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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

I forgot earlier: use Lucern or use Lancelot. Take your pick. (Or get creative, she'll understand.)
Pericles wandered through the lightly forested areas around his capitol, with a guard of his best warriors, inspecting the local flora and fauna and thinking to himself.

All was rather quiet and serene as he listened to the sounds of nature. He heard a soft buzzing in his ear and ignored it, thinking it nothing more than some mosquito. It happened again, this time slightly louder and longer. Swatting at the bug, he slapped the side of his head.

"You misssed", a strange voice sounded in his ear.

"Who's there!", Pericles questioned, speaking loudly. "Did you say anything?", he asked his guard.

"No sire, none of us spoke.", his lead warrior replied.

"Nevermind then." Pericles thought, perhaps he was just hearing things.

Later, Pericles returned to the capitol building. After his walk and inspection, he became hungry and visited the kitchen to tell his kitchen staff to get something for him to eat. After the head steward went back in the kitchen, Pericles saw a cockroach on the floor.

"A cockroach! Ewww, I need to talk to the maid, this place is getting filthy!", Pericles stated with disgust. He attempted to squash the bug with his booted heel, but the bug skittered out of sight.

"You misssed again!", the voice sounded again, somewhat louder than last time.

"Who is there! Show yourself!" Pericles shouted angrily.

"I cannot show myssself to you at thizz time, but know that I am all around you. I am Mantis, God of the Insects. I am Queen of the Queen of the beezz, I am the Lord of the Fliezz. All of the insects of this world are under my control."

"What do you want?" Pericles asked, "How can you be of any interest to me?"

"Insectzz my be sssmall, but we are many, and vassstly important to your world. Our bounty is for you to use, if you pleazze me, and you would do well to do ssso. If you wisssh to go againssst me, you will feel my wrath!"

"Again, what do you want?" Pericles repeated himself. Only silence answered.

(Not bad for a first post! :p)
Nevermind. No update.

I had problems loading the 3.17 update, and now I have to go to work. Perhaps I can edit the save later.
Well, I'll probably not update before Friday. So you do not need to hurry.
((Not Editing the save just the story))

Pericles awoke in a strange land full of roses. He heard a voice behind him.
"Hello I am Aphros Goddess of Love. He turned and saw a woman behind him. Her beauty was magnificent. She said.
"Do as I wish and you will be rewarded."

"Destroy Ragnar"
A wind picked up around Eldarion, a breeze that seemed so hauntingly familiar. Looking up, the clouds in the sky coalesced into a single definable shape: That of his father, the God of the Sky.

"Who is it that you seek, my child...?" but the voice was full of malice and of mockery, and black tendrils ripped through its face as it began cackling, unforming in a burst of black smoke.

You have come seeking vengeance. a clearer voice spoke, as the smoke whirled around his feet and collected in front of him, sporting a pair of burning, red eyes. I have learned much in so little a time. The nature of humanity, and of fear.

The smoke reformed, and the shape it took was that of Hannibal. Can a god know fear? it asked, and then burst into smoke once more.
The Mariana Trench...

Churchill, because of who his father was, had no trouble breathing underwater. Likewise, his men, legions of marines clad with rocket launchers, could withstand conditions normal humans would break and run from. However, this wasn't just a leisurely trip.


The command rang out across the trench. The Viking leader Ragnar had a chill sent down his spine at this exact moment, as barbaric soldiers were reported closing in on Viking territory. The trench was propelled upwards-- for though this went against nearly every law of physics, Churchill had killed the God of Physics a long time ago...

In Greece...

Pericles was slammed hard into a mountainside.

Churchill's grin was smug, and self-certain.

"You are not the one I favor, Pericles, and with good reason. However, I have no ill will against you, for the fact is you didn't have anything to do with trapping me. However!"

At this point he took a large bite out of a tasty buttered crumpet he was holding in his hand.

"You shall follow my rules. Your task is to find which mortal I have given my favor to, and give them your favor. You must help them, or, failing that, not hurt them."

In the geological landform formerly known as the Mariana Trench...

Churchill surveyed his new domain. It wasn't as pretty as Churchillton, but it would have to do, he was thinking, when he suddenly tripped on a giant switch. It didn't turn over, because he caught it from the side, but he couldn't find it.

Spoiler NFPE :

Added 3 Axemen outside Nidaros (1 NW, 1 2NE, 1 2SE)
Gave Romans a copper mine (though they don't know its copper yet)
and a mine on the iron just outside of Rome.

Spoiler You may only look after my next intervention :

What churchill had found was a godly can of white spray paint.

I can put this to good use, he snickered.

Wrote Churchill in ice north of Arabia.
Tracnar floated in the nether regions between the mortal's world, and the God's plain.
Such strife he has seen over the eons of time and space.

"For once a peaceful world might be nice... or perhaps at least a righteous ruler.
These mortals are separated through vast seas and treacherous routes. One day, yes one day.

(okay to read)(just information about the name, what the Greeks should call me)
Spoiler :
Tracnar is a name known by only a few gods. God of the this nether region, he is more commonly referred to by what his domain is, Aether
if UR too lazy to link it then...Aether is an elemental god in greek mythology, he controls the air between space and the ground. It is the air that the gods breath.

Just wanted to introduce myself. I've read this series, amazing idea and story, so i wanted to jump in on it.
I will do some changes in a couple rounds, when the situation is more appropriate.
Sorry, my internet was screwy and I couldn't tell if I had posted or not. (this was previously a double post.)

Mod: Please delete this post.
Story later.

Changes (NFPE):
Spoiler :
Fixed it so Aztecs are not visible.

Created a barbarian city called Winstown on a peninsula to the north


  • DivInt4 WH BC-2750.CivBeyondSwordSave
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The night was cold in the desert hills, and the border guards were more concerned with keeping warm than with keeping watch. Huddled around a meagre fire, they exchanged stories of ghosts and witches and demons. The lead guard, a man named Ekcidivad, was just getting going with his tale of shapeshifting lizard creatures from beyond the void, when a booming voice startled them.

"Attention, Greeks!"

Looking up they saw three men clad in dark robes, their faces covered by elaborate war masks. Each standing well over seven feet tall, they bore barbed spears of such vicious appearance that any thought the guards might have had about challenging them was instantly quashed.

"We are The Circle, and we have a message for your king. Take this to him. Now."

As Ekcidivad's hand gripped the heavy scroll, the three men melted back into the darkness without a sound.

"What did I tell you?" he said to the other guards. "Lizards!"


Although the language was unknown to Pericles, he had no trouble reading the dark blue symbols on the unrolled parchment. Passing swiftly over the diplomatic niceties, he came to the point of the message:
To the north of your domain lies a peninsula on which can be found a small barbarian village. This settlement is ruled by a man named Winston, with whom we have pressing business. We humbly request that you make contact with him on our behalf, and persuade him to speak with us. Being as this is a matter of the utmost importance, you should not refrain from any methods necessary to secure our audience with him.
Pericles gently stroked his beard, pondering this unusual request.

What was The Circle? Were they men, or some otherworldly creatures? According to the messenger, the three who brought the scroll to the outpost were ten feet tall and had four arms, each bearing a sword made of glowing fire.

"Hmm. More likely the guards had been gulping Ouzo to ward off the cold" Pericles muttered.

Whatever they were, though, the message was clear. They wanted him to capture a barbarian chief called Winston.

Spoiler :
"Idiots!" yelled Winston. "It's so damned simple! You put the bait on the hook, and cast the line into the water!"

Most of the tribesmen just stared blankly, struggling to digest any concept that didn't involve smashing something. But one of them, experiencing a moment of clarity, pushed a fishing hook through his eyelid and threw himself head-first into the stream.

"Progress at last", Winston sighed. "And it only took three hundred years."
Pericles sighed as he entered his royal cot once more. His head swam with thoughts of the Gods before him. Maybe it was time to attend the ceremonies the Priests had invited him to? He ignored the thought. No, only superstition, and it would be best to focus on the job ahead of him: to lead his people forward.

He opened his eyes to flames once more. With a start, he jumped up expecting to see the same scenes of destruction as before. But no such picture awaited him. Instead, he saw only a man dressed in iridescent armor, the light of the flames reflecting off the metal. The man had no banner upon his shield, a round one in the style of the hoplites. He carried a long, curved scythe. No feature of his face was discernible below the darkness of his helmet.

"Pericles." With a word, the Greek King knew whom he faced, and knelt. "Good, you have learned humility. It is the first step." Pericles felt the tip of the blade place on his head, then raised. He stood once more.

"There are matters you must attend to. Minor gates have begun to open, each one smaller than your largest towns, yet big enough to pose a threat to this world. Already, souls trapped in the void between this world and the one below it have begun to walk the plains in search of vengeance. They will threaten your borders, and will make me weak. Kill them, and you will receive rewards. Raze the minor gates and I will grow strong enough to aid you and the other Immortals you have met in your journeys."

"I understand, my Lord." Pericles met the God's all-knowing gaze.

"Do you?" Suddenly, the darkness was met with light, and it evaporated to leave the fires of the underworld around Pericles' feet. Great demons clad in armor and brandishing fearsome weapons surged against an army of angelic figures, whose pristine faces were clad with anger. "This is my realm. I am in the midst of a war, o Man. If this battle is lost, you and your precious people will cease to exist. Fail me, and you will receive my greatest wraths. You will be destroyed." Pericles shuddered, turning away from the horrors that met his eyes.

"I have revealed to you the necessary knowledge. Go now, o Man, and face your enemies boldly." The flames went out, the man disappeared, and darkness returned once more.

OKay, PaulusIII, here's your quest:
Kill Barbarians
Raze Barbarian Cities. For every razed city, you'll receive extra gold and a unit or two. This also applies to other Civilizations, as all Leaders were tasked with this quest.
"Ragnar!" Eldarion screamed at the sky. "Show yourself! Face me in battle, you coward!" But the vision was gone... the mocking voice had fallen silent.

The god felt himself shaking with rage... that his betrayer should take the form of his own father, who had sacrificed himself for a world that had been unmade by the very monster he died to imprison... but he knew now who his true adversary was. This immortal, though he bore every resemblance to the former Ragnar, was nothing but a distraction, a triviality that would easily be dealt with in the world of men.

His fight lay elsewhere.

"Can a god know fear," he repeated slowly, the beginnings of a strange smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Indeed, my friend. You shall taste fear - nay, you shall gorge yourself with it ere I am finished with you!"

The mortals were not his concern. But how, he found himself wondering, was it possible to kill a god?
Well, I just got back from my vacation and I have to say this looks incredibly interesting.
I'll probably sit this one out but great job with the stories and what not.

Nice ending to the Ragnar game.
To the gods (NFPE):
Spoiler :
I have a loose plot already decided for Winston in this game, although the way it actually plays out will depend on the actions of both Paulus and the gods.

For the moment, you guys can assume that your deities know who Winston is/was, and what he's up to (ie. trying to become a god again). Be aware, however, that his chances of succeeding look extremely slim at this stage.

Regarding The Circle, for the time being you will have no knowledge other than that given to Paulus. If you want to hazard a guess about what their ultimate purpose is, that's fine. But, atm, you have no way of interacting with them, other than through Pericles (eg. you could tell him not to do as they asked).

As for The Frog, I would ask that you act as if totally unaware of his existence, and that you don't post any reference to him in your stories. If you want to have a guess about his identity or motives, then please PM me - anyone who guesses correctly will get a mention when the truth is revealed. ;)
Played the turnset, writeup will follow shortly.

Some highlights:
-Ragnar (the mortal one) is dead. I blame NoDot for giving me an überPraetorian without any costs of using her. Lucern was disbanded before the first turn.
-Greece now has 4 cities, and is researching Alphabet.
-Liz and Uncle Joe turned up.
-Winston has been seen... but that is all. The first peninsula on the northwest was a decoy with only a razed city, Winston is in the northeast but uncontacted. Damn you, God of Ice! Damn you, God of Mountains! Damn you, God of Not-Being-Able-To-Cross-Oceans-Before-Optics!
-No barbarians killed. There weren't any seen... shouldn't there be barbarians roaming at 2000 BC? Just asking.
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