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DU1 - "I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition!"

I've got it - will play tomorrow. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas :)
Sorry for the delay guys - having some trouble getting the game patched. I hope to have the kinks worked out and the turns played tonight. If not I will let you know.
Here we go:

Spoiler: Pretty quiet turns; no screen shots this time around, sorry. Nothing all that noteworthy.

Turn 150 (800 AD)
I switch Salamanca to a Lighthouse. More food will allow this city to work an extra tile or two to get the 1 or 2 hammers that the Forge would provide.

Turn 151 (820 AD)
Barcelona finishes: The Great Lighthouse

Turn 152 (840 AD)
I start a Work Boat in Toledo - need to get more food here.

Turn 153 (860 AD)
Caesar demands Compass - I decline. We learn Music, but get no Artist :(

Turn 154 (880 AD)
I start researching Drama - we could use the happy help. Theatres are cheap builds.
Finish the Forge in Madrid and start a Settler for the Gems on the coast.

Turn 155 (900 AD)

Turn 156 (920 AD)
We learn Drama and I queue up Guilds to get our UU: Monarchy=>Feudalism=>Machinery=>Guilds

Turn 157 (940 AD)

Turn 158 (960 AD)
I start some military in Seville - we are woefully low on troops. We learn Monarchy.

Turn 159 (980 AD)
Finish the Settler in Madrid and start the Great Library; I switch to Bureaucracy to speed this along.

Turn 160 (1000 AD)

Turn 161 (1010 AD)

Turn 162 (1020 AD)
Found Murcia and start a Lighthouse; need to get a Missionary over there quickly :)

Turn 163 (1030 AD)
Barcelona grows to size 16 and finishes a Theatre; starts a Courthouse.

Turn 164 (1040 AD)
We learn Feudalism

Turn 165 (1050 AD)
Start a Missionary in Barcelona for Murcia;
Chuang-Tzu (Great Prophet) born in Barcelona I see this in the log but I do not remember seeing it in the game. I don't think I have done anything with him. . .

Turn 166 (1060 AD)
Accidentally hit enter - nothing moved

We may want to build another city in the western portion of our Empire. There is a lot of unused green land between Seville and Barcelona. I think we should also engage in a real war sooner rather than later. Rome may be a likely target; We can go through Japan to get there; might help Toku get some more land (he is at the bottom of the ladder - not where we want our Christian Brother to be!); and their Praetorians will crumble before our Conquistadors!
I've got it. I'll play sometime tonight.

Here are my initial thoughts on how I'll proceed:

- Finish machinery and grab engineering - we want the +1 road movement to speed up movement to the front. It will also give us war elephants, which will make a nice counter to Peter's War Elephants.

- Spam a lot of troops. We're way out in front on score, but we're running 4th on the power graph. We'll need more to sustain an offensive war.

- Attack Russia - he's got 2 heathen holy cities that are just begging to be razed. At the same time we declare on Russia, I would like to do the following:

1) Make a temporary peace with Asoka. I don't think he's a factor, but I'd hate to have 5 galleys of Indian troops suddenly show up during our war with Peter. We can redeclare once we've finished w/ the Russians.

2) Bribe Toku into declaring on Rome. This will distract Rome (who's buddy-buddy with Peter) from attacking us, *and* distract Toku from attacking us while we're busy with Peter.
Good thoughts Groggs, though I fear that Toku would come out on the wrong end of the stick if we sent him to war without our support. Toku is our only ally and he really needs some pampering right now.

Asoka feels like a phony war, anyway.

Maybe declare on Rome; absorb whatever Caesar can respond with; bring Toku in when Caewsar is gassed; make peace a few turns later and declare on Peter.

We need Toku stronger than he is now, not weaker.
Short version: Lost out on Great Library, built several workers, built Heroic Epic in Seville, built lots of military, but didn't start any wars yet. Researched Machinery, Engineering, and most of Guilds

Long Version:
Turn 166, 1060 AD: After some in-depth investigation, I think we need to really do a transformation to get our war machine going. In particular, I think we really need some more workers. We've got 5 workers for 8 cities and we need to 1) chop lots of jungle on the eastern peninsula 2) build irrigation chains to Murcia, Santiago, Cordoba, Seville, and Toledo and 3) Connect our roads to Toku's for faster access to the (future) war zone. According to the power graph (F9) we're in 4th militarily, behind Russia, America, and Rome, slightly ahead of Toku and Mao, with Asoka bringing up the rear.

-Research > to 90%, -22 gpt, Machinery in 3
-Toledo -> lighthouse (growth)
-Santiago -> lighthouse (growth)
-Cordoba -> worker (6)
-Pull a citizen in Barcelona and turn him into an engineer; move one from a coast tile -> cottage. This will cost us 1cpt for 10 turns, but it will get the cottage growing.
-Send an archer from Santiago towards Murcia to free up the sword there.
-Move worker from gems to forest S. of Toledo
-Worker in jungle assigned to build a road from Barcelona to Tokyo
-Send our galley southward to examine Toku's new city
-Great Lighthouse due in 5
-Park Chang-Tzu (the great prophet); I figure he'll be good for a GA in the future.

IBT: Mao wants Feudalism. I tell him where he and his heathen religion can go. We lose out on the GL. :(

Turn 167, 1070 AD:

- Seville Axe -> Worker (3)
- Check out Kagoshima with our galley.
- Madrid reassigned to worker (we should get a good chunk of change for the GL)
- Salamanca lighthouse -> harbor (5)
- Santiago pop rushes a lighthouse. This will cost 2 pop, but gain +3 fpt, so we'll get that pop back in no time.
- Archer arrives in Murcia, sword heads towards Barcelona.

IBT: We get 234g from the Great Library build

Turn 168, 1080 AD:
Barcelona Missionary -> Catapult
Santiago Lighthouse -> Harbor

Turn 169, 1090 AD:
- Machinery researched; Engineering in 6 @ 100%
- Caesar cancels our Rice for incense deal; Barcelona is unhappy *and* unhealthy now.
- Madrid worker -> Maceman (3)

Turn 170, 1100 AD:
- Toku completes the Great Lighthouse (WTG Tok!)
- Seville worker -> Heroic Epic
- Get a good look at Rostov, the nearest Russian city:
- Toledo Lighthouse -> worker (3)
- Barcelona Catapult -> Missionary. Pop rush the Missionary.
- Christianity spreads to Murcia (via our missionary)
- 2 workers begin chopping out the Heroic Epic in Seville

Turn 171, 1110 AD:
- Asoka wants peace - not yet, we're not ready to attack anyone else
- Barcelona Missionary -> Galley (1)
- Missionary heads towards Satsuma

Turn 172, 1120 AD:
- Peter wants to trade philosophy for feudalism -> ain't happening
- Cordoba worker -> catapult (4)
- Madrid Mace -> worker (1)
- Salamanca harbor -> barracks (7)
- Barcelona galley -> catapult (2)
- We're now in 3rd on the power graph, trailing Roosevelt and Peter slightly.

Turn 173, 1130 AD:
- Madrid Worker -> Maceman (2)
- Toledo worker -> worker (3)
- Drop science to 90%, engineering in 2

Turn 174, 1140 AD:
- Christianity spreads in Satsuma (Missionary)
- Santiago harbor -> forge (pop rushed to 1)
- Barcelona cat -> galley (3)

Turn 175, 1150 AD:
- Engineering researched; guilds in 8 @ 80%
- Madrid Mace -> Mace (3)
- Seville Heroic Epic -> Crossbow (3)
- Santiago harbor -> library (8)
- Our worker is helping Toku build a few roads for upcoming conquests
- We're now #1 on the power graph

Turn 176, 1060 AD:
- Toledo worker -> forge (3)
- Cordoba catapult -> harbor (1)

Turn 177, 1170 AD:
- Cordoba harbor -> catapult
- Barcelona galley -> Missionary

Turn 188, 1180 AD:
- Toledo Forge -> Harbor (2)
- Madrid Mace -> Mace (2)
- Seville Crossbow -> War Elephant

Turn 189, 1190 AD:
- Barcelona Missionary -> Missionary
- Salamanca Barracks -> Catapult

Turn 190, 1200 AD:
- Toledo harbor -> barracks
- Madrid Mace -> Mace
- Seville Mace -> Mace
- Murcia expands
- I stopped before hitting enter so the next person can change whatever they want

Closing notes:

- I'm chaining irrigation towards Murcia so it can have some farms. The gems there also need to be mined (it just picked them up on the last turn.)

- We've got a pretty decent invasion force started. We've got 3 maces, a sword, 2 axes, 1 spear, 5 catapults, and 3 war elephants in the 2 stacks near Toku, plus a city raider 3 axe down in Toku's lands. It's probably enough to start a war. I recommend Rostov since it's close and very lightly defended (Xbow+archer) but I leave the choice of targets (and Civ!) up to the next player.

- Madrid has the +50% beuracracy bonus and Seville has the +100% Heroic Epic bonus, so I recommend you build the 'expensive' units (Maces, XBows, etc) there and build cats in the lower production cities.

- Toku has no iron now (Rome ate it.) We might want to consider trading it to him.

- Speaking of Toku, keep an eye on him. Just because he's +8 or whatever with us doesn't mean he won't attack us if he detects weakness. The best way to make sure that doesn't happen is to distract him by buying him into a war when we invade.

- Our underbelly (Barcelona-Seville-Murcia) is pretty soft, and thus vulnerable to an amphibious invasion. Toledo has a lot of production, so troops built there can probably be used to reinforce while other cities build an invasion force.

- Peter has Optics, and thus caravels, so we're outgunned on the water. We may want to consider going for that after guilds.

- We're #1 in power and taking off like a rocket. If we keep up the military production, we should be able to swat pretty much any heathen civ we want.

Here's the save:
Excellent. Great turn set Grogs. The GL was a risk, but I figured we had a decent shot at it and it would really have helped us out.
Sheesh, my monitor at home is fried. I will have to withdraw until further notice. But I'll still be posting.

Tough break on the monitor. Sorry to hear that. :(

I've got an old 17" I'd let you have, but judging by the address on your profile, I don't think you'll be in my neighborhood anytime soon. :lol:
OK, I'm going to assume RL has reared its ugly head and skip Ragnoff. This means I'm posting a got it for myself as I was up after Ragnoff.
First thoughts

Looks good.

We have enough units to attack Peter, so I immediately send the stacks through Japan, ready to attack in a few turns.

Also do a little MM.

Think about vassalage, but with theocracy we already get some benefits. If the war starts stalling then Vassalage will be worth it.

What’s the great prophet going to be used for?

I’ won’t do anything with him, and suggest golden age is his use when another person turns up.

Turn 1 – 1210 ad

Barcelona builds missionary, building courthouse (we’ll need these plus the FP so may as well start now)

IBT Asoka pays us 10 gold for peace – as we are about to declare on peter I take it.

Turn 2 – 1220 ad

Guilds now researched, I set it to banking (for mercantilism)
About 6 cities finish builds, so I divide production 50/50 between units and infrastructure (we can build conquistadors now)

Declare war on Peter – he didn’t expect that one!!!!

Turn 3 – 1230 ad

I use the Catapaults to remove the cultural defences of Rostov. But I won’t suicide any of them as it is only defended by a Xbow and archer. My plan is to take this city with overwhelming force, then split my units into 2

The mace goes first, and dies despite having city attack 2.

The swordsman goes next, and kills the Xbow

The war elephant goes next, and….


The stack then moves into Rostov, and waits for the counter attack.

And the missionary teaches Rostov the error of its ways.

Turn 4 1240 ad

Move injured troops into Rostov to heal

Split remaining forces into 2, 1 heads to Moscow, 1 to novograd – the one going to Moscow has more troops in as I suspect I’ll need more

Turn 5 1250 ad

IBT – Julius ceasar declares war on us!!!!!!

We should be ok, but I’ll see if Toku feels like being our proxy while we take on Russia.

Toku declares war on Julius in exchange for code of laws and literature.

Our forces advance

Turn 6 1260 ad

I upgrade some troops to counter Peter’s war elephants. This means I have to lower research to 60%

Turn 7 – 1270 ad

Research Banking, decide on Optics next (for circumnavigation of globe)

Switch to mercantilism

Pikeman (an upgrade) kills war elephant by Rostov

Turn 8 – 1280 ad

Forces advance – now next to surprisingly undefended Moscow

IBT – Peter suicides a catapult on our stack by Moscow, we suffer a bit of damage, but nothing fatal

Turn 9 – 1290 ad

Start bombarding moscows defences, its on a hill so I suspect I may have to suicide a few catapults to take the city


Peter suicides several units on our stack, but we lose an axeman.

Turn 10 – 1300 ad

We reduce Moscow’s cultural defences to 0
However his suicide paults mean we need to heal a few turns before trying to take the city. Its on a hill so we’ll need to suicide our paults as well.
For the next player (please post a got it within 24 - lets try and speed this up)

It is vital that we capture moscow, otherwise its culture will flip Rostov back.

Also note the other city our troops are by is the holy city of Taoism, so raze it if you can.

We are also at 50% science, so i put a few banks on. Build banks and courthouses, and conquistadors simply for the speed with which we can get them to the front line.

Also note the navy in the south, and the troops it dropped off near st petersburg.
Turn 0 1300 AD:
It’s been a long time since my last turns… I’m checking out our situation and cities and look for trading possibilities to boost our poor economy. Mao is offering 4 Gold/turn for Dye, so I take it. With Roosevelt, we trade Cows for Fur, Rice for Wine and Fish for 4 Gold/turn. Tokugawa is kind enough to offer us Corn and 4 Gold/turn for Horses. Our economy looks a lot better now and I increase science to 60% and are still making +3 Gold/turn. Optics now due in 2 turns rather than 3.

Turn 1 1310 AD:
A Great Scientist is born in Barcelona, I could use him for a Golden Age together with the Great Prophet, but I think an Academy in Madrid will help us better in the long run. So I build the Academy and boost our science output. To be honest I think our troops are too scattered, it would have been better to keep one stack and take city by city. And we have to watch out for Julius, he currently has a stack outside Osaka, but could easily attack our newly conquered Russian cities if he chooses so.

Roosevelt asks for Open Borders, but I reject as he’s not a believer.

Turn 2 1320 AD:
We discover Optics, going for Gunpowder. There’s nowhere enough units near Novgorod to take the city (2 Cats, 1 Swordsman and a Pike) so I move that stack towards Moscow. We should be able to start the attack on Moscow in about 2 turns.

Peter’s Caravel sunk 2 of our Galleys and pillaged a net outside Barcelona, we have two Galleys in range to attack his Caravel.

Turn 3 1330 AD:
I attack his Caravel with our two Galleys to avoid having more nets destroyed, we sink his Caravel with our first Galley! Our troops advance on Moscow, I will attack the city the next turn.

Peter attacks Rostov with a Horse Archer but is getting killed. Our stack moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow (dropped of by our Galleys) is attacked 3 or 4 times, but no losses from our side.

Turn 4 1340 AD:
We are ready to take Moscow. I sacrifice two Catapults, then move in. Our Maceman kills a Longbowman, a Conquistador kills another Longbowman, Maceman kills Archer, War Elephant kills Maceman, Maceman kills Archer and the city is ours! I also kill a Russian War Elephant and Chariot that was moving towards Rostov. I will heal our units in Moscow and the move towards Novgorod.

Turn 5 1350 AD:
I upgrade a Conquistador to Medic I so we heal faster and move our units inside Moscow.

Turn 6 1360 AD:

Turn 8 1380 AD:
We convert Moscow to Christianity, start moving healed units from Moscow towards Novgorod.

Turn 10 1400 AD:
We enter the Renaissance Era as we discover Gunpowder. Going for Paper. We have about 7 Conquistadors outside Novgorod which should be enough to take the city. We lose two Conquistadors, but burn the holy city of Taoism. A Settler is on the way to build a new city on the spot (ETA: 3 turns). The Russians have only two cities remaining, I suggest taking St. Petersburg first and then Yaroslavl. We have some Medics in Moscow, so I sent our wounded troops over there to heal. I check again if there any trading opportunities, I sell Sugar to Asoka for 3 Gold/turn and Civil Service to Tokugawa for 200 Gold.
Sorry didn't have any pictures this round, but the war is going pretty good... Russia is no threat anymore we have enough units to annihilate them completely in the next 10 turns. We can conquest Rome after that, although we might wanna go for the Americans to avoid them becoming too advanced.
Here's the savegame, enjoy!
I've got it - will play tonight.
Nice work on the war guys. It's been a while since I played last and it took a bit to reorient myself to the game. :lol:

It looks like WW is rearing its ugly head though, we're at -4 already. Also, I don't think we'll be able to hold onto Rostov. It's showing a 7.2%/turn chance of revolting to Japan. We should consider gifting it to Toku once we no longer need it.

Also, I think we need to keep a close eye on what we're building. Barcelona is pulling in 28 commerce, plus 18gpt from the Church of the Nativity. We should build a bank there ASAP. On the other extreme, Seville is generating almost no commerce and it has the heroic epic. Other than happiness/production buildings, it should build purely military units.

Does anyone have any thoughts on where the rest of the national wonders should go? I think Barcelona is a given for Wall Street. With all of its food, it can support 5 specialists, plus it has a couple of wonders there (G. Lighthouse, Church of the Nativity) so National Epic might be good there as well. With the gold mines and since we're running bureauracracy, London should probably get Oxford. That still leaves the Globe Theater, FP, and a few others.
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