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Discussion: Build the Great Library?


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
A while back there was discussion on strategy, and the decision then was to go with min research, with emphasis on Literature so the Great Library could be built. No prebuild was ever started, but the science slider was left at a low value. Now a firm decision on the GL is required so the science strategy thru Education can be determined. This discussion will run for approx 24 hours and will be followed with a 24-48 hour poll (depends on when the next turnchat starts) of the form:

Should the Great Library be built?
  • Yes, immediately
  • Yes, but not right away (please post a response stating a timeframe to build it)
  • No
  • Abstain

Links to related discussions
Science discussion: how to do research and catch up
Yes but not right away.

Wait untill a great leader.
Does anyone else have Litature?
Once we get a great leader run it back to a city and rush the Great Libary.
Then we will be back in the tech race:D :D :D
Domestic already had this type of discussion, and Gorina was mentioned...
Originally posted by Chieftess
Domestic already had this type of discussion, and Gorina was mentioned...
So do we still have the opportunity to continue with the original plan? Gorina never got started on the prebuild. Now that we have Literature, it wouldn't be a prebuild, we'd be able to start on the GL itself. More improvements are needed to make it go faster, as Gorina still has unimproved plains and ordinary grassland, and we're working hills and have zero growth at pop 4. A wonder city should be maxed out on pop and improvements.

If we don't get a Leader out of the war and don't start on the GL, then we'll miss the window for sure. It's valid to go that path, but in that case need to either trade for tech or bump up research.
Culture supports the gorina pre-build. We must take some drastic science initiative or we must build the great library if we wish to succeed.
I support the efforts of securing the Great library :).
Let's build the Great Library. It would let us set our science slider to 0% and still be technologically advanced.
I don't see setting one of our cities to a wonder in the middle of war we aren't prepared for as being all that smart. I know how much I laugh at the AI for doing the same thing....

It'd be nice to get the Library, but I'd much rather see us stick with max research on something sensible + build enough units to win the war properly if we are committed to it. If a great leader comes along, great. If not, easy enough to get techs the hard way. It takes the AI a verrrrry long time to get the first- and second-level Middle Ages techs, at a time when all the aneient techs are cheap. Not getting the library is not a disaster.
And if we do a good war we may even be able to capture it... who would most likely be able to build it anyways?
It might be in a far-flung civ, so I'd just go for it in Gorina now. In the worst-case scenario that someone else beats us, we can always switch it to a palace prebuild and wait for the next wonder to come along.
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