Does anyone use Fisheries?

I used to love using fisheries, but after playing a lot of hours I have come to the conclusion that the opportunity cost of not using other governors is higher than the benefits of fisheries. Like fisheries are good and Liang is generally good, but I have found myself employing strategies where the other governor paths are great and not just good:
  • If I go tall, obviously Pingala is just a better choice
  • If I go faith economy, I beeline Moksha to be able to faith-buy districts
  • If I go Mali or any naval civ, I beeline Reyna to be able to gold-buy districts
  • If I am going production/SV/wide in general, at least one title for Magnus and rotating him is more valuable
The other side of this is that it feels hard to me to get a lot of governor titles - I feel like I end up with about 3 in the mid game. And since I usually play with secret societies, putting a title into those is more valuable than Liang.

So just to sum it up, Liang and fisheries is very beneficial for the underlying economy - but other governors feature prominently in more specific strats that are probably just OP.
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