• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


You could install a copy of civ on a flash drive and then play that instance on your computer to test older versions. Just saying...:mischief:

Sadly, I have very little time to continue to add new content and fix the bugs that I have with my playtesters, that it is just not going to happen for me to fiddle with a flashdrive and try and ferret out exactly the problem with an individual game.

I am updating Extreme2, ExtremeMod, Age of Discovery and also rebuilding The Great Dungeon Crawl and The Great Adventure for Neverwinter Nights.

Insert a 50 hour a week job and 6 credits at college, with 6-page papers due weekly, and a family and house to take care of all add up to the inability for me to try such an undertaking.

I hope everyone understands.
Sadly, I have very little time to continue to add new content and fix the bugs that I have with my playtesters, that it is just not going to happen for me to fiddle with a flashdrive and try and ferret out exactly the problem with an individual game.

I am updating Extreme2, ExtremeMod, Age of Discovery and also rebuilding The Great Dungeon Crawl and The Great Adventure for Neverwinter Nights.

Insert a 50 hour a week job and 6 credits at college, with 6-page papers due weekly, and a family and house to take care of all add up to the inability for me to try such an undertaking.

I hope everyone understands.

You really are busy, 6 pages a week?! and I thought calculcus was bad...:lol: I don't think anyone here would mind, it sounds like you have more than enough to do anyway.
You really are busy, 6 pages a week?! and I thought calculcus was bad...:lol: I don't think anyone here would mind, it sounds like you have more than enough to do anyway.

In the fall I may have to take Statistics! I am trying to convince the university right now that the Japanese I took 25 years ago should count as my language cognate for my Bachelor's of Arts. If that fails, I will have to take all the math and go for a Bachelor's of Science -- taking a look at language requires twice the amount of classes as the Science cognate!

the good news is that I have added a ton of content to both Extreme2 and ExtremeMod -- I think some very good changes.

Maybe those changes will eliminate the bugs, but only time will tell with that!
In the fall I may have to take Statistics! I am trying to convince the university right now that the Japanese I took 25 years ago should count as my language cognate for my Bachelor's of Arts. If that fails, I will have to take all the math and go for a Bachelor's of Science -- taking a look at language requires twice the amount of classes as the Science cognate!

Japanese seems to be a popular language on civfanatics for some reason...:confused: Did the class include learning about the japanese alphabet too?
Japanese seems to be a popular language on civfanatics for some reason...:confused: Did the class include learning about the japanese alphabet too?

I lived there for a year and thus was introduced to Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. I was taught both conversational Japanese, but also the grammar and syntax.

With that said, that was 25 years ago and my Japanese is rusty now. Although I admit, after a few rounds of warm sake everyone at the table starts speaking far better in their foreign tongue.

I lived there for a year and thus was introduced to Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. I was taught both conversational Japanese, but also the grammar and syntax.

With that said, that was 25 years ago and my Japanese is rusty now. Although I admit, after a few rounds of warm sake everyone at the table starts speaking far better in their foreign tongue.


I could definitely understand that, I was taking a German I class last year and one of the biggest things for me was second-guessing what I was(trying) saying(I was a little confused on the das/der article forms, and masculine/feminine/plural forms of words seemed kind of strange even though taking a spanish class in high school sort of prepared me for it). That being said I really could have used ein bier during a few of those out-loud reading sessions in class.:lol:

Your really lucky to have gotten to see Japan though, I mean if I spoke better german I would have definitely gone on that college student exchange to germany.
ExtremeMod has been renamed to Multiverse to better differentiate between my other work Extreme. Multiverse is also going through substantial game play changes also including the requirements of almost every unit and building requiring one or more resources.

Magic and steampunk units are also being added, but also UUs for traditional civilizations too. I hope to release this updated mod by the end of August of 2011:

I see my Version i have is hopelessly outdated :) Good job with that then i won't have to report the insanic defending Compound archer bug i found xD

About your new project; Even when i find the end of what i can think of you just get started Love it

as i referred to it i will explain i have found a bug or created a bug by moving the mod manualy from the mod folder due to chance of windows version and later new pc but basicly the compound archer has 600000 :wow: Strength (number is actualy higher but i can't remember it precise well i got that number by turning it's strength to % and then calculate it's defence bonus) when defending a city idk what version i have but it's outdated probably a year old if not more xD
I have had several people report that bug, but I have not seen it. I try and test these things but there are just too many possibilities to account for everything.

Big news is that with more magic and steampunk going into the next version, I have swapped out the standard Barbarian civilization for a lizardman empire. So now all the barbarian bad guys will be variations of lizardmen toting swords, spears, rifles, and the sort. Big guns, such as tanks are represented by dinosaurs. So expect to be fighting a wave of dinosaurs!
I have had several people report that bug, but I have not seen it. I try and test these things but there are just too many possibilities to account for everything.

Big news is that with more magic and steampunk going into the next version, I have swapped out the standard Barbarian civilization for a lizardman empire. So now all the barbarian bad guys will be variations of lizardmen toting swords, spears, rifles, and the sort. Big guns, such as tanks are represented by dinosaurs. So expect to be fighting a wave of dinosaurs!

I have had several people report that bug, but I have not seen it. I try and test these things but there are just too many possibilities to account for everything.

Big news is that with more magic and steampunk going into the next version, I have swapped out the standard Barbarian civilization for a lizardman empire. So now all the barbarian bad guys will be variations of lizardmen toting swords, spears, rifles, and the sort. Big guns, such as tanks are represented by dinosaurs. So expect to be fighting a wave of dinosaurs!

well my bug report Might already hold solving as i downloaded that version a looong time ago Well i updated to the latest version i hope it will work as a charm and not an idiotic Defence well being able to kill every unit while defending is kinda tempting but far from funny

Well Lizards sounds like a good ingredient to the soup :p well i hope they don't do it the other way round And make Soup of me xD
Okay i have Played the Updated Version my Report:
First play 2000AD still in the Renaissance, Normal speed, Settler Difficulty, Inuit in the Artic (yea i got lucky with getting them and on the ice)
Second play just started, Epic speed, Settler Difficulty, Polish, Plains grass and desert
Both Extreme size and both i haven't found Resources Yet

*Typo's And texts*
Elemental storms you made a typo
Glaives strategy Text looks kinda weird (just my personal finding if it is ok then pretend my comment wasn't here)
The Atlantean units you made that wrong Atlantis has Atlantean Citizen not Atlantis Citizen
Brewery you made also there a typo

*Gameplay bugs and things to do with gameplay*
Religion Icons on the city's and map (i know The Ancient bug)
Light cavalry doesn't ride towards Ranged units
Skeleton should gain bonus against archers and Gunpowder (you might fit an arrow in a skeleton but not efficient bullet same)
The Normal speed as kinda weird Research
The basic Skeleton is an Animal not the walking Dead
the Camel sometimes Misses it's rider when that one camel dies (not the unit itself but a part of it) it will Randomly respawn but mostly Turns after fully healed
there seems to be a Recource spawn problem (Using the Extreme size map) in both games no recources anywhere i looked

*Other problems i found*
Artwork Inuit They are Artic people and are walking with nearly no clothing i got Chilled to the bone
Light Steamtank Starts with the Skill none saw that in the Pedia
Meganaut is an Empty page
The name of the Indian UU (worker) is the same as the regular unit maybe someone can look for the Hindi name for it
Bear master (both) maybe Names matching their type (Grizzly Master) (Icebear Master *Icebear as a domesticated name well your fun*)
The Pirate why doesn't it gain Amphibious at start?
The Tech Water well maybe a building Well with 1+ health?
The Artic seems to be Underrated
The Wonder Limit is very very very annoying with the Great prophet Religion wonders
i'm not Polish but their text seems random idk
Also here the Request to look at TAM for the Civic's
Super feedback!

I will incorporate these ideas and typos immediately!

Thanks a ton!

My Saves can also be yours if needed about the Recourse problem
and my two games Barely got started

Oh and Somehow this slipped of the list
The Fey, Atlantean and Undead are units you would gain late Medieval Start Renaissance and most units are as strong as startgame units not very usefull and Fast outdated
Oh and i noticed you removed the Farm finds wheat and such let me guess because of crazy spawn Value's well they where useful but also increases Population cap
Including the Improved Civic menu? yea i know that i kinda asked for that now For the third time

Okay adding more Data i found

*More Typo's*
Palaeolithic Age has a typo in it's text And my browser also found a typo in the name itself xD
Condatta System
Indigenous People

*More Gameplay bug's and bothers*
Light cav update i guess it is rooted in ALL added horsemen
The Atlantean tree needs to be shoved earlier as they where an Ancient race (also to fix their Strength well mixed Feelings about them)
Well Fey and Undead love some of them but some also are outdated directly after or even Before Research Also the Unit Improvements for Atlantean, Fey and Undead needs more Spice as the Elven Bowman is way underpowered and can't even prolong it's Active role but these are not fitted into the age they can be recruited i think the Longbowmen should be a Example how to iron them out
Something funny i heard is that a Polish archer (i only found it when playing the Polish) when you click to activate them they make the sound of a Guinea pig
the Atlantean Dromon can "build" Sea lanes but i guess that Archer bug i had would died before that Dromon has 1 piece Either Remove it or make it more sane
Squid Master Promotions are Land based not Sea based

*More Ideas and small problems*
Cogge needs a look as it is very wrong
Explorer is kinda missing something it is useful but well rather last choice of Exploration it might have a goodie hut bonus but he would more likely die then he should
I might be hunting Ghosts but i could have sworn i got Fishing boat Reed skiff and the Canoe a very long time after Their Techs so please take a look at that when you are done with the troubles i give you :p
I noticed that the Bank doesn't add room to Merchants is kinda unrealistic can be just 1 but it's more Feeling then frustration
Economic Civic's needs more Spicing
The Tsukiji Fish market maybe all city's the extra seafood?
The Great mosque if Djenné maybe all city's the Desert Coin bonus
Another idea i had floating in my head as a City building Fish market? well that is already the Harbour well your pick to decide about this Idea

* Resource update*
I have gotten Fish but from Special events
Further two "resources" spawned (Shrimp and pearls) they came under a different name and weren't a bonus resource

Okay that was again 2 days of playing
The Magical Twist is sure fun but still needs Fiddling to fit
For Fey and Undead try to fill the Arms gap between Medieval and Gunpowder you done already a good job filling but additional filling makes it more fun i sure Love the Troll and the Amphibious Faery They sure give more fun
Atlantean can fit round the 5 strength and be around Monotheism and try to get Fey little before Longbow man or around it Well the Walking dead can then also come in else Start at 8-9 Strength Well the strength of begin to Gunpowder is kinda limited to 1-15 if not less (it's late here on Writing)

*Post Scriptum*
The AI has a lot of Suffering from Barbs i played with 3 AI only 1 Remains without me waging war And it's FAR behind on Research (nothing new for me but still)
thanks again for the feedback. I am trying to make adjustments where possible, but with this kind of project it is daunting. I am unsure if I should wait longer with fewer updates, or release new content and fixes on a monthly basis.

I can sort of see both strategies as being useful.

Although I am still working to implement a number of your great ideas, I think I will release the mod as version 2 (version 1 of Multiverse) simply because I have changed so much stuff since the last update -- there is a ton of stuff to modify, with your great ideas, but so much has changed that its hard to implement because of the previous modifications over the last several months.
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