Chapter 2 - Dark skin
Two hundred years have passed.
Connected by a fairly large road network, a new city called Memphis has been founded in the south but on the other side of the great Nil river.
In the North, following the Nil river, Egyptians scouts have encountered some strange lands, where earth and water join together forming what th wise have called Marshs.
Tools have been researched boosting all workers jobs through the country !
Egypts wise men are now searching for Domestication.
Because following the Nil North throuh the Marshs seems to be insane (numerous scouts died in their journey there), Ramses ordered his scout to press South until they reach something useful for Egypt...
And time will prove Ramses was right ! After months of travelling, Egyptians scouts reach the borders of a foreign land.
At their return, scouts tell Ramses stranges tales of black skins men and their own culture.
Interested, Ramses decided to leave Thebes next week with hope ot see those black guys by himself...
His hopes where fulfilled ! He see those peoples and their uncommun weapons named bows, and presenting himself has the ruler of the Nil civilization, he was allowed to encounter the great Taharqa leader of the Nubians.
After days of negociations with him, the two rulers agreed to exchange some knowledges. Nubians will teach us the Warrior Code and we teach them how to make better tools (we gave them 5 gold too, to prove our goodwill)...
On his return to Thebes, Ramses ordered the formation of the first Egyptian Archer group. And a good news reach his ears, the wise men discovered Plough... That’s good, he order them to proceed further on this way...