• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Not bad, not bad at all. I can hardly wait to see the first work to be skewered (I suppose it will start with me, right?).
Dear Negative Reader,

Take That, Critics!
It's funny because it's made out of Downfall stills.
So I kept it after all...

leik dis if u cri erryteim :cry:

Surely you've memorized the password by now..?
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"...most overhyped villain since Mariko"? Well screw you Thorvald!
Remind me, what's the password?
Also why is there one?
Just copy and paste it.
Oh Thorvald, I love it! :D Great to be part of it. ^^
I totally see your point btw, it's just hard to follow up on stories you write twice a year or so. But, oh, the Gem Arc. DYOS X was great. So was XI really.

(I laughed a lot at the whole amnesia entry thing.)
Oh Thorvald, I love it! :D Great to be part of it. ^^
I totally see your point btw, it's just hard to follow up on stories you write twice a year or so. But, oh, the Gem Arc. DYOS X was great. So was XI really.

(I laughed a lot at the whole amnesia entry thing.)
ANGST: Making Hitler cry since 2016. :cooool:
Well, I think it's been a while since I actually contributed a comic soo...

And here I thought they were the good guys... :mischief:
Yikes, looks like they've been trumped
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Zombie Santa places you on the naughty list, Rocket.
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