(EUI Users Polls)

Should we have the non-EUI method of choosing a technology?

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Salientia of the Community Patch
Nov 7, 2012
Somewhere in California
Considering removing the EUI version of choosing a technology to open the whole technology tree into vanilla-style

For what purpose?
  • less tech tree crash at late game since your game isn't trying to render the whole tech tree but now like 1-5 technologies for you to see
  • maybe u get to see more icons out of a technology idk we'll have to see how deep this hole goes
  • since you can still look at tech tree but it requires 2 buttons to press now

for reference what vanilla style choosing a tech looks like
Given the long load times for me, anything that reduces crashing is good. However, will this pick list have all available techs to choose, or just the ones on the same tier?

I often bee-line to a specific tech, and it should not be confusing to late night me. Knowing I'm only a button push away is good, but only if I don't have to hit two buttons each time for needed context.
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The techs each tech leads to are also important for determining which tech to research right now. Tech tree shows all of that at a glance, but this menu doesn't.
No, considering how divided it is. I rather not do some work on it. People in the late game will have to just switch to strategic mode when choosing their technology if their game crashes.
I see no problem with this as long as the full tech tree can be viewed if desired.

My game never crashes, am I just lucky? And I play huge maps. I get that graphical glitch freak out occasionally that forces me to close the game myself. But everything is always fine.
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You really shouldn't have a problem if you don't zoom out in normal view. Or play with a large resolution.
I'm not going to vote, despite using EUI, because I genuinely don't care if this is implemented or not. If it helps some folks, cool. I've yet to experience a crash in Vox Populi (mostly,) so this doesn't seem to involve me.
sorry for resurrecting the old thread but ive never had a crash with NON-EUI vs many with city screens and science screens with EUI ive raised a github issue but its not going to be fixed theres deffo a memory leak with it as every ctd from the city screen out of memory to the science screen crash and its always the same heap corruption.

gotta say the non EUI version is rock solid but not suitable for VP shame
sorry for resurrecting the old thread but ive never had a crash with NON-EUI vs many with city screens and science screens with EUI ive raised a github issue but its not going to be fixed theres deffo a memory leak with it as every ctd from the city screen out of memory to the science screen crash and its always the same heap corruption.

gotta say the non EUI version is rock solid but not suitable for VP shame
Maybe the EUI version will be updated, and maybe it will correct these bugs. But it will take time anyway to update it.
sorry for resurrecting the old thread but ive never had a crash with NON-EUI vs many with city screens and science screens with EUI ive raised a github issue but its not going to be fixed theres deffo a memory leak with it as every ctd from the city screen out of memory to the science screen crash and its always the same heap corruption.

gotta say the non EUI version is rock solid but not suitable for VP shame
i think problem is not so much a "leak" but just that civ 5 engine has very limited memory available to it, and with all these mods loaded it runs out -- EUI takes memory to do what it does, so there's even less leftover for the game to use. I stopped using EUI years ago, and am used to vanilla UI once again -- its perfectly fine for VP
It's not. Having to reload a save just to check your relations with a civ when they give you a dialogue is not fine at all.
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