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Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

well being a new person to these forums I found this and was wondering if I could join in maybe as a lesser god :mischief: so could someone tell which god is who so I can figure out my place in this awesome story. :goodjob:

Everyone's free to join, though I suggest you read through (some of) the previous games before jumping in. You should make sure you know the rules as well.

As for which god you should choose, I suggest picking one that relates to something tangible in the world (as NonPrayinMantis has done with his God of Insects) rather than a more conceptual role like God of Terror or God of Vengeance. If you get on well in this game, then you could be more ambitious next time around.

Here's a list of the Gods as it stands at present:
Spoiler :
TheForestAuro - God of Terror
Eldarion - God of Vengeance
Gooblah - God of Fire
digitCruncher - God of Entropy/The Accountant
NoDot - Lord of Shadows
NonPrayinMantis - God of Insects
Furlock - Goddess of Love
Churchill - God of Conflict (?)
Tracnar - God of the Aether (?)
BakingTheArt - Sea God
Arsonist - God of Luck
Winston Hughes - don't ask ;)
Spoiler :
A teenaged girl ran down onto the beach, her eyes flooded with tears. The great fire storm had brought her happy childhood to an abrupt end. Her parents, both members of the Winstown garrison, had died trying to rescue their neighbours from a burning hut. And now, as the rebuilding effort got into full swing, nobody seemed to even notice her. Feeling lonely and dejected, she collapsed down in a heap and began to wail, pounding her fists against the sand.

"Ouch!" she cried, as her hand made contact with something solid. Scooping sand out of the way to reveal this item, she was startled as a blazing light came forth from the ground.

"Don't be afraid" said a croaky voice. "Just reach in and take it".

Acting fearlessly now, as if hypnotised, she thrust her hand down into the hole and pulled out a glowing sword.
well being a new person to these forums I found this and was wondering if I could join in maybe as a lesser god :mischief: so could someone tell which god is who so I can figure out my place in this awesome story. :goodjob:

Every new god is welcome!

Be sure to read up on Divine Intervention III if you want to know more of the backstory of many of the gods that are in this world, and divine feuds.

(On a side note, I'm unavailable for play from Friday till Sunday, and likely so tired out by then I'd only put my foot in it even more than I have done now. So you've got time enough to make your entrance ;) )
@Baking: It's an island. No worries.

@lopaz: Welcome to the thread! Main thing to follow is the 11 Commandments of Deityhood in the Divine Intervention Bullpen; the rest is up to you. Reading through the backstory might be helpful, but it's certainly not required to be well-versed in "lore." Especially since we tend to reinvent it a bit with each thread. :p

Spoiler @Winston: :
A wave of agony from the embattled god crashed through the girl's psyche. Eldarion only vaguely sensed her presence, touching his own mind with the sword, but the mortal was nearly incapacitated with the onslaught of the god's torment... and deeper still, a hatred so overwhelming that the blade fell from her hand. Collapsing back to the sand, she found herself vomiting, the black stain of rage and pain clinging to her mind like spiderwebbing.
First, an introduction...

(NFPE until after the next turnset)
Spoiler Meet... The Nameless God :
In the beginning, there was only it. Unsatisfied with this state of being, it used its power to create Space. Into Space it placed energy, which formed all the aspects of the cosmos. As this Space expanded with its exertion, so too did the aspect of its mind, for without it there to maintain the Space, its creation would vanish.

The entity was pleased with itself. Aeons passed, and it realized that for all the wonder of its creation, Space was still dull and empty. So, across innumerable galaxies, and uncounted stars and planets within those galaxies, it used its power to create more entities. These new beings had great power, and in their own turn created Life near the places they had been made. They were immortal and ageless, and were known as gods to the few intelligent mortal things that were part of Life. These gods took Names, and in time they raised some few things to immortality and (lesser) power with them. So too were these gods, but less, and their names and deeds are forever twined with those of mortal Life.

Thus began the endless cycle.

The entity did not care overmuch about what its creation had changed into, nor was it even entirely aware. For with the exertion of its power and the spread of itself into each and every creation, its consciousness was spread even moreso than it had been when Space was made. For most of the great and lesser gods, and almost all of Life that was aware enough to even ponder such things, the creator entity slept, and even its existence was questioned by some. It slept, unless some force caused it to awaken.

Spoiler For the gods :
I see my 'entity' as something along the lines of the Earth-monotheistic deity, ie: creator and master of the universe. However, my own little twist to it is that instead of an omniscient being, it is simply a force that exists in all parts of the universe and its consciousness is spread amongst every world and star (whether they have life or not). Hence, while my nameless God may be the omnipotent creator of Life, the Universe, and Everything - it's stretched out so far across his own creation that it can't pay attention to it all. Hence, sleepy entity. Also along with that is the fact that the less of its consciousness 'active' on a world, the less direct power it can exercise.

Basically, in creating the universe the omnipotent God inadvertently limited its power due to the need to stretch itself to all corners of the universe to keep its creation in existence.

For any concerned that this intro would indicate going overboard with my use of godly powers, let me assure you that the nameless god does not touch the world with so much intent as the rest are likely to do so. Any changes will more likely be incidental and 'unintentional' results of its awakening on the world. Also, as things develop I will definitely bounce my thoughts on further "intervention" off the rest of you, especially if something I might change could impact one of your changes or quests for Pericles.

Hope you guys like the idea. I'm looking forward to it!

And now on to the show!

The impact of the Terror god's meteor indeed wrought great havoc on the lands, the direct effects of which were just beginning to be felt, and which would likely continue to plague the Greek people and their leader for some time.

Its greatest impact, though, was not the destruction of a city, nor the dread riders which arose from the crater, nor even the (temporary) disintegration of the once-and-would-be gods Eldarion and Winston. For the impact had awoken a sleeping entity, one that had been pulled into this world at its creation, just as it had been with each and all other worlds before it, both individually and simultaneously.

If left undisturbed, the being - one with powers both lesser and greater than the ones this world called gods - would simply sleep through eternity, for it was not a restless or capricious thing like the many ascended immortals...it simply was. However, if its essence in a world-universe were disturbed, awoken, then it would stir, and its shifting alone could change the face of a world...and the attention of even a portion of its consciousness could be great and terrible indeed.

Fortunately for most world-universes, the entity did not stir easily, sleeping deep and well despite the meddling of gods, immortals, and mortals alike. Fortunate for most...but not this one.

It had no name, at least not one known to any being of the lesser pantheons. But on worlds where its presence had been felt, it was known simply as Him. God.

The entity stirred from its eternal sleep.

With but a small shift, a small section of the world's crust was shoved into another, and drastic changes were made to the landscape in the area. Mountains and land rose, rivers ran to overflowing and drowned much of the areas around them.

In the next 25 years ((aka 1 turn when Paulus hits enter)), the civilization nearest these events reached the new, isolated lands and settled a city there - a place that was to be a prosperous and magnificent tribute to whatever god brought them this gift. This deity had not made themselves known, though, so they simply called it God, and named their new city the City of God. Worship of this nameless deity spread amongst the extremely religious populace like wildfire, and many flocked to the City of God - some to protect it, others to prepare to spread the word of their faith.

Spoiler What I did...NFPE :
- Created an isolated peninsula (only reachable by water) near Spanish lands
- Changed terrain and bonuses to go along with the upheaval of the land (deserts, floodplains, washed away some resources, added some others)
- Built a Spanish city on the peninsula and added superfast missionaries who will spread the word of God (as soon as the city builds a ship), as well as two uber-Bowmen to guard it (AI_CITYDEFENSE so they won't be goin anywhere, or shouldn't)
- Stole Judaism from the Indians and gave it to Isabella, holy city in the City of God, spread it to the other two as well
- Gave Izzy the Monotheism tech...next turn she will adopt OR and switch to Judaism

All that just to make a little setup and give Izzy a little push to make sure she survives Russia and Rome so close by. I want Pericles to have to deal with everyone's favorite religious fanatic!
Got It:
Will edit post with update soon



Tracnar woke from his drifting in the Aether,
"Something has changed" The ethereal being thought to himself. Tendrils of foggy air wrapped around the core of his being, and two softly gold glowing eyes surveyed the mortal's planet below.
"Time has passed, and other gods have intervened in this world, something had definitely been altered in a dramatic way however. A lifetime of non-interference and neutrality on all planes of existence, and now i must do something that will violate my every belief. It is time to put my plan into action, the destruction of all----"

As the meteor ripped through the atmosphere, shock waves emanated and cascaded throughout the many layers of the upper reaches of the sky, and rippled into the nether regions and the Aether.
They ripped through Tracnar mid-thought and his being was scattered and was torn from the dwelling he had known for eons. Shreds of his consciousness fell down to the planet below, pure godly Aether rained down upon the earth at the same time the people of Corinth lost their lives and the mountain south of Winstown was obliterated.
All over the land and sea, great swaths were choked by an air not of this world, animals and plants died, land became unworkable, and sickness spread.
The wisps of Tracnar's consciousness drifts around the world, waiting for the chance to reform into the god of the Aether.

Spoiler NFPE, what i did :
I added kinda alot of fallout to represent Aether, it should all dissipate by the Next turn set so I can continue my story. Its really not alot, a few patches of jungles and forest around the world, and at most 2 patches per city, no really important tiles, mostly unimproved land.

Spoiler NFPE, story collaboration/ideas :
My story plot is going to be once I reform, i will want to reascend to the heavens,and into the Aether. However, Tracnar does not have many powers of interference, just power over the Aether and near infinite observation of god's and mortal's planes. So I'm going to have to try to team up with a god to try to help myself, so if anyone wants to help a god out, with any price, next turn set I will establish the story and you can make proposals in story form to me.

BTW: I see the power of Aether as , Aether is like what the gods breath, so I think it would be somewhat interesting that my god can make other gods more powerful/weaker by taking/giving the air and power they need. Aether is more like divine energy formed into air like properties.

I think i could be some use to Maybe Eldarion's and Forests storyline, i could team up with one of you at the end and give extra power and take power from the other to give one of you an edge.
Or maybe Winston's story, I have divine energy so maybe i could help you? become a god in return for ascending me.

Fair warning though. If any of you noticed my story, I was about to destroy something. If you help me to reascend, then I will follow through with my plan. Maybe some of you can guess what I am planning to trying to do at the end of the story, it should prove facinating. Don't worry, i will leave hints along the way, you should all know what i am planning to do by the time the beast is almost free again.
Ashus peered down at the world with an intrigue. He hadn't even meant to kill the god this time - and yet the one he had spoken too early now lay scattered over the land.

Perhaps it was time to send his angel back again.


"Pericles!" cried the angel, descending from glowing heavens above a desolate wasteland. "My lord has spoken to me, and he sees an opportunity in your future. If you declare your intentions to replace this Lancelot with Lucern, he says that in order to offset the choking land decay and aetherdrowned areas, he will bless you with many gems from the heaven! What say you?"

Spoiler NFPE :
Ashus hovered next to his divine killboard, and chalked another pair up. He had been surprised Eldarion had been defeated so easily. But where was that sword...?

no comments, yet, but I made a few changes:
- The Great Lands are now gone, sunk into the sea.
- Lucern is dead. Again.
- Lancelot has retreated back to her master's Realm.
- The rest of her troops stayed behind. They lost EXP and levels. And the Lancelot Promos.


  • Divine Intervention.CivBeyondSwordSave
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A charred smell reached the nose of the sea god, and a dark, inky blackness seethed into the ocean near him, burning red eyes seering through the water as they boiled all that they touched.

Volturnus... the voice resounded. There was an uneasy push in the ocean, and the water sparked for a second before a brilliant blue light flashed, blinding even the God for a second.

Volturnus, know that you are meant for great things. Do not abandon this mortal, Pericles. Instead, aid him, and focus your efforts against the Lord of Shadows. Know that I have provided with with power...

As the light faded, both the inky darkness was gone and a new thing had taken its place. Glowing, glittering in the sea, a spectacular trident floated. The name on the side, Winston, slowly unetched itself as Volturnus took its place, and laughter could be heard reverberating through the darkness.
Emerging from a portal over the sea, the Lord of Shadows quickly spotted the trident floating in the waves. From within verself, a chain shot forth, claiming the trident.

"Littering is bad, Ashus."


Elsewhere, three messagers made their way to their targets with instructions from the Lord of Shadows verself. One made his way to the domain of the Sea God, hoping to explain the matters to him. Another made her way to Perceles with instructions likewise.

The third was on his way to The Accountant to see about an alliance.


Above the waves, the Lord of Shadows waited with what humans would call "baited breath." Vi had shielded ver messagers from sight from the gods for a short time while exposing verself elsewhere. Now, if the God of Terror would show his face...


OOC: How much of the Sea God's ignorance is deliberate, and how much is BakingTheArt's own ignorance?
Exploding upwards with terrifying speed, the water churned and tore, as he ripped through the surface into a giant cyclone. Towering far, far above the Lord of the Shadows, an unearthly scream resounded for miles and miles as black tendrils sprung free, threatening to grab the impetuous former god.

YOU HAVE STOLEN SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU. the voice roared, as two gargantuan, burning red eyes came into being at the top of the blackwater cyclone. Any portals nearby snapped shut as a pulse of divine energy came, closely followed by one of absolute terror - one that he was not confident would harm the Lord, but one he was sure would defer any allies from helping.

This is not your world! I have already cleansed yours of the meddlesome forces that once flourished there. You helped me do it! Tell me; was the world not saved when I tore the beast from the earth and channeled its hatred unto you, the gods!? The mortals in that world still live, and yet you seek to undo this world in your godly spite!

The sky above him had darkened, and a hurricane formed in mere seconds, as Ashus exercised his power over the Storm that he had won long ago. Two massive, black, smoky arms extended from the cyclone, and his eyes burned even brighter as he spoke.

Do not think yourself invincible. I have already killed Eldarion, twice. Perhaps this time, you will not escape my wrath by retreating back to your Realm as you have done in fear of me before...
@NoDot (NFPE)
Spoiler :
The Lord of Shadows felt a strange presence, as if another being had invaded his own consciousness. Then words came to him, clear yet somehow croaky:

"A trident for a sword? Sounds like a fair trade to me..."

Spoiler :
It's up to you whether to make the trade, but this would really put the cat amongst the pigeons. If you go for it, then the trident will magically transform into Eldarion's sword (and vice versa). If not, you will at least be the first actor (other than Winston) to know of The Frog's existence.
"Yes," the Lord of Shadows answered. "I am, to you, invincible. While my assimilation would destroy my realm, I do not believe you would want that. You seek power. If you honestly wished well to your world, then you would stand guard over it. Instead, you betrayed us." The Lord of Shadows decided to leave out the fragment of the God of Knowledge in ver Realm for use as a trump card later.

From far away, the Lord of Shadows sensed that the cloaks over ver messangers was fading, but the God of Terror was focused here. He needed to turn the God's attention away, to get him to try and scram.

"Betrayed us, and betrayed you people. You are not a true leader. A true leader is willing to stick his or her neck out for his or her followers."

That almost did it. The God of Terror turned his attention to other places, finally spotting the messangers the Lord of Shadows had sent out. But he didn't move. There goes the plan to permanently eliminate him, the Lord of Shadows thought. Time for Plan B.

I accept.

With those thoughts, the trident that the Lord of Shadows had fished from the sea transformed into Eldarion's Sword.

"What did you do!?" the God of Terror bellowed. Then, he recognized the blade.

"I accepted a trade."

On that reply, the God of Terror decided it was time to eliminate the pest before him. A cyclone of water rose form the waves, attempting to engulf the Lord of Shadows. And with that, the God of Terror started to leave, wanting to seek the trident.

But this was the former God of Magic. With a word, the Lord of Shadows called forth a barrier which protected vim from the storm.

And then vi struck. With words unmeant to be heard by humans, a blade struck forth, much like the chains which dragged Eldarion to the surface of the previous world. The blade struck the God of Terror as he faded, sealing him.

The waves lost their force; the hurricane slowly vanished; the the Lord of Shadows realized that vi had made a miscalculation. The God of Terror was much more powerful that vi had suspected. Although the God of Terror was now sealed, vi could sense "bubbles" of power leaking. The God of Terror would be weakened, but not eliminated. Fortunately, ver messangers would be safe.

With that done, the Lord of Shadows retreated to ver Realm, Eldarion's sword in tow.

Spoiler OOC :
The cat is among the pidgeons. I'm glad I waited a bit.
His blade taken up by a new champion, Eldarion felt a familiar presence... it was vim, the Lord of Shadows. And as the weapon connected with the nemesis for whom it had been forged, the god of vengeance was instilled with a new ferocious power.

"RRRRAAAAARRGH!" The primal cry echoed from his lips as his wounds sealed, his hellish attendants quaking and falling back in fear. In his mouth, he tasted the blood of the God of Terror, its dark taint filling him. It was but a fraction of his power, but it had restored Eldarion - and given him cause to hope once more. For the briefest of moments, he had touched minds with the dark god - and he had known that, for only an instant, the God of Terror had himself known fear.

"NoDot!" In his mind, he felt the strange presence of the once-god. "NoDot! Can you hear me?"

Meanwhile, in the island above, strange fragments of an unidentifiable substance fell to the western plains. One of the demonic denizens, happening upon it, scooped up a single shard.

"What is it, my precious?" the creature hissed. "Takes it to the master, we must. Master must knows what it is!"
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