erzNES2: Middle East

I'll take Egypt. It should be pretty fun :)

Leader: Gen. Hasni Abdullah Mustafa Hassan Mohammed Jones
Industrial capacity: 60
Consumer goods: 10
USA aid: 5

Build 3 Regular Infantry (12 IC)
Build 2 Heavy Tanks (30 IC)
Build 1 Fighter (8 IC)
Total Purchases= 50 IC

-Use the remaining IC to pay for whatever needs paying for.


From Egypt
To Arab League

The nation of Egypt requests to join this organization.
lebanon's vote goes towards acceptance of egypt into the arab league.
to arab league:

I still dont know if i am in the arab league or not! Iran said im welcome but i dont know what syria and lebanon say!
All arab countries are in arab league.
Egyot after signing peace with Israel was out for some time (it was one of the creators!) and returned. Arab league today is a weak thing (it's not even an alliance! where were they in Irak war?) it's just a group saying no to Israel... lol not even that anymore;) Israel have peace with Egypt and Jurdan, and many arab countries around the world.
Indonesia shall be added as a full NPC for arab league stuff.

The Arab Leagues was a name given to an alliance between Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Jurdan.

To Jourdan

Syria accepts u into the leaque

To Eygpt
lebanon accepts jordan (maybe i should start using the countries' actual names. ie mosr, urdun, sooryia. it pays to have friends lol)
thanks alot .

(ooc: erez its not the real life arab leag :) )
Update tommorow when I return from school (or morning if I don't go to school)
so preaper for a nice update!
Update started.
No orders will be taken from now.
You just had to change the Map. You just had to :-P
Update 2

Israel Invades Lebanon!
After the Hamas made several threats to the Israeli people an invasion into Lebanon begun! Alreadt third of the Country have been over run! Only the mountanious terrain stopped Israel from take it all.

USA send Irak last warning!
"Neither Sadam will give up NOW or USA will invade to take him out."

Paratroopers and their planes have been added!
Battleships arent used by ANY nation these days. They are outdated.
To: Arabia League
From: Iran

We must do something to stop the Aggression of Isreal. This attack must not go on with out punishment. We urge that we meet right away.
pay consumer goods.
Build 4 new Elite Infantery.
To: Israel
From: Iran

You have attack an member nation of the Arabia league. Now you will face the full might of our combined armies. You are now at war with Iran. We hope that you know that know you will be destroyed.

Orders have been pm'ed
to Isreal:
Stop your attacks on Lebanon NOW or we will have to to help our arabic neighbour!

-pay consumer goods.
-buy 15 Conscript Infantery
To Arab League and Iran:
Thank you for you're support.
To Israel: You WILL be crushed by the might of the Arabs!
Arab people, rise up and attack the Israeli invaders! destroy them!
*use my full force to try to defeat Israel, hide all troops in mountains to ambush the Israelis*
i shall use all my ic to buy heavy tanks, as many as i can.
To Isreal

You are now at war with Syria as well.

To Iran
Feel free to use my country to base your milarty assets.

to Islamic World:
While we do not like it that Israel invaded Lebanon we think they have all reasons to. The Hamas has been attacking them enough.
Any country that will Invade Israel itself will be aided against.
Also any country that get's help from us and attack Israel will loose all it's help. Countries that won't attack will get more help.

to Israel:
We shall grow our aid to you to 50IC until this war ends. Use it wisly.
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