erzNES2: Middle East

To: Israel
From: Egypt

Cease and desist your attack on our Lebanese ally at once. Otherwise, we will be forced to "react accordingly."

From: Egypt

We request that you remove your sanction on Israel's obviously-unprovoked attack on Lebanon, as the latter has no connections of any importance to the Hamas organization. We would advise you not to make yourself an enemy of the entire Arab world.

-After paying consumer goods, buy 7 Trained Infantry.
Jurdan orders edited
United Arab Emirates- TNG
Leader: President Zayid bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan
Industrial Capacity: 40
Consumer Goods: 10
US Aid: 5

Use all Industrial capacity to increase economy, explain to the people we are doing this for the good of the country.
I am going to have to stop doing this NES, so if anyone else wants yemen, it is free
Pay consumer goods
2 heavy tanks
1 light tank
Ok Update will start in about 10 minutes. No more orders will be taken.
Update 3

War in Lebanon turns!
Many promises from many arab countries came but only Iran realy attacked Israel. Seems like USA threats worked. And still USA have sent an urgent message to Israel to stop the invasion immidietly.
Using the terrain and a magnifisant air force Lebanon and Iran push out Israel almost totaly.

to Israel
We have raised your money. Now get out of Lebanon or we will give you nothing.

If this turn ANYONE will have somthing after the `/` or won't pay consumer goods will get BAD luck.
To The USA:

We will stop the war, as long as iran will stop fighting.

To Lebanon:

We will stop the war at current borders, you must realize i only entered the war to stop the sensless bombing of my cities.

To Iran:

Stop the war now, lets have peace.
to israel: that is a lie and you know it. stomp the senseless bombings of our citizens on your own or we will destroy you!!!!!!!!! and beware we have unwavering support from Iran.
we buy an anti tank, a heavy tank, and the rest goes to improving our economy.
To Israel
From Egypt

We mean it. If you don't leave Lebanon RIGHT NOW, we'll roll you flat! (With the assistance of our allies, of course.)

-Move troops to Sinai region.
-Pay consumer goods (of course).
-Purchase: 2 Medium Tanks, 2 Regular AA, 2 Regular AT, and 1 Bomber.
To: Israel
From: Iran

If you completly withdraw from Lebanon we will agree to a cease fire agreement. We have nothing futhur to disscuss untill this happens, other wise you will face the full might of the Arab League.
Originally posted by Jack_www
To: Israel
From: Iran

If you completly withdraw from Lebanon we will agree to a cease fire agreement. We have nothing futhur to disscuss untill this happens, other wise you will face the full might of the Arab League.

Jurdan, being part of the Arab League, confirms this!

- grow Industrial capacity
-pay consumer goods
-buy1 light tank
To The Arab League:

Retreat from lebanon, while destroying as many terrorist camps as possible.
Put half our infs on the border with iran, jut in case.
Grow ind by 10.
Pay consumer good from the us support.
Put half our infs on the border with iran, jut in case.

uh, israel has no border with Iran.
doh. :smacks himself with a large fish*
Meant against the iranian troops coming from labanon.
actualy... Iran have no soldeirs in Syria... I just now got it. Syria and Iran has no border to! I'll say syria entered with armies to to aid lebanon (they anyway control lebaon already in reality... :lol: )
To Israel
From Egypt

We congratulate you on making a wise decision in withdrawing from Lebanon.

-Cancel the deployment of troops in the Sinai.
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