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Demographic Analysis & Intelligence

I think the major question we need to resolve is why the Knights and Kuche have cities with no growth. Either they've focused on production, science (with a specialist) or just simply founded their second cities in spectacularly poor locations. I think that the Knights originally had Tintagel focus on science when it had no growth at pop 1, but now at with that city pop 3 and the philosophy race (presumably) handily won, why has it stopped growing? I don't think there is much to be gained right now in sacrificing growth for production or science. Either they (either team) have an urgent need for units, or these cities are build in food-poor areas and they lack workers- that might be the case if they wanted to put their second city down ASAP for whatever reason.
They may also be using it to quickly build culture. :mischief:
A new Brotherhood city in the top 5. Lanzelot must be going for that culture victory. We need to go beat the peaceful win out of him. :satan:
They must be building libraries. Are we certain they're not scientific? Also note that we have the most disease (so the most flood plains in our territory), and we are the last team to connect our luxury (4th in annual income).
All the new city in the top 5 means is that it has a larger population than all the other cities with 0 culture.
You mean a new city in the the top 5 can be a city with zero culture, but a large pop. Or it may also be a city with a Temple and a Library. One that just replaced a city with only a Temple.
Ah ok that makes sense. I wasn't sure how exact our knowledge of the mechanics behind the top five was. Still, I think they're concentrating on building a library in their city that isn't growing.
It's now turn 48 and The Anarchy has surpassed the Brotherhood in score. Again, I think this points to the pop growth slowing for building quick Culture.
I do not think that anyone is really caring for culture. Why should they? Nobody is going to win the game by a cultural victory. Maybe they are building libraries, but for science, not for culture.

And do not pay too much attention to score.
The Turn 52 Save ~

Somehow, we have met The Brotherhood. We have nothing to offer them in terms of tech or resources. We can offer them Communication with The Kitchen nation. On the other hand, we can offer The Kitchen Communication with The Brotherhood and Philo. We are a backward people and are weak to The Brotherhood militarily, although we are average to The Kitchen.


I think this is the save you sent to Anarchy instead of the save we received.

Yep, yer right. I fixed the problem. Thanks.
What we know about our World.

What we have over the other nations ~
Brotherhood - CB and WC, weak to them militarily.
Anarchie - CB, WC, Philo and CoL, communication with the Kitchen, strong to them Militarily.
Kitchen - Communication with the Anarchie, average to them militarily.

Observations -
Brotherhood - Concentrating on population and keeping up with military. They are only so-so in techs, but are about to become a Republic. Trouble with us and Anarchie.

Anarchie - Concentrating on fast expansion. Low in population and Military. Very weak in techs, but may be headed for Republic soon. Possible trouble with the Brotherhood. We should investigate the possibilty on the sly.

Kitchen - Equal to us in techs (advanced technologically). So-so in population and average to us in Military. Militarily, we are allowed 28 units and we have 14. Headed for Republic. Friendly with us, negotiating a peace and tech treaty.

Any comments?
Interesting that we are more powerful than Anarchie, I was expecting them to be much stronger. If we could get the Kitchen to be hostile towards the Brotherhood, it would put them at a significant disadvantage, though it might give them continental domination over the Anarchie.
Anarchie could also be building a wonder. They're probably expanding extremely quickly and building the pyramids to get monster growth. They're really only missing out on the techs that lead to the Republic, which could be a part of an extended deal with the Brotherhood which hasn't gone through yet (meaning the Hood was planning to really, really screw them over). It's interesting that the Brotherhood told us they were feeling threatened by Anarchie, seeing as they have next to no military.

Any guesses on what country Anarchie is? I hope they're not the Vikings...If they're going for rapid expansion though, they are likely commercial for the lower corruption.
Interesting that everybody is as surprised, as I was when I saw the facts. :)

Either Brotherhood was lying, or the bigger picture does not unfold to us :dunno:
Where we stand on F11 relative to our rivals on turn 87:

1. 191
2. 169
3. Us – 167
4. 93

Manufactured Goods –
1. 51
2. 47
3. 44
4. Us – 36

Productivity –
1. 218
2. 217
3. Us - 201
4. 139
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