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EPICNES [the Troquelet Returns!] New Nes, Eight Players in Merrie England!

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Yorkshire extends a freindly hand to all other British states. a select few of you will have the honor of being our allies.

who wants it?
Wales and Yorkshire have a long running history of freibdship I hope we could be the fore-fathers of the Northern allence.
RoddyVR and everyone else, you must STAY in the province to claim it, you can't claim two provinces by using two marches.

If you're looking to claim three provinces this turn, the best way to do it is to buy 3 peasants and an extra march and send 1 peasant each to 3 provinces. However you'll have less military than everyone else! So you'll be overextending yourself and I wouldn't reccomend it.

So far I have valid orders from:


SHEEP2 and RODDY have sent orders but they're illegitimate [because of typo in Sheep sending both groups to same province, and Roddy doing double-marches] so please resend. Still waiting for orders from JASON.

The first map update will be 4 PM San Fran time on Sunday. That's 24hrs from now.

Yes, We woul;d be glad to lay the groundworks for a North Britain Alliance with you.
oh, dam, i realy wanted to do the turn the way i had it. oh well, so no claiming 2 provinces with one unit? back to the drawing board i guess. this will DEFINETLY slow down the game though.
will resend orders in a few mins
To:King of Moray
From:King Robert Bruce of Dalriada

Friend,I would like to offer you a Scottish alliance.
To Wales and Yorkshire: I would like to join your alliance this would make ours have all of CENTRAL BRITAIN.

To the Others: Mercia extends the hand of friendship to you all and offers a NAP
changes to my orders have been sent, it was a typo :( sorry. Geez I feel a tad bit sheepish now :)
To:King of Mercia
From:King Robert Bruce of Dalriada

We agree to a Non-Aggression Pact with your kingdom.
Call me King Nigel the First of the Sheep dynasty :D
From: King John the twelth of Wessex
To: everybody

Wessex accept any offered to us till now, and extend her friendship to all other English nation.
All we want is to live in peace

To Dalriada and Moray
From the King of Galloway

Shalt we unite our armies and kingdoms under a single alliance? We could use our united power to dominate all of Scotland and repel any effort of the southerners to take out land.

To Yorkshire
From King of Galloway

I request that we remain peaceful and would like to offer a suggestion for future borders. Territories 44, 39, and 40 should become a part of the Kingdom of Galloway, while all provinces south should be under Yorkshire control. Is this agreeable?
oh -

To Dalriada and Moray
From the King of Galloway

I also would like to request that you expand yor influence northwards, so that my people will spread out to the south of yours.
To:King of Galloway
From:King of Dalriada

We agree to your proposed alliance.And we will mostly expand northwards,but also a security belt in south of my castle is necessary.
Since I have orders from everyone now, the update will be in about half an hour [I want to do it early because I have orchestra rehearsal at three.]
Our correspondent in the North reports:

"This year the three Northern Powers [Dalriada, Moray, and Galloway] have seized many lands. Unfortunately the King of Galloway seems to have been outwitted by his fellows. By buying only 3 Peasants and an extra March, Dalriada was able to seize three provinces. And by buying an extra March instead of a Knight, Moray was able to send two Peasants south with one March and then send one of them on again with the extra one [two Marches is the limit for Peasants, Knights can March three]. Other Kings might want to copy these smart moves.

Unfortunately these moves leave them with little military spread over a large area.

The struggle for the 2 great Grassland areas of Scotland has already begun. The Southwest Plains [44-59] seem to belong mostly to Dalriada as of now though this may change. Meanwhile the smaller North Loch area [65-70] is almost guaranteed to go to Moray since his Knight is closest.

Scottish Powers, please remember that units must stop once entering a forest or hill space. That will slow you down considerably in the North... so get cracking! ;) "

Meanwhile our Southern Correspondent reports:

"Already the four Southern Powers [Mercia, Wales, Anglia, and Wessex] are struggling over the great Central Plains which contain most of the good land in the area. Wales is not likely to get in on the act since its borders are covered with Forest and it already owns plenty of good land within its own borders. Meanwhile Yorkshire is looking to get some land in the south while Mercia's back is turned. This year he is guaranteed 28 and 32, good land spaces, and probably the only Grass he'll have since his kingdom is situated in the hilly Pennine Mountain Chain."

Our Military correspondent reports:

"No Castles or Wars made this year. Some Non Aggression Pacts were signed, however, and some of the Northern Powers are looking to get into an alliance with each other and possibly Yorkshire. We'll have to see how the land conflicts, especially Moray's double march south, affect negotiations. Yorkshire's moves north may force Galloway to forgive and forget about Moray, especially since Yorkshire's knights are right now at the farthest limit of the line proposed [but not yet accepted by Yorkshire] by Galloway. In the South alliances are unlikely, at least until the borders are straightened out. Right now most land in the South is anybody's guess. We'll have to see how negotiations turn out."

Our Financial Correspondent reports:

"This year:

MORAY has 11 gold to spend.

WALES has 9 gold to spend.

DALRIADA has 9 gold to spend.

ANGLIA has 8 gold to spend.

WESSEX has 8 gold to spend.

MERCIA has 7 gold to spend.

GALLOWAY has 6 gold to spend.

YORKSHIRE has 5 gold to spend.

However, some of the richest nations are also the weakest, since low military means less upkeep. Most Powers have 4 military units, a blend of Knights and Peasants.

However, Galloway, one of the poorest powers, has 5 Peasants to defend! Meanwhile Moray and Dalriada, the richest powers, have a mere 3 units each.

Both military and land usage will even out in the next few years, I predict."

That's all for the DA today!

Your map followeth. Orders are due by 4 PM Monday San Fran time, 24 hrs from now.

IT IS NOW 1036 A.D. Tick, tock.


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To Kingdom of Moray
From King of Galloway

I ask you do not expand anymore in the south.

To Kingdom of Dalrieda
From King of Galloway

Province 52 and 56 are going to be Gallowayen territory.
Anglia claims 11, 26, 36, 7 and 8 to be it's territory.

11, 8 and 36 we will not have ANY discussion over, they are for the security of London.

However, we will be willing to negotiate over 7 and 26 should we be offered the right terms.

Also, Anglia is looking to make alliances to see off the Scottish horde, and to unite England in an alliance against them, or against any invader of this fair nation.

King Arthur of Anglia, otherwise known as Dumnonia
Lord of London, otherwise known as Camelot
Oh, nearly forgot, the expansion pack. Each year there will be an EP of clarifications and small ideas I think up! :D

EXPANSION PACK 1030 [can you guess what the 1066 EP is going to be????? Study that history!]

NEW RULE: when war is declared between two nations, both of those nations now have THREE free marches, not two, until peace is declared or a turn goes by without a battle between them, whichever comes first. This is called MOBILIZATION.

Any sorts of treaties may be signed, except Right of Passage.

You may sell Military units as Mercenaries to be ordered by the other player. You may give loans to other players. You may sign defensive or offensive pacts or ones which say you won't attack each other. You may sign agreements that say that one player acknowledges the right of the other player to be King of England. You may sign pacts that one player agrees to follow the orders of another and be his follower, and in return get protection or money per turn. You may sign pacts that declare certain provinces or seas to be offlimits to military, or sign disarmament pacts. You may sign anything at all that you can think of.

The terms are up to you, but there is no penalty for breaking pacts.
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