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Well, they aren't violent, and I'm not sure on the guns, but there IS a country. Have you not been to http://hamsterrepublic.com/ before?

I am not entirely certain, but I think this thread might have gotten off-topic.

Hamsters are weak in erebus. It's the undead hamsters you have to worry about. And of course, in #erebus, he hamster is omnipotent.
No, they're lead by the Illuminati or the Lizardmens, I haven't read on the internet any conspiracy theory about hamsters or related to hamsters. If you find one, please, lend me the link, so I can check it out.


but my favorite was


What untold evil lurks in the hearts of these sadistic bastards? Who will be the next victim of these bastiens of mayhem?
How do we foil their dasterdly plans?These are some of the crucial questions we must ask ourselves before it’s too late.We call upon our government to take immediate, pre-emptive military action against the hamsters....
we must take defensive measures immediatly.
soon science will be so far beeing able to turn me into hamster myself, than i can infiltrate the secret hamster society and take over the world myself... oh did i just write that?... i mean prevent their hideous plans

ps: i like the hamster porn site :D

undead hamsters
i wonder if hamsters can cast the lich spell. well they definitly should. or should not, for our own good.
Well, they aren't violent, and I'm not sure on the guns, but there IS a country. Have you not been to http://hamsterrepublic.com/ before?

That's the website of a dude that likes making comics.

I am not entirely certain, but I think this thread might have gotten off-topic.

Hamsters are weak in erebus. It's the undead hamsters you have to worry about. And of course, in #erebus, he hamster is omnipotent.

Yes, epic-mega off-topic, but they just still claim that there is a conspiracy about hamsters, (there is?)

The first link, is a comedy blog. A dude that use a South park avatar, so I don't find that source very relievable.
The second link, looks like a joke. (A press release? That website is also a joke!)
And the president hamster: Whoever he was, he lost the elections (And thus a loser), so I don't care.
And that, "real hamster website" I don't know what it is (But are you really paying 4.000 for a... well...).

Conclusion: Yes, maybe something is out there, perhaps, but looks like that such people watched over 9000 times the movie G-force in a row, and got shocked..., somehow...
Please don't take this as an insult: Are you the kind of person who takes conspiracy theories seriously?
Please don't take this as an insult: Are you the kind of person who takes conspiracy theories seriously?

Seriously take the hamster conspiracy or any other?

I'm 80% sure that the hamster conspiracy is fake, however, I'm 90% sure that there is a New global order conspiracy lead by Illuminati/lizardmens.

However, since those groups "are" supposed to be careful, is very difficult, nor impossible to find clear evidence, so, it's just matter if you believe or not.

I guess this falls under the same rule which stops me from discussion religion on the Internets...

So were also serious when you said that the US are preparing for a war against North Korea?
So were also serious when you said that the US are preparing for a war against North Korea?
He was obviously joking. We (in the US) are too busy indoctrinating our youth to sing "mmmm, mmmm, mmmm" to even think about starting a war (see Youtube for the endearing video). Almost forgot, we still have 2 wars to surrender in.
Oh, I can see you going to war in Iran (and if I have the choice between a 3rd Gulf War and the first nuclear gulf war I can't help but think that it might be only the 2nd worst scenario) but America doesn't have the guts to move against North Korea unless China they get China's approval. In which case you won't even need a new Korean War to topple the Kim government.
valk - see what happens when you do not have anything new for downloading and reading like changelogs - people go nuts.

for Rambo killing was the cure but for us...gaming is the cure...

stop the madness!!
but America doesn't have the guts to move against North Korea unless China they get China's approval. In which case you won't even need a new Korean War to topple the Kim government.
You are...ABSOLUTELY...correct!:lol: Pretty astute observation.:goodjob:
So were also serious when you said that the US are preparing for a war against North Korea?

Preparing no, preparing to defend South Korea maybe. North Korea is clearly preparing for a war to invade South Korea and then may US will intervene.
Honestly, North Korea has nothing to interest USA, since it doesn't have petrol or any other resource. However, South korea is USS ally so they may intervene.

Iran, on the other part, does has petrol and right now, US may have an excuse to attack them, but they would wait, for the right moment, though.
Who will start the conflict, will see. It is not likely that Usa will start it, but rather, Israel or Iran themselves.

Please remember that the Korea war never actually ended. It ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty. They're technically still on war.
Sorry. :(

It's my fault.

how is progress going on? Patches, hotfixes on the line? 1.31 release-date programmed? Would love to continue playing Rife...

Actually I'm testing the 9.0 WM beta (great one, really!, more than a beta) and the "new" magistermodmod (awesome, totally stable, few bugs, great ideas, very "back to roots" with fine expansions, always to the lore). After finishing your own mods, you guys should work together and create something great. I know you have different goals, but there is a lot of synergetic energy unused. You guys could create some über-mod for FFH 2 or whatever comes for civ 5.

Rife: new stuff, programming
WM: stability, AI, programming
MC: lore & background, stability, gameplay, programming


The RifE team has it's own projects for Civ5... Though certain members of other mod teams are included in that atm, last I heard.

As for the next version: Again, classes just started (11 hours of class on Mon/Wed) and quite a lot of :):):):) happened in RL for me, so I've been working on something small that entertains me greatly. Will be a module. Once that is done, I'll get back on lairs and release 1.31.
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