Do you read any philosophy? If yes, what type?

I philosophise a lot but I don’t read much philosophy. I inherited Bertrand Russell’s “A History of Western Philosophy” from my grandma I think. It’s a wonderful book and I flip through it and read small snippets from time to time. I don’t think I can read philosophy honestly. My mind starts to wander all over the place after a couple of paragraphs. If I could I would try more eastern philosophy. I really like what little I know about Buddhism and Taoism.
Russel must have been a really cool person.
Unfortunately he is partly responsible for wittgenstein. I have read the tractatus. It could hardly have been written in a less treatise/helpfull manner, and not only its conclusions but its very meant meaning is dubious and not in a good way imo. Even russel' s view of it is rather not enthusiastic :)
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I listen to a philosophy podcast, Partially Examined Life. Does anyone else listen to any philosophy podcasts?

For several years I’ve had a grand plan of reading lots of philosophy once I’m done with school. Really, I should have just double majored in philosophy or at least minored in it, rather than postponing something I enjoy for so long. I’ll also need to find new friends who like philosophy, since all the old ones have moved away

Since I’ve spent a lot of time on Kant in the past, I’ve long intended to use Kant to move on to Hegel and Marx, but I’m not sure how much I feel like dealing with them and their bs. Instead I might spend a year or so on Hannah Arendt and stuff related to ethics, contractualism, and rights. I also acquired a book on Jewish philosophy I want to give a read alongside a Jewish history textbook I bought a few years ago for a class I ended up not taking
Russel must have been a really cool person.
Unfortunately he is partly responsible for wittgenstein. I have read the tractatus. It could hardly have been written in a less treatise/helpfull manner, and not only its conclusions but its very meant meaning is dubious and not in a good way imo. Even russel' s view of it is rather not enthusiastic :)

The book itself, if you haven't read it, is only a collection. It tells small stories of almost all other western philosophers, their philosophy, starting with all the major Greek philosophers. It’s perfect for people like me who can’t read longwinded philosophical reasoning without attracting Lovecraftian horrors to my dreams.

If I had to pick a favourite philosophical genre it’s probably the cynics and the tale of Diogenes and Alexander, not sure it’s in that book though.
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