Event Balancing

I would go for seperation of empire and corporation events, as the two can clash due to interests.

Speaking of which, have you thought of embellishing upon non-indigenous events (Other civ based events)

Such events could be in regards to comoddity monopilzation, religious pressure, economic standing, etc.
Pretty late to this discussion, but might I suggest some events that only trigger if you have very few cities? (as a kind of way to allow defeated or semi-defeated civs to potentially make a comeback (Or just me making up reasons to get more ways to make my self-imposed One City Challenge more enjoyable and less of a pain)
kind of way to allow defeated or semi-defeated civs to potentially make a comeback
I don't think we really want these to be rubber bands in any significant way; they'll be best as thematic flavoring, as garnish, rather than game changing factors. Events that keep the game interesting for smaller civs, give the player objectives to work on even way back in 15th place or whatever, and maybe opportunities to climb up a spot or two, this sounds good, but events that allow otherwise defeated player to contend for the lead, thats too much.
I would go for seperation of empire and corporation events, as the two can clash due to interests.
What I have developed thus far gives the player the option of either one.
Speaking of which, have you thought of embellishing upon non-indigenous events (Other civ based events)

Such events could be in regards to comoddity monopilzation, religious pressure, economic standing, etc.
I don't understand what kind of events you are talking about.
For the corporation events, I modified them so they are a bit more unique to each Corporation that before.

Here is what the new Corporation events would look like compared to the old:

Spoiler Original Corporation Events :

Spoiler New Corporation Events :

Under the new City-level events, Event 2 is highlighted because I am considering changing to so that there could be several different alternatives that you could see (not just yes / no that is corporation-specific but varying multiple choices.) It would make that particular event choice less unique in the meta-world but I don't think it would be noticed in-game, and it would give the player differing choices as the event fired for different cities, making it seem a bit more diverse.

Then I'm trying to decide whether to keep City Event 3 corporation-specific or let it flow from the City Event 2 choice. One option would be have the one I've got displayed be the default option (in case the Player selected 'no' on City Event 2) with a different option if they had picked a different choice in Event 2.

How does it look? Seem balanced? Not too bloat-y? The idea is that the City level events would be generally be slightly more powerful than the Player level events. Of course, allowing City level events does have some negative possibilities as well. :cool:
I revisited the corporate events because I thought they were too complicated and didn't like a bunch of yes or no choices. It's set up so the player either chooses the top row of events (so one single event that effects the entire nation) or chooses to make City-level events (the lower row) over time that would allow more customization for each City. As before, the idea is that the City level events would be generally be slightly more powerful than the Player level events. Of course, allowing City level events does have some negative possibilities as well.

How does it look? Seem balanced? Not too bloat-y?

Spoiler New Corporate Events: version 2 :
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