

Got u
Oct 5, 2006
Awesome Land
Current Save Here:http://forums.civfanatics.com/uploads/101788/compress.rar
My email is: Cubsfan6506@yahoo.com

Niklas: Austria
Paul: Russia
Peter Grimes: Turkey
sirdanilot: Germany
donsig: Italy
dl: England
Aigburth: France
Next order due. Friday at 6 P.M U.S central time. After the initial turn all orderwill be due in two days.
OK, a couple things:

First, I'm driving to North Carolina on Wednesday (8/22) so I won't be online much that day.

Second, pms or email are fine with me for negotiating. My email is metalratguy AT hotmail DOT com.

Third, I'm not sending anything out tonight - too tired. :(

Fourth, who is who? I think I'm Italy. :confused:

Fifth, thanks cubsfan for setting this up!
The Turkish Consulate is OPEN.

Please address all correspondence to:
Turkey, c/o
peter dot smith dot grimes at gmail.

The Turkik people send their warmest regards, and highest honors, to Cubsfan for all his work :salute:
I am Austria. My email is niklas dot broberg at gmail dot com. I prefer PM though, but either is fine.
France checking in, contact details as follows: -

Email (preferred): aiggxh at gmail dot com

Alternatively PM via forum
This is Germany. You can reach me through PM or through email, danilobliekthebest (at) hotmail (dot) com .

Oh and I prefer PM, but if you want to email me.

edit: DL and Paul, please post here asap :crazyeye: just to show everyone's here...
Dis is Russia. :salute:

We'd like to let you know that we usually don't negotiate but for the sake of completeness we are willing to recieve mails at PaulN42 AT gmail.

edit: I also prefer communication by pm
Internet is shakey at best but I will try to keep up.

PM are fine
Also you can try dl123654 at gmail

EDIT:Internet is good now, no more Internet cut outs. :)
I'm sorry I haven't gotten a note out to everyone yet. Had a 14 + hour drive from New York to North Carolina today so my negotiating skills are not top notch right now. :sleep:
Had my :coffee: and have sent out short messages to all now. I think I used everyone's preferred method of communication. If not, (or if you didn't hear from me at all :eek: ) please let me know!

donsig I
King of the Italians
24 hours till the turns are do.
Most of us only have 3 units right now so I don't think we need to use abbreviations for them.

Of course, things will change if someone will get a superpower of 15 units, then it'll be a bit tedious to fully write down everything...
I haven't played Diplomacy in awhile.. but I think the abbreviations are the 1st 3 letters of the territory, excep for some places, and those are marked on your map above. So if you just refer to that map and use what's on it (StP for St Petersburg, for instance) and the first three letters if it is not (Bre for Brest, for instance), you guys should be fine.
I just wrote everything out - Army Portugal MOVE to Spain, for example. Typing isn't nearly as demanding as writing. Of course, if this game moves to text messaging, i'll use abbreviations :lol:
I think the order format will have to be such that the computer adjudicator can recognize them.

As for abbreviations, IIRC Nor and Tyr are ambiguous so stay away from those. Also, don't forget to specify the coast for St. Pete, Spain and Bulgaria where applicable.
IMO computer adjudication is rather silly for a game as simple as this. Sure it simplifies the mod's life, but if something isn't recognized by the software then the mod should step in and interpret it.

The only thing that shouldn't be interpreted is things that are wrong or ambiguous. For instance saying

F mao -> spa

is an error since Spain has two coasts. Similarly saying either of

F mao Supports F spa
F mao Supports F por

when F spa is moving to an unoccupied por is wrong. The correct way should be

F mao Supports F spa -> por

I'm saying this because situations like these have come up in previous games I've played, so it's not obvious to all. But if you say something like

Move the Spain fleet to Portugal

it should be ok, even if the software wouldn't be able to parse it.
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