Events (?)


Jul 12, 2021
Which events exists?
Eg. bonuses that can be triggered.

- US making railroad and colonizing the West.
- Finding the American civilizations.
- Being the first to circulate the globe.

There must be more.
I recall seing an English event being triggered as the Vikings approached....
-Great Schism aka Catholicism
-The Reformation
-Civ-specific Period changes.
-Apostolic Palace/World Congress/UN
-Trading Companies
-Finding the legendary Chupacabra (ok I made that one up)
-First Contact Mongol DoW
-Free GP from First Tech Discovery
-Changes to Map (Resource spawn/exhaustion / Tile Feature changes)

Leoreth - if you read this - the idea of offering a choice upon triggering New World contact just occurred to me. Its ok you may put it in the 1.19 binder.
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There must be more than those.

I also got one special event from being Portugal and Spain declared war
There must be more than those.

I also got one special event from being Portugal and Spain declared war
I'll add Spanish conquest of Cordoba to the list. Is this likely the event you refer to? It would be accompanied by a map and log indicator. You'd have to be the owner of Corboda.

Over the course of the mod's history Spain has held varying degrees of inclination to horsehockymix little dude, the highest probably being recent versions in which the Spanish Expansion mechanic was active (and included Lisboa). This has been inactive as of current version so that can't account for the DoW you refer to.

I can think of a possible non-special event in which you get three choices involving increasing negative relations modifiers that can result in a DoW from crossing the required threshold. It involves marriage drama and hurt feelings I believe.
There's also an espionage event that can trigger a DoW if one of the options is chosen. I'm not sure if that one is bound to specific eras though.
I recall an English Golden Ago occured due to someone alarming.
But I have only seen it once. Am I remembering wrong?
the game also has a very funny trend of impeaching american presidents.
Some civs have an event that's unique to them (American president is impeached, French nobles protesting they don't have enough power compared to the king).
There's a rare event that causes a golden age when someone declares war on you, which is based off the runner of Marathon.
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