Escort paralysis

alpha wolf 64

Byte me
Apr 18, 2002
Madison of Cheeseland
I've been playing the WW2 scenario and I've noticed that frequently AI CV or transport fleets just sit turn after turn until they get picked off. I started a debug game and noticed this situation over and over. It seems to me that ships flagged as requiring escort, needs at least 2 escorting ships. If it only has 1 escort, those ships will not move and I have yet to notice the AI send additional escorts to the immobile fleet. I think the programmers tried a lazy workaround by usually giving 3 escorts. I watched an AI US fleet of 3 CA and a transport make it to within 2 tiles of China when the Japanese sub fleet took out 2 CAs. The remaining CA and transport did not turn move at all and both were sunk the next turn.
I've observed same behaviour in PTW two times, except that transport was escorted by single battleship and after I sank it, transport was sitting in the same place for two turns - until I found some excess ships to take care of it. So it's not exactly a new issue - but in such scenarios as Pacific WWII it is really, really bad. :(
Hopefully in a patch Breakaway will add a few extra lines of code specifying that if a "requires escort" unit is left without an escort in the sea it heads straight to the nearest friendly port.
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