Originally posted by Sheep2
lol. It is me man, seriously. That other pic is not me. I can;t even grow a beard, its humilating really. You must really be high if you dont believe me.
Sheep has reason to laugh at China... China looks a moronic 8-year-old.Originally posted by Amon Savag
@Sheep-You've got no reason to laugh at China when you look twice as idiotic in your picture...In fact...Take that crap off yur face man!You aren't fooling anyone...Noone looks that stupid.
@Aaminion-LOL!!!You said you found that picture online!?Noone set aside Sheep would put that picture online except on joke sites!And if sheep was going to look for a picture online to post as himself he could have done WAY better than that...
@Sheep (Sorry man...When you said something about China444 you opened a whole crap load of opportunities)-Did your parents have any children that lived?Yeah?I bet they regret that...You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece.You look like about 180 pounds of chewed bubble gum.I have a few suggestions...Slim fast and Soberness...Otherwise I don't see you getting any boyrfriends anytime soon.
Originally posted by Sheep2
Hey Amon get a ****ing clue, aaminions picture aint me, and at least I can still talk to my girlfriend.