[GS] Eleanor of Aquitaine Discussion Thread

I've been trying Eleanor lately as England. My last game was on Emperor with Continents. My strategy going into the game was to go full-on culture and flip my neighbors, and then pick up Sea Dogs for some naval shenanigans to compound the loyalty stuff. I had a bit of misfortune, I actually lost a culture victory against Shaka of all people, but it was close. I had barely any faith output and he kept spamming rock bands at me, I could barely produce any without them dying. So even though we were neck-and-neck with my tourism and culture higher, he won.

I'm not a super experienced player. I never really got the Sea Dogs up fast enough to do much with them because my production was just awful in my coastal cities so I kept trying to build up infrastructure to boost production (shipyards, industrial zones). I probably should have balanced science and culture more, because they were too outdated by the time I got the infrastructure.

I'm finding Eleanor to be a bit tricky! I did manage to flip some cities, but not enough. My war was too difficult with my low tech, and the war weariness actually made the city flipping harder! Also, I really needed some of that faith for Rock Bands, and I was flipping Kongo, who had no holy sites. :sad:

I'm not giving up, though. I want to try another game with Eleanor England. I'm thinking I should go for a religion and try a more balanced play, I dunno. Maybe not the best beginner friendly civ, but I've been learning a lot. The loyalty stuff is just so fun, and I get to make use of spies and rock bands and such all together cohesively.
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