Waoh, waoh, waoh !

You're playing too fast, at least for me to follow.
Again someone played 1 turn less, so actually the game should be at the end of 1750BC. Next player (who actually played 1 turn less at the beginning, is it you up now, Sandrock ?) to play until the end of 1500BC. And please no auto end of turn.
Well, lots to say, since you played a lot without commenting. And a lot of mess here. First it could be nice to see a pic or two...
Constantine's turns :
Not so much to say. Good trade with Egpyt. You founded Veii on a good spot too. But the "good" Mathematics gambit isn't good actually IMO. Fortunately there has been no turn spent on this tech, because next player changed it right away. I don't know why you built a spearman (without any barracks) in Rome ? Why not a warrior ?
Resistor's turns :
Good to have changed to Iron Working.
You were not put in any situation by last player. If you don't want to go to war, then don't. So you decide to go to war with Egypt, with 2 warriors ?

Nice gambit ! And you think the AI will defend his capital with 1 warrior only ? The AI isn't as dumb as that, even on Warlord.
Smellincoffee asked me if you RoP raped Egypt (please tell such things here, we are here to learn). No, Resistor didn't RoP rape Egypt, since you didn't have a RoP agreement with them, simple.

But, yes, he decided to go to war on his own decision ; it seems the team didn't take care of that. About the RBCiv rules, it could be seen as a dastardly move, but not any form of exploit at all. You wanted Egypt to declare war, well, you got what you wanted, but you didn't
fool the AI.
So then you attack Egypt with 2 warriors. Some civilizations lost a lot of power by attacking another one with a quickly prepared but unefficient army. Remember every unit has at least a 10% defensive bonus (on flat terrain) when attacked, and those warriors were fortified (+25%). So the Egyptian warriors had 1*(100%+10%+25%) = 1.35 defense point, if I'm not mistaken. Our warriors had 1 attack point. So the odds of beating 1 hp to an Egyptian warrior were of 43% if I did the maths well. And there are 3 hp to beat for each warrior... Anyway there were less than 50% chance to defeat both warriors, on the whole or independantly.
It seems you went for a

war here. Didn't you want to take advantage of your human intelligence first, then defeat the AI with a much better position ? I hope you know you were taking a high (but unneeded) risk.
Smellincoffee's turns :
It seems you messed things on your 2nd turn : Rome can't build 2 things on the same turn. It's sad to see that you build a granary in Rome, and then don't "use" it. You spent 60 shields building it, you will now spend 1 gold per turn for upkeep, but you don't build any more worker or settler out of it. All the more as Rome won't go past size 6 without an aqueduct (Construction), so there was no hurry to speed up Rome's growth if it wasn't for settlers or workers.
The barracks are completed, you start an archer...? Didn't you all want to build legions in this game ?

Remember that archers upgrade to... longbowmen (feeble units). And remember that Roman warriors upgrade to... legions !! And you're not far from Iron Working at that point.
off-topic : Sad to see that Sumerians are considered barbs in PTW !
So. You have decided to win this war. You can, you are on Warlord ! No need to say that doing so on Emperor or above is pure suicide... You want to connect iron as soon as possible, and some lies outside Veii. So why don't you build a temple straight away ? Instead of building a barracks first, that will make you lose some precious time, production and money ? Excuse me, but sacrifying a precious worker for a colony just next to your borders in this situation is a joke... I hope. And I have a better idea : why not founding a new city not far from Veii, so that the iron tile falls in our territory ? No need for a temple anymore.

More important question : do you want to stay with 2 cities, or do you plan to found more ? Because the AIs want to found the max they can as soon as possible, and if you don't grab enough sites soon, they will grab them instead.
On the whole : you chose to go to war for an unknown reason (but maybe you wanted fun (understandable, I mark my words), or maybe you wanted to "play" with the AIs (well, don't do that too much)), and so you crippled your expansion. What is bad is that the 1st part of the game is usually known as the "expansion phase". I hope you know what's left to do.
If I'm too harsh on certain points, please tell me straight away. I'm sorry to find some things really weird, but that's logical, eh ? So I'd need to adapt my words if someone feels I'm going too far.
And also : if you plan to improve (and become real demi-gods), then don't play so quickly. You want to comment your turns amongst you before next player takes his turns. That should require not playing more than 10 turns per day or so. And that can give me time to comment a little from time to time, because right now you gave too much to comment on at once !!!
Good luck with the war ! (An option (good or bad) would be to sue for peace at some point...)