KingMorgan Rune WTH are you guys playing at? are you sabotaging the game for SANCTA to win?
Nancy Rune do you have any response for us at this time?
Nancy Rune morgan, settle down
KingMorgan Rune i think it's a fair question.
Nancy Rune i know you just saw the PM, but we went through this all a couple of days ago among ourselves
cavscout Rune we do have a response in the works
KingMorgan Rune ok. sorry.
Nancy Rune can you tell us unofficially what will be in it?
cavscout Rune well give me a minute to check my forum
cavscout Rune so I'm sure you guys can tell for our earlier letter that things finally came to boil our forum
cavscout Rune that letter was rushed off and we probably could have approached the whole issue in a better way so as not to alarm you guys
cavscout Rune there was a strong feeling in our forum though that you guys have been leading us on this whole time regarding SANCTA
cavscout Rune and we wanted to press you on helping us in a concrete fashion vs vague reassurances
Nancy Rune you really chose the wrong way to go about it
Nancy Rune that PM resulted in some very strong feelings
Nancy Rune oyzar's been running this team pretty much by himself for the last couple of months, until just recently, and he did not feel committing to things he could not effectively discuss with teammates. i do understand why your team is frustrated, but good lord that was harsh
cavscout Rune well there are some strong feelings on our side as well, feeling that had been building up
cavscout Rune there was one chat in particular that brought things to a boil and made us question your good faith
cavscout Rune things got heated in our forum and the result was the note that you got
Nancy Rune all right.
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Rune which chat was it?
Nancy Rune how do you plan to move on from here?
Nancy Rune do you understand what we are requesting?
cavscout Rune if im right you guys are asking for a different proposal from us
Nancy Rune well, yes, but there are a lot of ways to be "different"
Nancy Rune we will not give up huge chunks of our own territory to redress the imbalance of power. it has to come at SANCTA's expense. and we expect the required techs for lib to be transferred this turn, so we keep any chance we have at that -- anything else is biting off your nose to spite your face
cavscout Rune well we would discontinue our relationship with you guys our of spite
cavscout Rune wouldnt i mean!
Nancy Rune heh
cavscout Rune lol
Rune oyzar freudian slip?
Rune oyzar (jk)
cavscout Rune if we parted ways it wouldnt be because of spite, i assure you
Nancy Rune i really think the ball's in your court,
Nancy Rune i hope we've made clear what our expectations are
cavscout Rune well yeah i suppose you could say it's in our court... and we could shoot for one net or the other
cavscout Rune but on the other hand you could say that the ball is in your court
cavscout Rune because we made a concrete proposal
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Rune but only if you ignore the fact that we sent a concrete rejection
Rune oyzar that wasn't much of a proposal
Rune oyzar and you know it
Nancy Rune brb, don't give away the farm in my absense
cavscout Rune well if our rememdy doesnt work for you guys we were hoping you would come back with something constructive that would
Nancy Rune your remedy was too harsh. we all unanimously saw it as an extremely provoking PM, and the remedy one that would hurt he pair of us collectively even more than remaining with the status quo. it was so harsh many of us guessed it was a calculated attempt to push us out of the alliance.
Nancy Rune we considered offering our own proposals in return, but ultimately though that shorter was better. the essential part is there: we work together to recover your power at sancta's expense, rather than at ours or (inevitably) at that of the alliance as a whole
Nancy Rune brb again
cavscout Rune well since we have alot of people here I will take the initiative to cut and paste the draft reply we are working on in our forum
Nancy Rune ok
cavscout Rune While we did not formally accept your initial balance of power proposal, game play from that point forward has shown tacit agreement to the substance most of the treaty (sharing of all technology, mutual tech goals, general cooperation). Our understanding was that the “balance” you were most concerned about was technological (where we have a comparative advantage) –
cavscout Rune we have always been more concerned about a “balance” with respect to growth (where you have the advantage). So far our team has been very accommodating on the technological side and continues to contribute the most to the alliance in this respect.
cavscout Rune For that reason we have decided to use our technology as a bargaining tool. We used the old terms of balance of power as it was a pre-existing framework for discussion. But that said, our proposal was very hastily written and was sent before being fully vetted.
cavscout Rune Our proposal was the gifting of cities. You offered military aid. This would be very welcome, but we would like some specifics of what you are offering.
Nancy Rune is anyone who's better at CIV willing to step in at this point?
Nancy Rune i can't discuss military issues with any confidence
Nancy Rune we keep going around in circles. attack teh cities nearest you? attack overseas with optics? use lib for this that or the other thing? wait for rifles?
Nancy Rune there are too many options
Nancy Rune what does KAZ expect? what would do it, that we can agree to and still keep our own self-respect?
oyzar Rune he is back
cavscout Rune sorry guys, lost my internet there for a sex
Nancy Rune ok
cavscout Rune sec lol
Nancy Rune what's the last thing you saw?
cavscout Rune just that you were asking for the more military experienced players to comment lol
Nancy Rune ok
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Rune [20:04] Nancy: we keep going around in circles. attack teh cities nearest you? attack overseas with optics? use lib for this that or the other thing? wait for rifles? [20:04] Nancy: there are too many options [20:04] Nancy: what does KAZ expect? what would do it, that we can agree to and still keep our own self-respect?
Nancy Rune what he said
cavscout Rune well how soon could you take TKY?
Nancy Rune i have no idea
Nancy Rune anyone, please?
Nancy Rune discussing ...
oyzar Rune how soon we could take TKY depends on how well sancta defends it...
cavscout Rune well i sent you screens a few turns ago showing some of the forces they have in the area
cavscout Rune we would attack at the same time of course
cavscout Rune and tie up some of those troops
cavscout Rune what forces do you guys have available right now?
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Rune whatever we can whip
cavscout Rune you dont have anything on your frontier with SANCTA?
oyzar Rune hmm
oyzar Rune seems like everyone got booted from this convo by msn
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Rune defensive units - no use in attacking
oyzar Rune i'll restart it
Nancy figures just when i find it again
Nancy meet you all over there
oyzar hmm
oyzar now it didn't work to add zpv...
Nancy ZPV just popped out of his convo with me too
oyzar oh, he went offline this time...
Nancy yeah
oyzar lets try again
Rune here!
cavscout k im here
Nancy present
Rune but know nothing that happened the last 20 minutes
Nancy s'ok, not much has
Nancy Jon has implied he woudl like to capture TKY as soon as possible; is that accurate?
cavscout yes
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF we're trying to coordinate wrt sancta
cavscout we would like to see you DoW and cross into SANCTA land no later than 15 turns
Nancy ok sancta has a couple of longbows and a couple of spears there
Nancy what do you have to bring?
cavscout with an offensive stack worth at least 800 hammers
cavscout seize TKY, gift it to us
cavscout then gift the stack
cavscout and we carry on the fight
oyzar you know we are imp and you guys are not right?
cavscout not right?
Nancy not, right?
oyzar not, right
cavscout ah yeah of course
cavscout might explain why you have twice as many cities lol
oyzar I ment the GG part of imp
cavscout oh well if you want to gift us GGs that would be good too
cavscout ones laughing? lol
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF we're discussing
cavscout k
oyzar hmm
oyzar seems nancy dced without dropping from this convo so can't reinvite her...
oyzar how much are you going to have an when?
cavscout well off the top of my head im guessing we would attack with 2 elephant, 4 maces, 4 cats, a crossbow and a pike at the same time you do.
cavscout probably some knights throw in as well
cavscout more cats to follow on
oyzar in 15 turns? that together with what we will have won't be enough to do a dent against sancta(maybe about the same), much better to wait until we have large enough stacks to actually attack with...
cavscout well I understand you guys have more rexing to do and want things on your timeline
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF no, we're done rexing
Nancy i actuallydon't think that's oyzar's objection
Nancy not the motive behind his objection, i meant
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF we physically can't get an 800 hammer stack to sancta's border in 15 turns, and that won't be enough to defeat sancta's similarly-sized stack which can get there in 15 turns. We propose a later timeframe, and bigger stacks, where we actually stand a chance of success.
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF We just don't have the productive capability
cavscout ok, i will take your answer back to my team
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF we are discussing right now what a reasonable timeframe is
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF so don't go away
cavscout ok
cavscout oh while you guys are deliberating... I seem to have closed some of the other chat windows that we have jump around in and lost the transcript of the first part of our conversation... would any of you be able to help me out?
cavscout i want to make sure you are represented properly in our forum
cavscout in your own words vs, just a summary from me
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF we're thinking of a 35-40 turn timeframe, when we will attack with a big stack of knights+cannons. Although, we may request something on the order of a 5-turn delay, if we lose lib, since we will get to steel later
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF I'll have a look
Rune we would start a military build-up now
Nancy have to go, good luck everyone
Rune the odds of success is so much greater with the extra turns
cavscout well it looks like SANCTA will win the lib race
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF I have the transcript
cavscout ah excellent
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF shall I post it here, or PM it?
cavscout might be easier to pm
Rune can I get it too?
Rune I missed some
ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF please confirm
cavscout got it, thanks
cavscout Well i need to get going, I will post everything in my forum.
cavscout later