Do you play with Culture Flipping enabled?

Do you play with Culture Flips enabled

  • Yes, I like culture flipping!

    Votes: 72 88.9%
  • No, culture flipping is too annoying

    Votes: 9 11.1%

  • Total voters
I don't usually see many cities flip in my games so I'm not too worried about it. It does bug me when a recently liberated city flips back to its original civ taking my units with it.
Originally posted by wilbill
Glad it's not conversations - it'd get real annoying listening to the AI's talking among themselves in the background. :)

you don't know it could be rather cool listening to the A.I civs potting your destruction.
Originally posted by HamaticBabylon

you don't know it could be rather cool listening to the A.I civs potting your destruction.

Or it might just drive you insane...

"Yeah, when you're attacking his straggler units and carefully avoiding the armies that are actually about to take your border cities, I'll show up with a fleet that'll offload one cavalry unit!! It'll defeat all his core cities! (sound of AI maniacal laughter)" :mwaha:
I love culture and culture flipping. Yes it's annoying when you lose your garrison, i think military units should be destroyed instead of going to the enemy.
I love culture flipping (probably because i usualy go for culture victory :D ). It annoys the crap out of my friends though hehe
AFAIK, Military units do not go to the enemy. They are destroyed.

Why do you guys think they go to the enemy?

I have never recieved military units from a city which flipped over to me. There was a unit in the city, but it was invariably a single defensive unit of whatever type I am able to build at the time.

I absolutely love Culture Flips, especially against Civs that don't have very much culture (like the Zulus). I obviously emphasize culture anyway. Is it possible to have a capital flip to you? I have never had this, I have had many cities near capitals flip to me, but never an actual capital.
I like culture flipping. The temple of Artemis is the first World Wonder I try to built.
i never put any more defenders than necessary in the AI cities I take, I leave the military outside, OK they may flip back more often but I just take them back without losing too many units, even a 1% chance of a flip with 5+ military units inside is too big a risk for me
I totally dislike it. It's boring. On high levels it's almost impossible to keep in hands cities you conquer, because the AI flip it sooner or later.

If you conquer, for instance, a city like Babylon, most of the time you have to sell everything inside and disband the city quickly, otherwise it will be flipped.

In CIV 2 one of the most nice things was to have colonies - sometimes in the center of the enemy territory -, but it was lost in CIV 3 - at least in Emperor and Deity levels.
yes, hated it first but now I kinda like it, it evens the playing field a bit in favor of the AI.
Culture flipping is a very important aspect of the game. Whenever I go to war and if any of my core cities are overrun I don't care I know my culture will quickly cause a revolt back to me.
Absolutely, it makes game more interesting, you need to be quick when attacking a culture-rich civ
I hate culture flipping but I play with it on anyway, I just have to play my game a little more carefully
Haven't seen a thread like this since the days of Zouave... Anyway, I always keep culture flipping on. It makes you more careful when waging wars, and even allows you a change to flip that one AI city stuck in the middle of your territory without going to war.
Not on the higher levels, as I simply won't accept a loyal city flipping to the enemy for no reason other than some vague nonsensical calculation.
@Chieftess: I don't know who or what Zouave is.. so I don't know if that's good or bad. I realize this is likely an OLD OLD topic of discussion, but I'm fairly new to Civ3 and I was debating the merits of CF with my friends and I thought maybe there would be some insight here.

Personally, I like the concept, as it does add some strategy. Sometimes I feel like that it happens a little too often, though. Also, I think that it makes waging a war incredibly difficult without razing everything in your path -- which doesn't make much sense in a modern context IMO. I think that garrison units should have a much bigger impact on the flip algorithm.
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