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Nov 8, 2005
What's your favorite strategy when using Denmark?

Do you prefer to build up a trading income before going East or South, or do you prefer conquest then income?

I've tried both, I like how if you immediately go for the conquest the Papacy has far to few allies for him to ask for crusades against you :)lol:) but I hate that you're always bordering 1,000 gold for your warchest, or worse, negatives.

Just wondering what everyone prefers. :goodjob:
On MTW2, i tend to conquer two provinces south, then Scandinavia, then Baltic states and Russia, then Poland, British Islands, and only after that, Holy Roman Empire and Franks.
Well I've only played MTW, so I can only comment on it.

I find the easiest thing to do is to grab the adjacent rebel provinces very quickly; if you're quick and lucky you can grab Pomerania and Prussia while they're still Rebel. Once you have them, plus Norway and Sweden, concentrate on building a trading fleet, and advancing the Trader building path while spreading longships around to the Mediterranean. You will soon yield massive income if you can stay at peace - this is very easy if you make an alliance with Poland and the Holy Roman Empire. With your newly accumualted massive wealth, then proceed to invade Britain, or Germany if they're weak enough. Go for places with unique units, like Ireland and Scotland, which are also easily defendable. With this strength you should be able to invade either France or Germany, maybe both, since they tend to slug it out through the Early Age. At this point, you're pretty much poised for domination.
I like that better than invading Russia.
Yes, NEVER INVADE RUSSIA. I'm not talking about facing resistance I'm talking about the land there being absolutely useless. Horrible distance from capital penalties, population growth problems, landlocked its completely useless. Not to mention you will be closer to all the nasties (Mongols, Huns, Timmirids, ect.)
I usually overrun Scandanavia to boost my economy a bit. Then I try to push a bit east along the northern coast of mainland Europe if the Germans or Poles haven't already beaten me to it.

All the while I work on stopping assassins from murdering my captains, emissary's, family members, etc.

MTW 1 if you were wondering.
If your playing MTW II,

Immediatly grab Hamburg and the northen German States. Dont bother going into the Low Countries to quick. Antwerp and the other city have huge amounts of soldiers. Trying to take them early on is a waste of time and resouces especially after you took Hamburg which means definite war with HRE. You have about 10-15 Turns to build up your economy, bolster your defences, recruit troops cause the HRE will declare war on you soon. In those 10 rounds capture(use ships, walking is too slow) Sweden and Norway, Coastal Poland and Northen Germany. After you have dealth with the first German attacks, take your time and occupy each HRE City. Capture Vienna and Crown yourself the new Holy Roman Emperor. Once you subdue HRE its time to decide, where to go next. To the West is the rich regions of Benelux, France and to the East, the not as rich regions of Poland and Hungary. To the South, the Richest Regions of Lombardia.

If it was up to me, Ill leave France alone, keep Poland as a buffer and attack Venice or Milan. Genoa makes a great Port for trade. Venice is better if you are a Crusader nut. My suggestion Take both. Once your empire stretches from the Baltic to the Adriatic, Take out France, but leave Bordeux alone, you dont want war with the Portuguese, yet. At this point the mongols would have overan the East so its time to invade Poland and Hungary and set up defense there
Yeah, but how? Aside from Border Forts.

Border forts, and have tons of assassins, spies, and inquisitors. The inquisitors and assassins can help cut down on the number of enemy agents entering your teritory.

At least that's what I do, and I don't have much trouble with losing family members or agents.
Yes, NEVER INVADE RUSSIA. I'm not talking about facing resistance I'm talking about the land there being absolutely useless. Horrible distance from capital penalties, population growth problems, landlocked its completely useless. Not to mention you will be closer to all the nasties (Mongols, Huns, Timmirids, ect.)

In the first MTW this is not so much of a problem. The Mongols do not arrive until AD 1229, and even then only in Georgia and Khazar. In fact, Livonia, Lithuania, and Novgorod can be quite valuable in a trading empire like you so often construct as the Danish. Even if you do decide to start in the High Age, taking out the Russians will yield two Citadels immediately, at Novgorod and Mosvka, which are always worth having.
I've actually found Spain to be quiet fun. I didn't play them so much to begin with because Jinettes suck horse crap, and I like commanding battles personally (which is a nightmare in hilly, arid territory like Spain's) but they have a nice starting location plus about 1,000 gold per turn right off the bat. Not shabby.
In the first MTW this is not so much of a problem. The Mongols do not arrive until AD 1229, and even then only in Georgia and Khazar. In fact, Livonia, Lithuania, and Novgorod can be quite valuable in a trading empire like you so often construct as the Danish. Even if you do decide to start in the High Age, taking out the Russians will yield two Citadels immediately, at Novgorod and Mosvka, which are always worth having.
hmph. I've never found this true when playing RTW or medevial rome (a medevial mod for rome total war.)
Jinettes suck horse crap,

BAH! - They are not so bvad if you micro manage them, handle them your self and have them pull out at the right time etc. Don't just click attack and have them skirmish, they will get into trouble. Use the pause button, it's your friend ;)
BAH! - They are not so bvad if you micro manage them, handle them your self and have them pull out at the right time etc. Don't just click attack and have them skirmish, they will get into trouble. Use the pause button, it's your friend ;)

Yeah, but even then, they have to get within like 2 feet to throw. That's just ridiculous, and their upkeep is much higher than archers.

The only benefit with them is they usually spawn with better acumen than spearmen/archers. :king:

Edit: Two hundredth post in 3 years, woo!
Yeah, but even then, they have to get within like 2 feet to throw. That's just ridiculous, and their upkeep is much higher than archers.

The only benefit with them is they usually spawn with better acumen than spearmen/archers. :king:

Edit: Two hundredth post in 3 years, woo!

I've always liked the Jinetes, they're very useful, if you use them as light cavalry, rather than expecting them to perform as heavies.

Their range to be exact is 55, Cheap archers have a range of 120 and good ones have a range of 160. Javelin units are also much more accurate than the cheap archers you start out with. You should try this. Don't have them chase horse archers/crossbowmen. Watch out for charging knights, since you can always out run them it shoudn't be a problem. When they are out of ammo use them to rush light infantry and enemy archers and CXBmen. They also make quick work of artillery units. You should always use some sort of light cavalry to skirt around and kill artillery.

Use them as light cav with a few javelins.

On the cost .... I dunno I tend to play mods that have been rebalanced for fairness.
Yeah, I ended up using them as light calv anyway, I just wish I could get a good horse archer unit without playing Russia.
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