
Michael FierceWolf

Dec 23, 2000
Iowa, USA
I recently downloaded the HiRes patch for Apolyton's sight and wanted to ask if anyone else here has also and what your opinion of it is. It is the first time I have done this so it was new to me. I think it is interesting and certainly adds a new element to the game, but I have found the units are hard to distinguish at first, and the terain is a bit darker then the original. But those are minor things which I will get used to in time. What do you all think of it? What are your favorite patches or downloads to enhance the game? :grouchomarx:

"I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father except through me" John 14:6
Hey Michael,

I haven't downloaded that one...but I will soon. I keep saying that I will and forget to do it...however, if you are interested in upgrading your civ, I am working on an upgrade that I am calling,"Greater Civilizations". It features new terrains, sounds and units that are easier to see and more detailed. Stay on the lookout as I am having SunTzu here at Civfanatics play test it this week. Now, I better download Hi-Res before I forget again...

John Valdez
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