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My current game continues to be a blast, I noticed the AI doesnt defend its cities that well, sometimes only 1 defender, maybe giving the AI extra free defenders at start would do the trick. Using the extra defense stats I put in for wall/castles though makes taking cities really tough esp. if you get a castle built, really really tough but realistic as developed civs tend to be able to survive at least until modern times. If anyone is interested I can post a download of my slightly modded version, basically exact same game with a few defensive changes. I also changed cultural victory to 4 cities instead of 3 to get that one making it a little harder because with all the culture builds its easier to max 3 cities than normal.

Thanks for the suggestion. I changed it to give the AI, 2 Defenders, but they seem to take those troops and use them elsewhere or it is not working. The AI is continuing to be relatively dumb -- but I keep playing with XML in creative ways. I am hoping to find just the right mix that will make them tough but not excessive.

With the latest edition, the AI have been dropping like flies against the barbarians (which I run on Raging), but I think I found some controls to offset the aggressive nature of the barbarians.

I am working on a small XML fix that will be maybe 8 meg download that will alter unit strengths, powers, balance, AI, and other related things.

Thanks for playing the game.
I noticed in my current game after I built Via Appia wonder to get roman roads I lost the food bonus from regular roads(with defense tower), not sure if it was intended or not but did cause starvation in several cities.
I noticed in my current game after I built Via Appia wonder to get roman roads I lost the food bonus from regular roads(with defense tower), not sure if it was intended or not but did cause starvation in several cities.

Very interesting. It was not intentional, but it was an oversight on my part. I will need to add in the Via Appia into the Improvement XML so that it maintains or grants some kind of bonus.

Thats a fairly easy XML change which is gone, because my next update will only be from the XML folder. It will be fairly small, around 10 megabytes, but will have many changes such as the one you pointed out.

It should not break saves, but I cannot guarantee it. It won't be out for another couple of weeks, but I will make sure the Via Appia road system is added in.

Thanks for the spot!
Very interesting. It was not intentional, but it was an oversight on my part. I will need to add in the Via Appia into the Improvement XML so that it maintains or grants some kind of bonus.

Thats a fairly easy XML change which is gone, because my next update will only be from the XML folder. It will be fairly small, around 10 megabytes, but will have many changes such as the one you pointed out.

It should not break saves, but I cannot guarantee it. It won't be out for another couple of weeks, but I will make sure the Via Appia road system is added in.

Thanks for the spot!

:goodjob:Sounds great, Will continue to keep an eye out in my current game,
A little later I built my first galleons and and it struck me that appearing so large and grand should they have a bit more str., was thinking 5 at least or some bonus against the smaller ships around at that time, I also read the civapedia entry that said some were fitted as warships by some civs.
:goodjob:Sounds great, Will continue to keep an eye out in my current game,
A little later I built my first galleons and and it struck me that appearing so large and grand should they have a bit more str., was thinking 5 at least or some bonus against the smaller ships around at that time, I also read the civapedia entry that said some were fitted as warships by some civs.

I did some more research, adding to my earlier thoughts and galleons actually made up the bulk of war-ships in some large Spanish-British sea battles. I have noticed that you can capture a galleon frequently which is realistic and cool. I also think that all the wooden ships should have some % to withdraw esp though the faster frigates, in sea batttles damaging a ship was much more common than sinking, damaging and capturing was the goal really.The way ships move at sea makes the retreat dynamic much more interesting and the faster ships should always have an escape chance in battle which would make the sea battles more fun.
I did some more research, adding to my earlier thoughts and galleons actually made up the bulk of war-ships in some large Spanish-British sea battles. I have noticed that you can capture a galleon frequently which is realistic and cool. I also think that all the wooden ships should have some % to withdraw esp though the faster frigates, in sea batttles damaging a ship was much more common than sinking, damaging and capturing was the goal really.The way ships move at sea makes the retreat dynamic much more interesting and the faster ships should always have an escape chance in battle which would make the sea battles more fun.

I am letting the ExtremeMod germinate for a few months, but I think you will enjoy my new mod I am working on. It is called, "Age of Discovery" and parallels the development of 10 empires from roughly 1400 to 1800.

Of course its not a direct recreation of the empires, but the main goal is a less tech centric game and more about the resources and the unique units and buildings of each empire -- so less empires but more unique strategies.

Of course ship combat is key in the mod, so you will be pleased to see more in the way of carracks, galleons, man of wars, and other ships.

I have included a few American Indian nations as well, and each of them have unique technologies, units, and buildings.

Not sure when version 1 will be released since I just started on it, but it is coming together quickly.
I am letting the ExtremeMod germinate for a few months, but I think you will enjoy my new mod I am working on. It is called, "Age of Discovery" and parallels the development of 10 empires from roughly 1400 to 1800.

Of course its not a direct recreation of the empires, but the main goal is a less tech centric game and more about the resources and the unique units and buildings of each empire -- so less empires but more unique strategies.

Of course ship combat is key in the mod, so you will be pleased to see more in the way of carracks, galleons, man of wars, and other ships.

I have included a few American Indian nations as well, and each of them have unique technologies, units, and buildings.

Not sure when version 1 will be released since I just started on it, but it is coming together quickly.

Wow, that is great news, sounds terrific.

I hope you will consider the likely enhancing effect to navel combat of ships having some chance to attack and withdraw esp. as this pertains to the faster vessels. I think it could make navel battles much more interesting and allow more promotions to come into play as well. In fact I believe every unit should have at least a small chance to withdraw but esp. the navel units in particular.

Civ 4 is my fav. game to play in my spare time so I will be around to try this new mod, cant wait,:goodjob:
I'm really enjoying this mod - nice mix of Civ and FFH. I keep crashing when I select steampunk to research though. Just the generic "Beyond The Sword has stopped working" error.
I'm really enjoying this mod - nice mix of Civ and FFH. I keep crashing when I select steampunk to research though. Just the generic "Beyond The Sword has stopped working" error.

Sorry to hear that. I am unaware of the issue, but to be totally honest the mod is so large now I would bet there are combinations that I have never tried.

I am building up some ideas for an update, hopefully nothing more than an XML revision and will be posting them one of these days.

Thanks for playing the game!!

Just played the new version this week end as real life intrudes on my gaming time, for some reason my employer expects me to show up and really work for my money, go figure. Reading the posts regarding the validity of the "Goddess" religion made me laugh, it's a game, it's fiction, deal with it. I still think that adding Haruhi-ism as a religion would be a good idea. Tweaks off the realists and I live to do that. That said, I like the changes and improvements you have done and even on my 8 year old machine it loads as fast as the vanilla game and runs at a reasonable rate. Thanks for all that you have produced and don't let the nit-pickers get you down, my feeling is that they are like all power gamers, they have no life or woman so they take games way to seriously for their own good.
Thanks Firehawkordy for the compliments. I am letting Extreme sit for a few months while I work on my new mod called, Ages of Discovery.

As a matter of fact, I am a nerdy gamer but I do have a wife (who does not understand gaming) as well as a busy job and going back to school -- its amazing I ever have any time to write my mod. The funny thing is I write it to relax, which most people would think is crazy.

I have been told there are a few bugs in the latest version, so I will be documenting them and releasing a patch some day.

Good games to you!

Can you add some star wars units?:please:

I've been wanting to play a game of star wars civ for sometime now, and the mod for it seems to have crashed some time ago...
Can you add some star wars units?:please:

I've been wanting to play a game of star wars civ for sometime now, and the mod for it seems to have crashed some time ago...

That does sound wild! I saw a model for a jedi, but are there others out there -- Imperial Walkers, Sandcrawlers, that sort of thing?
That does sound wild! I saw a model for a jedi, but are there others out there -- Imperial Walkers, Sandcrawlers, that sort of thing?

Heres what I found onsite:
Spoiler :

Tell me what you think of these, I'll look for more later if you like some of these.
Actually, I've seen AT-ST's and some others here too...I can't find them lately strangely enough...maybe their in the "others" category?:confused:

my bad on the double post:(
can u put it on another site i hate atomic it always cuts out and doesn't let me download it
What sort of system specs do people find runs this mod best? I have a laptop running Win7 with an i5 processor and an ATI 5650 card with 4GB memory but I get glitches all the time. Things like resource icons showing as little triangles, jagged lines across the screen (makes the game completely unplayable), unit icons flashings on and off - I run the game as adminstrator under XP emulation and have run the Microsft end user runtime installation to get (most of) potentailly missing Directx9. Speed is generally OK but I nevet get much beyond late BC before all these glitches make it impossible to play. Any thoughts?
What sort of system specs do people find runs this mod best? I have a laptop running Win7 with an i5 processor and an ATI 5650 card with 4GB memory but I get glitches all the time. Things like resource icons showing as little triangles, jagged lines across the screen (makes the game completely unplayable), unit icons flashings on and off - I run the game as adminstrator under XP emulation and have run the Microsft end user runtime installation to get (most of) potentailly missing Directx9. Speed is generally OK but I nevet get much beyond late BC before all these glitches make it impossible to play. Any thoughts?

I have not tested it much on Vista or Windows 7. I have several friends that come over to help test all have XP, but with that said several of them have utterly horrible machines with one of them having a single core P4 with less than a gig of ram and 512 megabyte video card.

Your laptop appears to be quite "beefy" and am surprised you are not getting much better play out of it.

I can offer some suggestions and you will have to tell me if it helps. First, I would not play on a map larger than Large or Huge. Second, I would limit my opponents to 8 or 10. As you play larger maps, reduce your opponents 2 per map size. So perhaps you are playing on the largest map with the maximum number of AI -- that would shut down any computer.

We have only tested the largest of maps and many AI once or twice and both times they ended in crashing everyone's computer -- Perhaps I should remove that option.

Try this and tell me how far you get:

Map Size: Large

# of Opponents: 8

Speed: Epic

Handicap: Noble
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