Desert Earth

The Omega

Completely Insane
Jun 14, 2004
Austin, Texas
Presented by The Omega Productions: Desert Earth

January 3rd, 2026. Human civilization as we know it is wiped out in a massive nuclear holocaust. Billions die, and the entire ecosystem of the Earth is changed.

1000 years later....

The Earth that we know is no more. A giant radioactive desert covers the surface of the Earth. And on this desert, the descendants of the war's survivors battle for supremecy of their small section of desert.
In one such desert, war has come. When the emperor of the Oasis Empire died without an heir, the empire divided into two factions, trying to claim the throne. And a third faction emerges, as the long-oppressed cities of the northeast oasis claim independence and rebel.
While these groups fight, a group of Sand Pirates strike out from their small and isolated oasis in the southwest. Seeking plunder, they attack anyone on their raids.
And from the northwest, a small group of nomads travels across the desert, following rumors of a land untouched by the nuclear holocaust. If they succeed, they will plant the seeds for recreating human civilization....
And in the radioactive south, a new and powerful force is emerging....

In this scenario, you can play as any of the three Oasis Empire civs, the Sand Pirates, or the Nomads. The Oasis Empire civs can win by domination (15% of land and 20% of pop). The Sand Pirates can win by returning treasure units they get from enslaving others. Nomads can win either by domination, or having their settler settle in the only VP on the map (Also the only place where you can build a city)
This scenario uses no custom graphics (Didn't want to spend too much time making thins; Still have End of the World to do) but their is a semi-custom civilopedia (Only editted the entry for units in the scenario)
Umm.... Every image hosting site i've tried using so far hasn't worked, so I'm gonna wait until tomarrow until I get the previews up. If you peoples prefer to wait until then before you download the scenario, that's fine with me.
Nice Idea, I'll play it tommorrow, it's really late here.

EDIT: YAY! This is my 100th post! Yay for me!
an other scenario into the great future
will play this one for sure,
but i'm waiting untill there are some screanshots
I for one don't see why people get so picky when it comes to screenshots. I really could care less if there is or isn't one. Seems people don't want to download it until they've seen it:hmm:
Cool map, looks alot like one i've made once!
This stuff is amazing!!
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