DGIT #1 Romans on Warlord

I think we should build up 5 legions before we continue our attack on Egypt. Of course, we still need Iron Working. And in the meantime, we should make sure our cities are well defended. Warriors seem to flat out stink when it comes to attacking cities. Warriors only seem to be good for exploring, and attacking barbarians.
I think we should probably build more warriors then after we discover where the Iron sources are we build a Barracks. We connect the Iron and upgrade all our warriors to Legionary. Then we send 2 or 3, I think thats enough, to Thebes and take them out. They are considerably weaken, I did manage to kill off one fortified warrior on the first battle. There is probably only one left. At the moment there is no need to defend, I doubt they can musture up enough troops to attack our cities.

We could also do a much earlier strike, instead of waiting for the Iron Working to finish, we get a nice stack of Archers and warriors/spearmen together and attack. That way they dont get a chance to found another city or make more troops.

In the mean time we demand tribute to get the most money out of them as possible. This war shouldnt take to long, they are weak.
Maybe we should get a barracks in Rome at least before we train more troops as vetran units are stronger than regular troops
Inherited Turn:

Everything looks fine.

Turn 1-2150 BC

Veii completes its warrior and I fortify him. Egypt founds Memphis on the river. Rome grows. Rename our warriors to Lewis and Clark for laughs. Lewis goes NE, Clark goes N. (Clark is near the moutains near Egypt) We can get IW at 9 turns and still break even, so I increase.

Turn 2-2110 BC:

Two Egyptian warriors approach Veii. Worker in Rome is done, so I think I'm going to have him build a road between Rome and Veii for faster troop shuttling. Granary in Rome finishes, and Rome starts on a barracks.

Turn 3-2070 BC:

Egyptians will attack next turn.Veii's worker is done. I don't want to move him into the city, so I move him into the forest southeast of the town- for the Roma-Veii road.

Turn 4-2030:

Egypt attacks! Both of her warriors perish, while both of ours are now veteran. Lewis reaches the end of a peninsula.Clark hasn't found anything yet. I do see more coast, however. Palace is expanded.

Turn 5-1990 BC:

Clark spots a barb camp.

Turn 6-1950 BC:

Rome's barracks finishes. I start on an archer. Veii completes a third warrior and starts on a barracks. Clark beats the life out of a Sumerian defender and steals 25 gold from their petty encampment. Our palace is expanded.

Turn 7-1910 BC:


Turn 8-1870:

Iron working due in one turn. Egypt will take peace, but I can't get anything from her besides three gold, so I decide against it.

Turn 9-1830 BC:

Iron working completes. Iron outside of Veii. We can get it whenever the borders expand- but that won't be happening soon with no cultural improvements.There's also an iron in Thebes.We lack one of the basic techs, The Wheel, so I choose to research it. Rome's archer is done and she starts on another.

Turn 10-1790:

Lewis finds some barbarians, beats them up, and goes home a veteran.


We're researching the wheel at max. Nine turns with -3. With 92 gold in the bank, it won't hurt us. We need Veii's iron, so the next player can decide how to get it. Colony, wait for Veii's barracks to finish and then get a temple, switch over to a temple..whatever.

Egypt delenda est!
Waoh, waoh, waoh ! :eek: You're playing too fast, at least for me to follow.

Again someone played 1 turn less, so actually the game should be at the end of 1750BC. Next player (who actually played 1 turn less at the beginning, is it you up now, Sandrock ?) to play until the end of 1500BC. And please no auto end of turn. :lol:

Well, lots to say, since you played a lot without commenting. And a lot of mess here. First it could be nice to see a pic or two...

Constantine's turns :
Not so much to say. Good trade with Egpyt. You founded Veii on a good spot too. But the "good" Mathematics gambit isn't good actually IMO. Fortunately there has been no turn spent on this tech, because next player changed it right away. I don't know why you built a spearman (without any barracks) in Rome ? Why not a warrior ?

Resistor's turns :
Good to have changed to Iron Working.
You were not put in any situation by last player. If you don't want to go to war, then don't. So you decide to go to war with Egypt, with 2 warriors ? :eek: Nice gambit ! And you think the AI will defend his capital with 1 warrior only ? The AI isn't as dumb as that, even on Warlord.
Smellincoffee asked me if you RoP raped Egypt (please tell such things here, we are here to learn). No, Resistor didn't RoP rape Egypt, since you didn't have a RoP agreement with them, simple. :goodjob: But, yes, he decided to go to war on his own decision ; it seems the team didn't take care of that. About the RBCiv rules, it could be seen as a dastardly move, but not any form of exploit at all. You wanted Egypt to declare war, well, you got what you wanted, but you didn't fool the AI.
So then you attack Egypt with 2 warriors. Some civilizations lost a lot of power by attacking another one with a quickly prepared but unefficient army. Remember every unit has at least a 10% defensive bonus (on flat terrain) when attacked, and those warriors were fortified (+25%). So the Egyptian warriors had 1*(100%+10%+25%) = 1.35 defense point, if I'm not mistaken. Our warriors had 1 attack point. So the odds of beating 1 hp to an Egyptian warrior were of 43% if I did the maths well. And there are 3 hp to beat for each warrior... Anyway there were less than 50% chance to defeat both warriors, on the whole or independantly.
It seems you went for a :smoke: war here. Didn't you want to take advantage of your human intelligence first, then defeat the AI with a much better position ? I hope you know you were taking a high (but unneeded) risk.

Smellincoffee's turns :
It seems you messed things on your 2nd turn : Rome can't build 2 things on the same turn. It's sad to see that you build a granary in Rome, and then don't "use" it. You spent 60 shields building it, you will now spend 1 gold per turn for upkeep, but you don't build any more worker or settler out of it. All the more as Rome won't go past size 6 without an aqueduct (Construction), so there was no hurry to speed up Rome's growth if it wasn't for settlers or workers.
The barracks are completed, you start an archer...? Didn't you all want to build legions in this game ? :D Remember that archers upgrade to... longbowmen (feeble units). And remember that Roman warriors upgrade to... legions !! And you're not far from Iron Working at that point.
off-topic : Sad to see that Sumerians are considered barbs in PTW ! :(
So. You have decided to win this war. You can, you are on Warlord ! No need to say that doing so on Emperor or above is pure suicide... You want to connect iron as soon as possible, and some lies outside Veii. So why don't you build a temple straight away ? Instead of building a barracks first, that will make you lose some precious time, production and money ? Excuse me, but sacrifying a precious worker for a colony just next to your borders in this situation is a joke... I hope. And I have a better idea : why not founding a new city not far from Veii, so that the iron tile falls in our territory ? No need for a temple anymore. :goodjob: More important question : do you want to stay with 2 cities, or do you plan to found more ? Because the AIs want to found the max they can as soon as possible, and if you don't grab enough sites soon, they will grab them instead.

On the whole : you chose to go to war for an unknown reason (but maybe you wanted fun (understandable, I mark my words), or maybe you wanted to "play" with the AIs (well, don't do that too much)), and so you crippled your expansion. What is bad is that the 1st part of the game is usually known as the "expansion phase". I hope you know what's left to do.

If I'm too harsh on certain points, please tell me straight away. I'm sorry to find some things really weird, but that's logical, eh ? So I'd need to adapt my words if someone feels I'm going too far.

And also : if you plan to improve (and become real demi-gods), then don't play so quickly. You want to comment your turns amongst you before next player takes his turns. That should require not playing more than 10 turns per day or so. And that can give me time to comment a little from time to time, because right now you gave too much to comment on at once !!!

Good luck with the war ! (An option (good or bad) would be to sue for peace at some point...)
By "worker in Rome", I meant the worker in Rome's radius. He was doing something. Mining, I think. I would've flipped Rome's granary over to the barracks, but it would've wasted too many shields. (36, I think the number was)

I thought it was considered a ROP rape if you declared war while still in their land- regardless of whether or not you had a Right of Passage.

Sorry about my impatience. ;) I waited a whole night, whaddya expect? ;)

And I was building archers just in case Egypt decided to really play war- I don't like warriors, even thought they upgrade into something useful.
Originally posted by kryszcztov
Resistor's turns :
Good to have changed to Iron Working.
You were not put in any situation by last player. If you don't want to go to war, then don't. So you decide to go to war with Egypt, with 2 warriors ? :eek: Nice gambit ! And you think the AI will defend his capital with 1 warrior only ? The AI isn't as dumb as that, even on Warlord.
Smellincoffee asked me if you RoP raped Egypt (please tell such things here, we are here to learn). No, Resistor didn't RoP rape Egypt, since you didn't have a RoP agreement with them, simple. :goodjob: But, yes, he decided to go to war on his own decision ; it seems the team didn't take care of that. About the RBCiv rules, it could be seen as a dastardly move, but not any form of exploit at all. You wanted Egypt to declare war, well, you got what you wanted, but you didn't fool the AI.
So then you attack Egypt with 2 warriors. Some civilizations lost a lot of power by attacking another one with a quickly prepared but unefficient army. Remember every unit has at least a 10% defensive bonus (on flat terrain) when attacked, and those warriors were fortified (+25%). So the Egyptian warriors had 1*(100%+10%+25%) = 1.35 defense point, if I'm not mistaken. Our warriors had 1 attack point. So the odds of beating 1 hp to an Egyptian warrior were of 43% if I did the maths well. And there are 3 hp to beat for each warrior... Anyway there were less than 50% chance to defeat both warriors, on the whole or independantly.
It seems you went for a :smoke: war here. Didn't you want to take advantage of your human intelligence first, then defeat the AI with a much better position ? I hope you know you were taking a high (but unneeded) risk.

Damm, I should of made sure to explain why I built a granary in Rome. It was so we could expand, build more settlers, I thought everyone knew why. My fault for not explaining why I changed production to granary.

I think it's not harsh Mr. K, criticism is important if you want to improve upon your game. I took the risk to go to war and I dont regret it. I had a reason, I thought they were weak, so I did what I thought was best. Sure, I took a risk but I'm not afraid to take risks. I still say we mobilize towards war build a settler in Rome then get a good stack of men and march towards Thebes. As soon as we take them out will have more land to choose from.

That's my gameplan, anyone agree? Disagree?
That sounds fine to me, it would be a good idea to finish this war before it went on for too long.

but just dont totally forget expansion.
Yeah we want a quick war but we need more citys. Expansion and war will have to be balanced.
I couldn't agree more
I think we should get peace for the petty 3 gold she's offering, establish ourselves, and then commit ourselves to a war we've prepared in advance for.

Umm, I think we shouldn't sue so early. She will only give us 3g, not enough to stop and make peace. Plus we have to wait 20 turns and she might get bigger.

Still though, we are pretty even. She lost 2 warriors and Rome lost two warriors. So I guess, we could stop and spare the lives of more of our men.

It could go either way, I guess. Let's see what everyone else thinks.
Lets try and raze/capture Mepmpis should put a dent in their growth curve!
Originally posted by Constantine
Lets try and raze/capture Mepmpis should put a dent in their growth curve!

Good idea! They will have to split their forces up to protect Memphis. We take that city, and if it reaches size 2 we could keep it and make it a base of operations. Basically, running attack operations from memphis towards thebes. We could whip a barracks there and make a stack, we could later abandon it, after Thebes is down.

Just throwing ideas out. ;)
Busy all day yesterday, so I couldn't read this till this morning. I'll post what I want to do on my turns, then give you guys all day to pick it apart, then I'll play it tonight.

1)I'm going to switch the archer in Rome to a Settler so we can grab the iron.

2)I'll let Veii finish the barracks. We need Veteran units if we want to beat Egypt.

3)I think roads are a bit of a priority to connect our cities so they will all be able to build legions.

4)We'll need a barracks to upgrade in Rome will we not?

5)Upkeep is going to be a pain

6)I may build settlers in Rome until that road gets built.

Sure looks like Egypt got some decent land. We got the short end of the stick there.
That plan sounds ok, we will need a barracks in rome for upgrades.

We will also need that road finished as soon as possible for the legions as you said.

I agree with the settlers, we need to try and get as much land as possible, also the more cities we have, the more of our glorious legions we can build at once.

also if my turn comes up before monday, please skip me as im away at my fiances, for our anniversary.

My two cents in the game ...
- More plannning less actions :)

- As says Mr. K you need more towns so you should build more settlers. You need to expand. Use the lake to build cities that will not need Aqueduct to grow past size 6. More cities = More citizens = More cash = More research ...

- You could also consider building warriors and upgrade those into legions with some cash. It is usually a good way of doing so so you need to accumulate cash

- You should not rush things killing some precious citizen. Early stage is expansion and any citizens / worker is worth a lot.

- I would go for peace and only would re-start the war with a decent army of legions (10 ?). And Legions do not fear Spears (odds are better than Warrior vs. Warrior). Also, you need time to prepare the War and 20 turns will go fast...

- Do not forget that this will trigger GA and therefore you need to have a decent number of towns to have a better benefit of the GA (Golden Age)

Have some fun
Originally posted by CdB
- Do not forget that this will trigger GA and therefore you need to have a decent number of towns to have a better benefit of the GA (Golden Age)

See that's what I'm afraid of, we can't afford to have the GA wasted on Despot. Therefore this war should be fought with stacks of archers, warriors and spearmen. Taking Memphis and keeping it since I think it has good land. We take over a town and expand our empire, we just killed two birds with one stone. Then we make it a base of operations for the attacks on Thebes.
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