote shall be posted by the 
          Senatorial President in the game play session 
          instruction thread.
      2.  Should the Senate fail to determine the slider 
          settings, the Designated Player shall determine the 
          slider settings.
    d.  The Senate shall meet prior to each turn chat and vote 
        on all cash requests in a Cash Request poll. 
      1.  These requests should be made in the Senate thread, 
          or another designated thread indicated in the first 
          post of the Senate thread.
      2.  Each request should be considered individually 
          unless the requestor specified otherwise.
      3.  Each request should be voted on seperately.
      4.  Should more requests be approved than funds 
          available, requests shall be conducted in the order 
          determined by the Designated Player.                 
  2.  The Congress (Citizens) 
    a.  Comprised of all registered citizens of Fanatika. 
    b.  Provincial borders shall be determined and approved 
        by the Congress. 
      1.  A province should contain no more than 
          approximately 126 tiles
      2.  Provincial borders shall be defined well ahead of 
      3.  When a defined province grows to 3 cities in the 
          middle of an term, and no At-Large Governor exists, 
          a temporary governor must be appointed by the 
          A.  Any citizen may post a refusal poll for the 
      4.  Any citizen may request a redistricting poll be 
          held by creating a new thread in the Citizen's sub-
          forum with the request.  Should more than 2 other 
          citizens second the request, the Minister of 
          Internal Affairs shall create a redistricting poll. 
        a.  This poll shall ask the question "Shall we 
            redefine the boundaries of our Provinces?" and 
            be open for 4 days.
        b.  If the poll meets a quorum level of 2/3 the 
            census and 2/3 of the votes support the question, 
            the Minister of the Interior shall immediately 
            conduct a discussion on redefining the boundaries 
            of all Provinces.
        c.  Once all boundaries have been created, the entire 
            plan shall be polled for acceptance.  There shall 
            be no quorum level, and the poll shall be open 
            for 4 days.  If 2/3 of the votes accept the 
            proposal, the new boundaries shall become active 
            with the next election. 
  3.  Legislative Polls
    a.  Senate Polls
      1.  Slider Polls
        A.  Proposal shall list all slider options under 
        B.  Poll shall be in open response format (normal 
            post option, not a poll).
        C.  The setting with the most votes shall be the 
            approved setting.
        D.  The minimum duration for this poll is 24 hours.
      2.  Cash Request Polls
        A.  Proporal shall list all cash requests.
        B.  Poll shall be in open response format (normal 
            post option, not a poll).
        C.  Each request receiving a majority of the total 
            votes in support shall be considered approved.
        D.  The minimum duration for this poll is 24 hours.
Code of Laws(Sections D - J)

D.  Judiciary
  1.  The judiciary is comprised of three members, the Chief 
      Justice, and 2 Associate Justices

  2.  All members of the judiciary share several rights and 
    a.  Do not have Deputies but may appoint Pro-Tem 
        officials if they are unable to fulfill their duties. 
        Pro-Tem officials have all of the rights and 
        responsibilities of the officials they are filling 
        in for but are a temporary position and must 
        surrender their pro-tem status upon the request of 
        the official. 
    b.  Participate in Judicial Review to determine the 
        legality of proposed amendments, laws and standards. 
    c.  Initiate and participate in Judicial Review to 
        interpret and clarify existing amendments, laws and 
    d.  Participate in Citizen Complaints.
    e.  Post Legislative polls that have passed Judicial 

  3.  The Chief Justice 
    a.  Is responsible for posting the current census at the 
        beginning of each term. 
    b.  Is responsible for updating and maintaining the 
        Judicial Log. 
    d.  Is responsible for monitoring investigation threads 
        to keep them on topic and accurate. 

  4.  Associate Justices
    a.  Aid the Chief Justice as requested.

E.  Forum Moderators 
  1.  Democracy game forum moderators are responsible for 
      site maintenance. 
  2.  Democracy game forum moderators are responsible for 
      enforcing Civfanatics Forum rules within the Democracy 
      Game Forums. 
  3.  Democracy game forum moderators are responsible for 
      overseeing the election process and determining the 
      validity of election results.

F.  Elections
  1.  Elections shall be supervised by the Election Office 
      under guidance from the Moderators.
    a.  At the conclusion of an election cycle, the Election 
        Office shall:
      1.  Determine and post the results of the election in 
          a thread in the main forum.
      2.  Determine and post the dates of the next election 
          cycle in the first post of the Election Office.
  2.  For the purposes of this clause, all times shall be 
      expressed in GMT.

  3.  The following offices shall have one calendar month
      terms, beginning on the first day of that month
    a.  President
    b.  Minister of Internal Affairs
    c.  Minister of Defense
    d.  Minister of Foreign Affairs
    e.  Minister of Trade and Technology
    f.  Chief Justice
    g.  2 Associate Justice 
    h.  1 Provincial Governor per Province
    i.  At-Large Govenors, if needed
  4.  Elections shall be conducted according to the following 
    a.  Nominations shall start 7 days before the end of the 
        month and run until the election polls are posted.
    b.  Debates shall start 7 days before the end of the 
        month and run until the election polls close.
    c.  Election polls shall start 4 days before the end of 
        the month and run for 3 days.
  5.  The citizen gathering the most votes in an election is 
      deemed the winner of that election.
    a.  Should more than one citizen tie with the highest 
        totals, a run-off election lasting 2 days shall be 
        immediately posted listing only the tied citizens.

G.  Chain of Command 
  1.  Determines the Designated Player if the President is 
      unavailable for the turn chat. 
    a.  If no citizen in the CoC is present at the game play 
        session, the session shall be ended.
  2.  Settles departmental jurisdiction conflicts. 
  3.  COC 
    a.  President 
    b.  Vice President 
    c.  Minister of Internal Affairs
    d.  Minister of Defense
    e.  Minister of Foreign Affairs
    f.  Minister of Trade and Technology

H.  Vacant Positions
  1.  Leader positions that remain unfilled after an election 
      shall be filled via appointment by the President. 
    a.  Any citizen may post a refusal poll within 24 hours
        of the appointment. 
  2.  Deputies
    a.  Each elected office in the Executive and Legislative 
        branch shall have a Deputy. This Deputy is appointed 
        by the office holder.
      1.  Any citizen may post a refusal poll within 24 hours
          of the appointment. 
    b.  No elected official may be appointed a Deputy.
    c.  A citizen may only be appointed to one Deputy position.

  3.  Leader positions that become vacant mid-term shall be 
      filled by appointing the deputy for that position as 
    a.  A mid-term vacancy in the Judiciary shall be filled 
        by a triumvirate vote between the President and the 
        other two Justices determining and approving the 
      1.  Any citizen may request a refusal poll within 24 
          hours of the appointement.

I.  Legal Instructions
  1.  A legal instruction is any instruction, posted in the 
      turn chat instruction thread at least one hour prior 
      to the start of the turn chat, by a citizen empowered 
      to do so, within the limitations of the office the 
      citizen is representing.

J.  Amending the Code of Laws
  1.  Polls to amend the Code of Laws shall be posted by the 
      Judiciary upon succesful completion of a Judicial Review.
  2.  Polls are to be in anonymous responder format (standard 
      Forum poll option). 
    a.  Proposal must be in Yes/No/Abstain format. 
    b.  Polls will stay open until: 
      1.  All votes have been cast, or; 
      2.  A quorum has responded and further votes cannot 
          affect the outcome of the vote, or; 
      3.  The posted poll closing time has been reached. 
        1.  Minimum duration to run a poll is 48 hours. 
    c.  The quorum for changes in the Code of Laws is 1/2 of 
        the census. 
    d.  A simple majority of support is required to adopt or 
        alter a law.
Code of Standards(Sections A - G)

A.  The Citizen Registry  
  1.  All persons wishing to play the Democracy Game should 
      register in the Citizen Registry thread. 
    a.  Citizens should edit their post in the registry if
        the facts stated there change.

B.  Forum Organization 
  1.  Main Forum - Game play related information    
    a.  Intro Thread / Meta Index (sticky)
    b.  Citizen Registry (sticky)
    c.  Needed Things (sticky)
    d.  Nomination index (seasonal) (sticky)
    e.  Constitution/Code of Laws/Code of Standards (sticky)
    f.  Game Saves and Chat Log index (sticky)
    g.  Judicial Log (sticky)
    h.  Official Absence (sticky)
    i.  Turn chat schedule / Chat instruction thread index / 
        Statistics thread 
    j.  Turn chat threads 
    k.  Election threads (nominations, polls) 
    l.  Threads should be opened here only by Mods and 
        citizens needing to do so for an office.
  2.  Government Sub-forum - Government related information     
    a.  Government Thread Index (all branches) (sticky)
    b.  Offices Index (appointed/created positions) (sticky)
    c.  City Index and Registry (sticky)
    d.  Creative History Department (sticky)
    e.  Creative History Department - Storyline (sticky)
    f.  Senate 
    g.  Government Threads 
    h.  Province Threads 
    i.  City Threads 
    j.  Office Threads 
    k.  Maps (Cartographic Society)     
    l.  Citizens are allowed to post, but not to open their 
        own threads. Threads should be created by mods, 
        leaders and those needing to do so for an office.  
        All discussion should be spawned to the citizen 
        forum with only a link in the governmental forum to 
        avoid clutter. The result of the discussion should 
        be brought back to the government forum thereafter. 
  3.   Citizen Sub-forum - Citizen related information 
    a.  Citizen group Index & Registry (sticky)
    b.  Discussion Registry (sticky)
    c.  Citizen groups 
    d.  Discussions 
  4.   Poll Sub-forum - Polls 
    a.  Poll Registry (sticky)
    b.  Citizen Polls 
    c.  Leader Polls

C.  Game Schedule
  1.  Regular Game Sessions
    a.  The turn chat schedule shall be created by the 
    b.  The schedule shall always have at least two chats
        on the schedule, including the chat taking place on 
        the current date.
    c.  Once set, the schedule may not be changed expect for:
      1.  Correct a minor typing error.  This change must be
          done within 12 hours of the initial post for that
          turn chat.
      2.  Extenuating circumstances within the game requiring
          additional discussion time.  This change must be
          done within 24 hours of the end of the turn chat
          producing the circumstance, and may only delay
          the turn chat.
      3.  Extenuating circumstances outside of the requiring
          additional discussion time.  This change shall only
          be done by the Judiciary acting unanimously.
    d.  All changes shall be posted in the Schedule thread,
        the Presidential thread and as a new thread in the 
        Citizen's sub-forum.  
  2.  Special Game Sessions
    a.  The President may schedule a special game session to
        accomplish a single, specific task.
    b.  The need for this task must be supported by either a
        poll or through significant support in a discussion.
    c.  The chat shall be scheduled no earlier than 24 hours
        from when the chat was added to the schedule.
    d.  A turn chat instruction thread must be posted for 
        this special session, and shall include only:
      1.  The date and time of the chat, in GMT;
      2.  A link to the save to be used;
      3.  The reasons and the support for the chat;
      4.  The specific action to be take.
      5.  No other instructions from the Executive or
          Legislative branches shall be posted.

D.  Turn Chat Instruction Thread 
  1.  All instructions to be played out in the turn chat 
      must be entered in the turn chat instruction thread. 
    a.  Any instructions that are not posted to the turn 
        chat instruction thread before the start of the turn 
        chat are not considered official. 
  2.  Thread organization 
    a.  Threads will be created in the Main forum 
    b.  One Thread will be used per Turn-Chat 
    c.  The Thread will be called "Turn Chat Instructions 
        [save game date] [date of turn chat]" 
    d.  The Thread of the upcoming turn-chat will be stickied 
    e.  Only the upcoming turn chat thread and the last turn 
        chat thread should be open, the others should be 
        closed if all info posted to stop misposting of 
  3.  Post organization 
    a.  Specified files should be uploaded with the file 
        server upload (link at bottom of Forum pages) and a 
        URL link should be put in the applicable post. 
    b.  First Post: 
      1.  Time and date when the chat will be held 
         a.  Time should be expressed in GMT
      2.  Save game which will be used 
      3.  Any other information the President considers
    c.  Following Posts: 
      1.  Turn chat instructions from the officials, one 
          post per department and province 
    d.  Game Save Posts
      1.  Used for uploading the intermittent saves during 
          the chat. 
    e.  Last Posts 
      1.  Turn Summary 
      2.  Chat-Log 
      3.  Screenshots (if needed) 

E.  Turn Chat Procedures 
  1.  The Designated Player (see Chain of Command) should be 
      in the chat room at least 10 minutes before the 
      scheduled time and begin play at the specified start 
      time.  The Designated Player may conduct any prepatory 
      activities that can be immediately undone without 
      reloading the save, at any time prior to the start of 
      the turn chat, even offline.
    a.  The primary chat room shall be #Turnchat on
  2.  If the Designated Player has not shown up 10 minutes 
      after the scheduled start of the turn chat, a new 
      Designated Player shall be chosen from the officials 
      present following the Chain of Command. If none are 
      present, then the Chat is cancelled.
  3.  The Designated Player shall upload a save of the game 
      after turn 0, every 5 turns after that, and a final 
      save at the conclusion of the chat. 
  4.  If the Designated Player voluntarily relinquishes 
      control, they shall post a current save of the game in 
      the TCIT.  The next person in the COC attending the 
      chat shall download this save and resume playing the 
      game with that save.
  5.  If the Designated Player disappears and has not 
      reappeared within 10 minutes, the next person 
      attending the chat on the COC shall become the 
      Designated Player using the most recently uploaded 
      save game. 
  6.  If a game has to be used that is not current, then the 
      moves from the chat log must be duplicated. 
  7.  Once a player has started playing the save, they are 
      the Designated Player for that turn chat and shall not 
      be required to relinquish play to a late arriving/
      returning, but higher ranked official.
  8.  The maximum number of turns to be played per Turn Chat
      will be 10. 
    a.  A valid and binding Forum Poll may extend the 
        number of turns to be played, on a per-chat basis
    b.  Under extenuating circumstances the chat may be 
        extended by the DP for up to 3 turns.  No other 
        approval is need for the DP to extend the Turn 
        Chat if the allowable conditions are met. The 
        reasons a chat may be extended are:
        * to allow research to complete so that next 
          options can be discussed.
        * to allow a specific wonder or production to 
          complete, so its affects can be determined.
        * to complete a military action, so that peace 
          terms can be discussed, or follow on action 
        * to allow a period of anarchy to complete, so the 
          government change can be assessed.

F.  Turn Chat Rules 
  1.  Only citizens of the Democracy game shall be voiced. 
  2.  Citizens are encouraged to provide constructive advice
      & positively contribute to the chat.
  3.  Spaming, lobbying, repetitive questions and any other 
      unnecessary traffic in the chat is forbidden. 
  4.  Clones are not allowed! 
  5.  Violations of the chat rules shall result in the 
      offender being de-voiced. 
  6.  The chat operators hold 
      the right to de-voice all non-officials if the chat 
      gets too confusing or is disturbed by someone 
      permanently. The Designated Player makes this decision. 
  7.  De-voicing actions shall be investigated by the 
  8.  During turn chats, #Demogame is still open for totally 
      free discussions. Departments or special interest 
      groups can also open private discussion rooms. 
  9.  The Designated Player retains the right to end the 
      chat turn at their discretion. 

G.  Save Game/Log Thread
  1.  Links to all official game saves and turn chat logs 
      shall be posted in a thread titled "Games Saves and 
      Chat Logs" located in the main forum.

  2.  Each President shall make one post which shall be 
      updated with a link to the game save and turn chat log 
      within 12 hours of the beginning of a turn chat session.
     a.  The post shall have two sections: "Game Saves" and 
         "Turn Chat Logs".
     b.  The link text for the game saves and the turn chat 
         logs shall be the game year at the start of the 
         turn chat session. For example, the links for the 
         game save and turn chat log that are posted after 
         the first turn chat session would be "4000 BC".
Code of Standards(Sections H - K)

H.  Naming Rights 
  1.  The first Governor for a province shall name that 

  2.  A City Name List is compiled from names provided by 
      the citizens of Fanatica. 
    a.  Each citizen was required to provide a name at the 
        time of registration. 
    b.  Names will be used in the order of citizen 
        registration. If a city name was not provided, that 
        citizen is skipped until that citizen provides a 
        name.  That name is placed on top of the remaining 
    c.  A citizen may change or add their choice of city 
        name any time prior to their choice being used. A 
        post must be made in the Census Office thread 
        regarding the change or addition.

  3.  When a city name is required, the first name available 
      on the official City Name List shall be used unless 
      that city's name-giver determines otherwise.
    a.  The first President shall have rights to name the 
        first city founded by Fanatica. If the President 
        exercises this right, the President shall be skipped 
        in the City Name List the first time they are due to
        name a city.      

  4.  When a city has been named using a name from the City 
      Name List, it shall not be renamed unless the city is 
      wrongly named .

  5.  Cities that were captured, flipped, or otherwise 
      acquired are always renamed.  When a city is renamed, 
      it must follow the points above.

  6.  Natural terrain features (mountain chains, lakes, 
      deserts, etc) may be named by Provincial Governors. If 
      the Provincial Governor does not wish to name a feature 
      it may be passed to the next Governor

  7.  Naming rights must pass through all citizens before a 
      citizen is given a second naming right in the chain. 

I.  Poll Procedures 
  1.  Forum Poll
    a.  The following criteria are required for a forum poll 
        to be binding: 
      1.  Approval levels must be achieved. 
        A.  A simple plurality is required. 
        B.  If "Abstain" ever holds plurality at the end of a 
            poll, the forum poll is not binding. 
    b.  The following criteria are required for a forum poll 
        to be valid: 
      1.  Discussion thread open for 24 hours, minimum. 
      2.  Poll type in the header and first post. 
      3.  Forum Poll end dates/times noted in the first post. 
        A.  End dates/times can be conditional. (Example: 
            poll ends at 1 hour prior to the beginning of the 
            next chat turn) 
      4.  Link to relevant discussion threads in the first
      5.  Inclusion of an "Abstain" option. 
      6.  Link to the poll in the Poll Registry. 
      7.  All above criteria must be met within 4 hours of 
          creating poll, excepting minor typos and corrections.
    c.  The following criteria are preferred for all forum 
      1.  Proposed poll, up for 24 hours minimum. 
      2.  Forum poll posted with link from discussion thread. 
      3.  Forum poll duration minimum of 24 hours (48 hours 
          plus is preferred). 
        A.  If the forum poll runs into the weekend it is 
            advised that the duration be extended by 24 hours 
            for each weekend day. Forum participation is much 
            lower on the weekends. 
      4.  Link to the forum poll in the appropriate Department 
      5.  Vote options given explanations, if not immediately 
          Example:  Yes (I want to build the embassy.)  
                    No (I do not want to build the embassy.)
                    Abstain (I don't care if we build the 
  2.  Informational polls
    a.  Do not have restrictions and cannot be used to 
        justify policy, plans or actions. 
      1.  All polls posted by Leaders are considered Forum 
          Polls unless specifically noted to be informational 
          in the header and first post.
  3.  Refusal Polls
    a.  Any citizen may request a refusal poll to be posted 
        within 24 hours of any citizen being appointed to an 
        elected office.
    b.  The person who appointed the citizen to the office 
        must create a poll within 24 hours of the refusal
      1.  Failure to post the poll shall result in the 
          appoinment nullified
      2.  Poll shall only contain Yes, No and Abstain options.
      3.  Poll shall run for 48 hours.
      4.  Header and body of poll should state that this is 
          a refusal poll and the position in question.
      5.  Should there fail to be a majority of votes in
          support of the appointment, the appointment is 
          immediately nullified upon the poll closing.
    c.  If the appointment is nullified, the person making 
        the appointment must appoint a different citizent to 
        the office.

J.  Elections (CoS section)
 1.  Nominations
  a.  The Election Office shall create one Nomination thread 
      for each possible Election poll.  These threads shall 
      be in the main forum.
  b.  Any citizen may nominate any other citizen, including 
      themself, for any office.
  c.  To be listed in the Election poll, a Citizen must post 
      that they have accepted a nomination.
    1.  A self-nomination is considered to be automatically 
  e.  The Election Office shall create a Nomination Tracking 
      thread in the main forum summarizing all 
      nominations and their status.
 2.  Debates
  a.  Debates shall be held within the Nomination thread.
  b.  Any citizen may post a question or statement in this 
  c.  No candidate shall be forced to respond to a question.
  d.  The Election Office shall maintain a list of the asked 
      questions and periodically repost them.
 3.  Polling
  a.  Polling threads shall be created by the Election 
      Office in the main forum.
  b.  Only accepted nominations shall be listed in the 
      Election poll.
  c.  The poll shall list the nominees and abstain.
  d.  Each office shall have its own poll.
    1. Judiciary exceptions:
      A. There shall be only 1 multi-select poll for the 
         Judiciary branch.
        i. This poll will list all the candidates and 
           instruct the citizens that only the recipients of 
           the three highest vote totals will be elected.
      B. The nominee with the most votes shall be the Chief 
        i. Should a tie exist for 1st, the nominees tied for 
           that position shall be listed in a poll to 
           determine who shall be the Chief Justice. This 
           poll shall last for 2 days.  The person receiving
           the 2nd most votes in the poll if there are two
           candidates tied shall be an Associate Justice.  
           If there are three or more candidates tied, the 
           2nd and 3rd place candidates shall be Associate 
      C. The nominees with the 2nd and 3rd most votes shall 
         be the Associate Justices, unless a tie existed for 
         1st most votes.  If there are two tied for 1st, the 
         3rd place from the original multi-choice poll shall
         be Associate Justice.  If three or more tie for 1st
         in the multi-choice poll, the associate justices 
         shall be determined as specified in foregoing 
         section 1.B.i.
      D. Should a tie exist for either Associate Justice 
         position, where there are more candidates tied than 
         positions available, a run-off poll shall be posted.  
         This poll shall list only the tied candidates and 
         the number of positions available. This poll shall 
         be a single-select poll (standard format), and be 
         open for 24 hours. The candidate(s) with the most 
         votes shall be elected to the position(s).  This 
         poll shall run for 2 days.

   2. At-Large Governors
      A. There shall be only 1 multi-select poll for all 
        At-Large Governor positions.
       i. This poll will list all the candidates and instruct 
          the citizens that only the recipients of the X 
          highest vote totals will be elected, where X is 
          the number of At-Large Governor positions for the 
          election cycle.
      B. The top X candidates, where X is the number of 
         At-Large Governor positions for the election cycle, 
         shall be the At-Large Governors
      C. Should a tie exist between two or more citizens for 
         the final At-Large Governor position, a run-off 
         poll listing only those citizens shall be posted.  
         This poll shall last for 2 days.
K.  Absenteeism  
  1.  The Deputy for a position may post instructions for 
      that position should no instructions be posted within 
      24 hours of the scheduled start of the game play 
    a.  The office holder may not post instructions should 
        they return once the deputy has posted instructions.

  2.  Should an Executive or Legislative leader fail to post 
      instructions for 2 consecutive game play sessions, 
      without posting in the official absence thread, any 
      citizen may request that the office be declared 
      abandoned by creating a thread in the Citizen forum. 
    a.  The Chief Justice shall then send a PM to the office 
        holder, notifying them of the request.
    b.  The Chief Justice shall then post in the request 
        thread that the PM has been sent.
    c.  Should the office holder fail to reply by posting in 
        the request thread within 96 hours of the PM, the 
        office holder is removed and the office is 
        considered vacant.
  3.  Should a Judicial leader fail to respond to an official 
      post or message within 96 hours,  without posting in 
      the official absence thread, any member of the 
      Judiciary may request that the office be declared 
      abandoned by creating a thread in the Citizen forum. 
    a.  A member of the Judiciary shall then send a PM to 
        the office holder, notifying them of the request.
    b.  The Justice that made the request shall then post in 
        the request thread that the PM has been sent.
    c.  Should the office holder fail to reply by posting in 
        the request thread within 96 hours of the PM, the 
        office holder is removed and the office is 
        considered vacant.

  4.  Should an office holder post that they will be absent 
      for a certain time period, the Deputy is empowered 
      with all duties and responsibilities of the position 
      for that period.
    a.  The Deputy shall relinquish all such powers upon 
        return of the office holder.
    b.  Should the Deputy fail to post instructions while so 
        empowered, the Designated Player shall perform the 
        actions of that office as they deem to be within the 
        Will of the People, using such information as is 
        available to them.
    c.  A member of the Judiciary, subject to approval by 
        the other members of the Judiciary, may appoint any 
        citizen, not already an elected official or deputy 
        to an elected official, to serve in their office 
        until they return.
Code of Standards(Sections L - N)

L.  Citizen Complaint Process
  1.  Complaint
    a.  A Complaint is filed with the Court by a citizen
      1.  May be filed as a post in the Judicial Thread or;
      2.  PM to any Justice or;
      3.  PM to Moderator
    b. The Complaint should detail the circumstances for the 
       accusation, and include some evidence.
    c.  The Court appoints a Prosecutor for case.
      1.  The Accuser may represent themselves, arrange for 
          an Advocate, or request the Court to appoint an 
    d.  Court notifies Accused and determines Defense.
      1.  Accused may represent themselves, arrange for an 
          Advocate, or request Court to appoint an Advocate.
    e.  The Prosecutor and the Defense investigate complaint.
      1.  May interview witnesses, gather evidence, etc.
      2.  If complaint made via PM, the Prosecutor and the 
          Defense shall communicate with Accuser through the 
          person the Complaint was sent to.  The identity of 
          the Accuser should not be revealed unless they 
          choose otherwise.
    f.  The Prosecutor and the Defense then present the 
        results of the investigation to the Court.
      1.  The Court should be skeptical of all allegations, 
          requiring a reasonable chance the allegation is 
          true and determining that, if the allegation is 
          true, a violation of Fanatican law has occurred.
    g.  By majority vote, the complaint is disposed as 
      1.  Dismissed
        A.  Complaint dismissed completely.
        B.  Complaint should not be referenced in future, 
            non-court events (think arrest record vs court 
      2.  Accepted
        A.  Complaint accepted for Trial.
      3.  Partially Accepted
        A.  Only some parts of the complaint are accepted.
        B.  Those portions not accepted are Dismissed and 
            should not be referenced in future discussions.
    h.  If the complaint is Accepted, the Court should 
        determine if there is a specific action that can 
        significantly remedy the harm caused.
      1.  The Prosecutor, the Defense and the Accused meet 
          to determine a proposed remedy.
        A.  If they unable to determine a remedy, the 
            complaint is Accepted.
      2.  The court then votes on the proposed rememdy.  If 
          a majority of the Court agrees with proposal, the 
          remedy is accepted.
        A.  If not accepted, remedy discussions should 
            continue, with guidance from Court.
      3.  The Chief Justice shall post all instructions 
          needed to carry out the remedy for the next turn 
      4.  Failure by the Accused to carry out remedy, or 
          make every effort to see that the remedy is 
          carried out, is treated as Guilty plea.
      5.  The Complaint treated as Dismissed if remedy is 
          carried out.
    j.  If the complaint is Dismissed for any reason, 
        including the Accused carrying out the rememdy, the 
        Chief Justice shall post the disposition and 
        reasoning in the Judicial Thread and the Judicial 
        Log.  Any remedy should be included in this post.

  2.  Trial
    a.  The Prosecutor creates the formal charge.
    b.  The Chief Justice shall create a trial thread in the 
        Citizens forum, entitled
        "People vs <Accused>".
      1.  The first post shall be from the Chief Justice 
          containing formal charge.
      2.  The second post shall be from the Prosecutor.
      3.  The third post shall be from the Defense.
      4.  The Discussion continues until the Chief Justice 
          declares arguments over.
        A.  Associate Justices may overrule if both agree.  
            They may also declare a halt to arguments if 
            both agree and Chief Justice is not willing.
        B.  At this time, the Prosecutor and the Defense 
            should make final, summary posts.
    c.  The Judiciary shall then confer privately and 
        determine by a majority vote, Court determines
      1.  Innocent
      2.  Guilty

  3. Sentencing
    a.  The Chief Justice shall create a poll to determine 
        sentence handed down to the guilty party.
      1.  If there are multiple Guilty verdicts, the Chief 
          Justice shall determine if multiple polls (one per
          charge) or a single, combined sentence poll shall 
          be used.
      2.  The poll shall include options determined by the 
          Chief Justice
        A.  The Chief Justice shall consult with the 
            Associate Justices for appropriate options, but 
            the final decisions shall rest with the Chief 
        B.  The options shall be ranked in the order of most 
            severe to the least severe.
        C.  There shall be no abstain option.
        D.  Some of the sentencing option the Chief Justice 
            should consider are:
          1.  Expulsion (removal from the current DG)
          2.  Suspension (time to be determined by Moderators)
          3.  Impeachment (removal from office)
          4.  Final Warning
          5.  Public Apology (wording to be approved by 
          6.  Warning
          7.  No Punishement
        E.  The preceding list should not be considered
            complete.  The Judiciary may add additional 
            options as needed.
        F.  Options may be combined at the discretion of the 
            Judiciary for a single sentencing option.
        G.  Explusions and Suspensions must be approved by a
            Moderator prior to their inclusion in the poll.
      3.  There shall be a minimum of three options with 
          varying levels of severity.
      4.  There shall always be an option of "Warning"
      5.  The poll shall be open for 2 days (48 hours)
      6.  The poll shall allow each citizen to select only 
          one option.
      7.  Once the poll has been closed, the Chief Justice 
          shall determine the sentence for the accused.
          A.  Each vote shall be determined as a vote for 
              the option selected, and all less-severe 
          B.  The sentence selected shall be the most severe 
              sentence that a majority of the citizens 
                Option A	- 4 Votes
                Option B	- 12 Votes
                Option C	- 13 Votees
                The sentence carried out is option B.
                  Option A has 4 total votes.  
                  Option B has 16 total votes.  
                  Option C has 29 total votes.  
                A total of 29 citizens voted, making Option 
                B is the most severe sentence that a majority 
                of the citizens support with a total of 16 
                votes in support and 29 votes overall.
      8.  The Chief Justice shall announce the sentence in 
          the sentencing poll, and PM the accused with it.
      9.  Sentencing shall commence once the sentence is 
      10.  The guilty party may appeal the sentence to a 
  4. Conclusion
    a.  The Chief Justice shall post a summary in the 
        Judicial Log and in the Judicial Thread.
     1.  The post shall include the formal charge(s), 
         verdict(s) and sentence(s), as appropriate.
     2.  The post shall include a link to the discussion 
         thread and the sentencing poll(s).

  5.  General
    a.  The Accused is innocent unless proven Guilty.
    b.  All proceedings should go forth in an expedient 
    c.  All proceedings started under one Court shall 
        continue with that Court through the conclusion of 
        that proceeding.
    d.  The Accused may plead Guilty at any point, 
        immediately moving the case to Sentencing.
    e.  Members of the Court may not initiate a Citizen's 
    f.  Should a member of the Court be the target of a 
        Citizen's Complaint, a pro-tem Justice shall be

M.  Judicial Review
 1.  Judicial Review of an Existing Law
  a. Request
    1. Any citizen may request a Judicial Review by posting 
       the request in the Judicial Thread or via PM to any 
      A. The request should contain the question and the 
         specific law involved.
      B. If the request sent via PM, the citizen should 
         remain anonymous unless they choose otherwise.
    2. The Chief Justice shall post a notice in the Judicial 
       Thread that a Judicial Request has been filed.  This 
       post should contain a summary of the Request.

  b.  Public Discussion
    1. The Chief Justice shall create a new thread in the 
       Citizen's Forum entitled (Judicial Review - Term <term 
       number> - Request <request number for that term>)
    2. The first post shall contain the formal question and 
       law involved
      A. The Chief Justice may rewrite the question so long 
         as the meaning is not altered. Any changes should be 
         discussed with the requestor.
    3. All Citizens are then invited to discuss the question.
    4. Justices are to post questions, but not conclusions.
    5. Discussion continues until the Chief Justice declares 
       arguments over.
      A. The Associate Justices may overrule if they both 
         agree to do so. They may also declare halt to 
         arguments if they both agree and Chief Justice is 
         not willing to end the discussions.

  c. Judicial Discussion
    1. The Judiciary shall then meet privately to discuss 
    2. The Judiciary shall produce a Majority opinion, and 
       if needed, a Minority opinion.
    3. The Chief Justice shall post both opinions, including 
       the signers of each, in the Judicial Thread and the 
       Judicial Log.
      A. Each Justice should post a confirmatory message 
         which may also include an explanatory note. Any 
         such note is not part of the official record.
    4. All Judicial Reviews are part of COUNTRY_NAME’s body 
       of Law, and may be used for future decisions unless 
       overridden by future Laws.

  d. General
    1. All proceedings should go forth in an expedient 
    2. All proceedings started under one Court shall 
       continue with that Court through the conclusion of 
       that proceeding.

 2.  Judicial Review of a Proposed Law
  a.  As citizens, the members of the Judiciary should be 
      active during any discussion of a new law.
  b.  Once a final proposal has been made and agreed upon 
      for a proposed Law, the Chief Justice should post in 
      the discussion thread that the Judiciary will review 
      the law and the text of the law to be reviewed. 
  c.  The Judiciary will then meet privately to discuss the 
  d.  If the proposed law passes review, the Chief Justice 
      shall post the poll for the proposed law in the Poll 
    1.  A majority of Justices must agree that the proposed 
        law does not conflict with any existing law or 
        constitutional article for it to pass review
  e.  If the proposed law does not pass review, the Chief 
      Justice shall post in the discussion thread the 
      reasons for the rejection.
    1.  Should a poll already be posted for this proposal, 
        the poll is deemed void.

N.  Amending the Code of Standards
  1. Polls to amend the Code of Standarsd shall be posted by 
     the Judiciary upon succesful completion of a Judicial 
  2. Polls are to be in anonymous responder format (standard 
     Forum poll option). and follow the standard Forum Poll 
    a.  Proposal must be in Yes/No/Abstain format. 
    b.  Polls will stay open until: 
      1.  All votes have been cast, or; 
      3.  The posted poll closing time has been reached. 
        A.  Minimum duration to run a poll is 48 hours. 
    c.  There is no quorum to amend the Code of Standards
    d.  A simple majority of support is required to adopt or 
        alter a standard.
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