Dear CavKaz brothers:
We are very happy to see Cavalieros' exponential growth. However, our team has become increasingly worried that the fundamental premise of balance of power that has been the backbone of our alliance is becoming irreversibly skewed. As the western end of the CavKaz alliance grows, unfettered by SANCTA, the eastern side is threatened.
Our CavKaz alliance has recently been placed in jeopardy by the recent SANCTA attacks. We are therefore desperately in need of action to be taken to re-establish the balance-of-power between us. This will help the entire CavKaz alliance by enabling us to push SANCTA out of CavKaz land.
Towards this end, we propose that you gift us the four (4) closest cities to our borders so that we have enough cities to build an army and press the conflict with SANCTA. Once we have cleared the SANCTA dogs from our lands, we can re-asses the balance of power and re-divide our CavKaz cities as appropriate. We are also willing to return your gifted cities to you outright, once the SANCTA threat has been beaten back.
We also request that you gift us a battle group of units to fight SANCTA. This can be accomplished by moving the units into the territory of the gifted cities. We are happy to return your forces to you, once SANCTA has been sufficiently beaten back. We further request that you immediately declare war on the SANCTA enemies.
We hope that Cavalieros is willing to continue maintaining a balance of power in the CavKaz. We hope that we have performed as true friends to our West CavKaz brothers in the past, and that we will continue to support each other in the future. As you are aware, our alliance has lasted well beyond the original agreed obligatory period (Turn 115), a true testament to our commitment to each other.
We are happy to formally accept your proposal for a balance-of-power alliance, if that is the primary obstacle to your full co-operation to destroy SANCTA. We are therefore willing to sign your proposed treaty with the sole addition of a clause preventing either of us from declaring war on a third party without the other's consent. Please be advised that we have always felt that our conduct (ie. tech gifting) was a constructive acceptance of the balance of power arrangement, so we did not feel that a formal agreement was needed. However, if ink on the page puts our CavKaz brothers at ease, we are most pleased to oblige, as always.
We are confident that you will aid us as requsted, so that our glorious alliance can continue forward, even stronger than before. We look forward to your response, and will wait to hear from you, prior to further alliance-related action on our part.
Sommerswerd of Kazakhstan