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[Dev thread] RISEN: Another mod with some form of "rise" in the title

Oct 16, 2005
The Middle West
After many years of sabbatical (actually just half a year distracted by TF2 mapping) I have decided to once again resume work on my old Civ IV: Vanilla version of Risen by converting it to BTS. I decided to trim a lot of features like the assloads of new techs, civics, and victory conditions for the time being, so right now it's more like a civ pack than an actual mod. Thus, I decided it should probably have a fresh new thread. But the old one can still be found at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=3832865#post3832865

So now for the categories!

New Civs

Long Name: United Governments
Short Name: Unigov
Adjective: Union
Colors: Navy Blue and Goldenrod
Flag: Stylized Globe
Starting Techs: Fishing and Agriculture
Short Description: North America-based supernational organization. Kind of a UN, EU, NATO mash up. Sees international conflict and internal anarchy as the primary threats to civilization. Big brother government with high tech surveillance, and has ambitions to bring all nations into the fold of its new world order.


Percival T. August
Title: Executive Director of the United Governments
Traits: Philosophical, Industrious
Favorite Civic: Representation
Notes: No pic because he is currently a stick figure.

Jane C. Lentulus
Title: Director of Union Security
Traits: Organized, Protective
Favorite Civic: Police State

Unique Unit: Military Police (replaces Marine)
Alterations: Starts with City Garrison I
Reduces chance of riots in stationed city.
Notes: Obviously a city defense unit. His stats are pretty much final, though I am saddened that his free promotion becomes redundant with a Protective leader, if only there was a way to give him CGII in such a situation. I still may change his name since Military Police isn't really the technically correct term. Maybe Martial Law Officer.

Unique Building: Global Security Agency (replaces Security Bureau)
Alterations: +66% Defense against Espionage
+2% :espionage: in all cities
Notes: I was trying to think of ways to make the "global" more global as in have the +2% :espionage: affect allies too, but I think the only thing I managed to do was to make it a team project :/ My other idea was to have a building that helps wonder building time, and thus giving Unigov a jump on making the UN.


Long Name: House of Hertfordshire
Short Name: Hertfordshire
Adjective: Hertish
Colors: White and Red
Flag: Seal of Hertford over St. George's Cross (may be simplified in the future to just a deer head for readability)
Starting Techs: Fishing and The Wheel
Short Description: New pretenders to a thousand year old throne. Seeks to bring back the glory days of the old empire. Sees war and conquest more as sport and a matter of prestige and glory than as a matter of death and subjugation.


Edmund Langfordance
Title: Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Lord High Constable, Lord Protector and Regent of the Throne
Traits: Spiritual, Imperialistic
Favorite Civic: Vassalage

Algernon Cottingsworth
Title: Duke of Cambridge, Earl Marshal of England, Admiral of the Fleet
Traits: Financial, Imperialistic
Favorite Civic: Caste System

Becki of Hertfordshire
Title: Heiress Presumptive to the White Crown
Traits: Creative, Charismatic
Favorite Civic: Hereditary Rule

Unique Unit: Airbourne Aircraft Carrier (replaces Carrier)
Alterations: Moves 6 :move:
Requires Advanced Flight
Requires Aluminum in addition to Oil or Uranium
Can move through Impassable Terrain
Cannot Capture Enemy Cities or Units
Ignores Terrain movement Costs
Maximum 0% damage to enemy on attack
Notes: Current model is half-embedded into the ground, so I'm going to need to make a new one for that.

Unique Building: Governor's Manor (replaces Courthouse)
Alterations: Requires Feudalism
Reduces Maintenance in Nearby Cities
+1% Trade Route Yield
Double production speed for Imperialistic leaders instead of Organized ones
Requires at least 8 cities
Notes: I hope that nearby city maintenance reducer doesn't make it overpowered


Long Name: Sino-Russian Alliance
Short Name: KPC
Adjective: Communist
Colors: Crimson and Gold
Flag: Star with a hammer & Sickle inside
Starting Techs: Agriculture and Hunting
Short Description: Home to the largest standing army in the world armed with nuclear weapons, but also home to the government that controls them on the verge of collapse. A waking giant can cause great destruction, but how many villages will be crushed under a falling one? Mmm metaphors!


Dmitrii Djivelegov
Title: General of the Army
Traits: Expansive, Industrious
Favorite Civic: State Property

Sai Jing Sheng
Title: General of the Strategic Rocket Forces
Traits: Aggressive, Organized
Favorite Civic: Nationhood

Unique Unit: Conscript (replaces Infantry)
Alterations: Strength 10 :strength:
Cost 15 :hammers:
Requires Military Tradition, Assembly Line, & Rifling
no upgrades

Unique Building: War Factory (replaces Factory)
Alterations: Requires Communism & Assembly Line
+50% Military Unit Production
New Armored Units Receive +4 Experience Points
Double Production Speed for Aggressive Leaders
Notes: Ideally I wanted a building that doubled military unit production during wartime, but it is what it is.


Long Name: neoVisigothic Clan
Short Name: neoVisigoths
Adjective: Gothic
Colors: Gray and Black
Flag: Cross Crosslet
Starting Techs: Mysticism and Mining
Short Description: An old reich, cursed by its own success at withstanding the siege, ultimately turned into a land of darkness, famine, and disease. Nowadays it is ruled only by roving barbarians, and warbands, but one such clan will see the chance to rise again thanks to the rediscovery of an ancient magic, and a little naive international aid doesn't hurt either.


Wilhelm Ravenhurst
Title: Warlord of the neoVisigoths
Traits: Aggressive, Industrious
Favorite Civic: Slavery

Lilith Victoria
Title: Völva of the neoVisigoths
Traits: Spiritual, Creative
Favorite Civic: Paganism

Unique Unit: Chemical Trooper (replaces Paratrooper)
Alterations: Siege Weapon
Strength 20 :strength:
Cost 150 :hammers:
Requires Military Science & Fascism
Upgrades to Mobile Artillery
Doesn't paradrop
Causes up to 99% Collateral Damage
+100% vs. Melee Units
-50% vs. Siege Weapons
-50% vs. Armored Units
-50% vs. Helicopter Units
Notes: This is one of the more drastic UU alterations, so it'll be interesting to see how he balances out. Since he has the SAM Infantry's animations, for his supposed gas attack he actually uses his Machine Pistol, so that's going to need work.

Unique Building: Occult Research Lab (replaces Laboratory)
Alterations: Food -2 :food:
Great People +1 :gp:
Requires Biology & Electricity
+40% :science:
-50% Anger Duration from Sacrificing Population
City more likely to generate Great Scientist
Notes: the -2 food is supposed to simulate the guys at the ORL using the local populace for involuntary test subjects, see? It all makes sense see?

Edit: Edited because I don't think anyone was reading the inside the spoiler stuff
New post because I broke the image limit

Long Name: Olive Green Action Front
Short Name: Olive Green
Adjective: Green
Colors: Olive Green & Light Gray
Flag: a tree with two swords bound to it by red sashes
Starting Techs: The Wheel and Agriculture
Short Description: Environmental awareness group, new age religion, anarchist cell, or doomsday cult? Charismatic leader J.P. Montegomery sees human "progress" as nothing more than a cleated march across Mother Nature's back. He knows the next global war between the industrial nations will make the planet itself its most tragic victim. But he and his ever growing group of followers will make sure that won't happen, that mankind will soon know Final Peace.


Jean Patrick Montegomery
Title: Leader of Olive Green
Traits: Philosophical, Charistmatic
Favorite Civic: Environmentalism

Unique Unit: Monkeywrencher (replaces Spy)
Alterations: Requires Ecology
Can use money to destroy improvements and steal plans
Notes: Kind of a gimped version of the Spy right now since you have to wait until the Modern era to use her. If my modding ability were to improve I'd like to give her some abilities such as assassinating a unit or stealing a unit for your own side. Might set back the tech back a little earlier to maybe Education or something.

Unique Building: Initiation House (replaces Barracks)
Alterations: Free Woodsman I Promotion
Double Production Speed for Charismatic Leaders


Long Name: Might of the Pariahs
Short Name: Pariah Nation
Adjective: Pariah
Colors: Sienna and Tan
Flag: Cow Skull
Starting Techs: Mysticism and Hunting
Short Description: A prison colony on San Jacinto island was Unigov's solution to urban prison overpopulation back East. A convenient place to forget about political prisoners and other troublemakers for decades, until the discovery of large quantities of Rodenium, a compound which dramatically increases the power to volume ratio of rocket fuel, within its borders. Now that they have the key to a lot of nations' plan B's (getting the government and other important people off the deathtrap called Earth and onto an abandoned space ring) the Pariah suddenly find themselves thrust onto the world stage both as negotiation partners and as an invasion target.

They also have some sort of Native American motif that I haven't figured out a convincing backstory to yet.


Sid Nightwolf
Title: Prophet and War Chief of the Pariah Nation
Traits: Spritual, Protective
Favorite Civic: Free Speech

Unique Unit: Blood Tracker (replaces Scout)
Alterations: Helps Thwart Rival Spies
Can Withdraw from Combat (33%) Chance
Players get an extra one at game start

Unique Building: Rodenium Well (replaces Nuclear Plant)
Alterations: Requires Rocketry
+50% Spaceship Production
Provides Power with Oil
Notes: I started running out of ideas by this point

New Units

Killer Rabbit
Type: Animal
Strength 4 :strength:
Here is the link to the web comic


Notice how it goes off topic after two comics.

Also, should I go for painted leaderheads for my first release, or should I wait until I make 3D leaderheads, which will probably take longer?
Definitely go for painted leaderheads. You can always add animated 3D leaderheads later. I think it's better to focus on the essentials of your mod first. Get it right first, beautify later.
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