Equally Useless Variant Release


Play with me.
Dec 12, 2004
Glasgnopolis, Grottland
A little something i whipped up,
edit: updated version, main difference is sig list and fixed frigate icon


  • Equally Useless Variant1.1.zip
    249.2 KB · Views: 63
Ditto on the smiley cities. Btw Erika, you're using a faulty purple in the cities file. It's not transparant and will show a mess in game.
PrinceScamp said:
Oh yeah, Eivand is really right, I do wonder tohugh how in some scenarios that purple actualy doesn't show up... or maybe I should upgrage form mspaint...
They might be using a non-standard palette. With Civ2's 8-bit colour graphics files, palette index (indices 253 and 255) determines which colours are transparent, not the actual colour.
Eivind IV said:
Ditto on the smiley cities. Btw Erika, you're using a faulty purple in the cities file. It's not transparant and will show a mess in game.
i have tried 3 shades of purple and 1 shade of grey, no luck :(
i think there is a bug in the palette,
i suppose i can just make it all pink and shove the sigs elsewhere....
Broken_Erika said:
i have tried 3 shades of purple and 1 shade of grey, no luck :(
i think there is a bug in the palette,
No bug, it's the standard Civ2 cities palette where index 255 shares the same colour (#878787) as index 16. We covered this once before. What software are you using? If you've got something like PSP or Photoshop the problem can be eliminated from the outset by switching the palette or changing the colour of index 255 (solution 2 in the link). Anyway, I've attached a fixed version.

BTW, I read your readme file. Rather than using it to 'screw around', it might be an idea credit the contributing artists. Not everyone's familiar with graphics signatures.


  • Cities.gif
    64.8 KB · Views: 175
i have mspaint, (lowers head in shame,) come to think of it i just thought of a use for that signature list,
Well it's still a really good compilation for us lazy people. I'll stick with my rules.txt variants though. Wouldn't it be good if someone could come up with a definitive mod for the full game,4000BC-2100AD? When you think about the tech tree you have quite a few dead ends: CA, Fun, Lab, Rfg, Sth. And the Alpine unit is probably the most redundant in the game!

One idea for the problem of pallettes in Paint: just use Magenta for transparent backgrounds and use the transparent green for sigs.
Andrew Livings said:
Wouldn't it be good if someone could come up with a definitive mod for the full game,4000BC-2100AD?
i'll give it a shot, but only having 10 extra tech slots kinda bottlenecks it,
i guess i'll have to make good use of them, :p
Mabe ToT would be better as i could put many more units in and use some of the rather spectacular ToT units, Terrain and cities, :mischief:
The original game lets you build 51 units from effectively 88 techs (excluding FT).
With FW you have a potential extra 11 units from effectively 11 extra techs. (including plu).
With TOT you have a potential extra 29 units (80 total) from still only 11 extra techs.

Simply adding extra units isn't the issue as the whole tech tree would need to be re-designed for more efficient distribution of techs:units. Unless you were thinking of tribe colour specific units?

You'd also need to consider that standard tech progression is too fast for a human to build most units along the way. Slowing global tech paradigm would be one way, allowing for more variety of ancient/medieval units. Then we'd need to also make sure the AI uses the new units properly. Still, it's a nice pipe dream.

I've attached the modified rules.txt I'm currently using for my games. You'll see that the extra techs are mainly to delay the industrial age, especially RR, and that many of the modern units are pushed to the far end of the tech tree. Units were also re-organised for efficient use of sound associations (just something I've always seen as good practice).The modified carrier stats I've described elsewhere.


  • Rules.txt
    28.2 KB · Views: 78
Broken_Erika said:
i have mspaint, (lowers head in shame,) come to think of it i just thought of a use for that signature list,
Well, you could try the GIMP - mentioned in the other thread. It's certainly a cut above MSPaint. I checked its online documentation and found that it allows you to edit palettes, as described above.
Andrew Livings said:
One idea for the problem of pallettes in Paint: just use Magenta for transparent backgrounds and use the transparent green for sigs.
Transparent green?
PrinceScamp said:
Magneta? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with most colour names. In any language.
Magenta - the pink stuff.
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