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Fallout IOT Redux

The League of Oreeda

Think Hanseatic League


Light Units: Caravan Guards. As the name implies, they are the guards of the various merchants and caravans that operate outside the League. While their exact equipment depends on the merchant paying them, they are normally armed with at least a revolver / pistol and some very basic, usually home-made, armour. Some of the more richly paid ones would be armed with a bolt-action rifle of some form, and leather armour. Overall, they are a very mixed bunch, and there are no shortage of them.

Medium: City Guards. As the name implies, again, they are the guards for the city-states of the League of Oreeda. At worst they resemble a well-armed and trained Caravan Guard. And most of them are just that. They are focused on guarding the city against attacks, usually raiders or bandits.

Heavy: The Green Palm Caravan. Hailing from the city of Ampa, the Green Palm Caravan were originally a caravan that dealt primarily with arms sales. However, as the time passed, they began to have more combat experience with the arms they were selling. They grew from being a caravan to a private military company of sorts, specializing in the mobility offered from their ownership of some of the few vehicles the had obtained. They are usually armed with automatic weapons, and while they can hit fast and hard, they can't stick around, usually using hit and run tactics. Currently they are employed by the League as the closest thing the League has to a military.

Spoiler :

Science - 8
Politics - 4
Economics - 10
Combat - 2
Intelligence - 8
Arts - 3
Luck - 5

Will add stuff to this later.
Claiming Maine, more later
Flag has been edited in.
ghost you have 2 extra points on your stats, your only supposed to have 40, yours adds up to 42
The Undying of the Brightlands

Nation Name: The Brightlands
Player: Ravus Sol
Government: Theocratic Dictatorship
Capital: The Glow

Ruled over by the Glowing One Jesus Castro. His very prescence heals the new Undying race. The government system is stable due to the semi-immortal nature of the people of the Undying. He is believed by the Undying to be the saviour of the new blighted land, who will lead them to a better life.

South America had no Vault systems. No humans survived the fallout from the war, the only beings left in the South are Ghouls now. While the majority are feral some small few held onto their intelligence. They originally banded together only as scavengers or raiders, but the coming of the Brightlord, Jesus Castro, changed all that. He united all the intelligent Ghouls and proclaimed them the Undying. When his very touch healed those that were injured he was welcomed as a messiah.

The Ascension of the Brightlord

The economy is limited due to the sterile nature of the Undying. There is zero population growth, and while no Ghoul has died of old age many have succumbed to 'Feralization' as it is called in the South. Mental degradation sets in until the intelligence is lost. Close Proximity to the Glowing one seems to help but so far no cure to Feralization has been found. New Undying are found as the Brightlands expand and all seem willing to join once they witness the glory of the Brightlord.

To supplement the weak Undying work force is the Robots. With their intelligence from before the war intact the Undying are one of the most advanced societies, one who can still repair and build new robots. Protectrons are emphasised as basic workers for construction, Mister Handy robots are helpers for everyday living, (the Undying population is so small that every citizen has a Mister Handy as a Butler.) Sentry Bots are used for Law Enforcement while a upgraded and altered version is used to wage war.

Only the one major city is mostly intact. Powered by a surviving Nuclear facility, The entire city glows at night due to the fallout from the war and the still damaged Nuclear power plant. While this heavy radiation is a problem for the beings from before the war it is no problem for the Ghoul and robot workforce. This Capital is the economic hub of the Brightlands and without it they could not rebuild their robot workforce.

The Economy is geared towards expansion and war, the Undying have not yet met any other society apart from their own. While Intelligent Undying are still being rescued they are mostly of South American origin. However one long range Eyebot recently saw signs of life to the North raising a multitude of issues for the young nation.

The different models of robot still able to be produced in the Brightlands

The Brightland have no living military force. While some Undying oversee certain aspects of its organization, oversight and control only robots are in place on the battle field.

The original Sentry Bot from the pre-war era has been modified into a Warbot, the three wheeled legs were originally designed for urban pacification and protection. The new Warbots have a bipedal design taken from a new prototype war machine from North America and made using parts from the lighter Protectrons. These machines are supported by Eye Bots for recon and the Undying Generals are looking into some kind of real air support and mass production unit. While the Warbots are powerful they are very costly to build and maintain. Small numbers of Sentrybots are used for law enforcement but no large force has yet been fielded. Finally the Protectron workforce is technically armed and dangerous, the original design being used for security. If the Brightlands used their labour force as a military advance they could drown their enemy in sheer numbers. However If the Brightlands wishes to expand it will need a more cost effective model to have in larger numbers to support the primary Warbots.

Light: Protectrons
The Protectrons of the Brightlands are produced on mass as their primary aim is to be a workforce, not a military force. Originally designed for small security for firms and minor manual labour, the Protectrons of the Brightlands have been upgraded to be sturdier and have greater flexibility in labour. Thus the lasers usually mounted in the arms have been removed, while the head mounted laser has been upgraded. A side effect is that the Brightland Protectron is now able to grapple and engage in minor physical combat. A current project is looking into the feasibility of equipping Protectrons with melee weapons, or advancing the hand control to an extent that the Protectrons can wield hand weaponry. This is an ongoing project.

Medium: Sentrybot
The Sentry bot was designed to deal with heavy fighting in urban population centres. It's tripod form is perfect for holding heavy weaponry while providing fast movement on flat surfaces. Used primarily as a police force now, it can still be fielded in a theatre of war and would certainly defeat any meatbag being that wasn't heavily armoured and equipped. Each arm mounts a weapon, the common layout for Brightland Sentrybots is a Gatling laser and a Missile Launcher.

Heavy: Warbot
The Warbot has duel energy beams fitted to the shoulders, high grade military work these weapons can disintegrate unshielded targets in a single shot. The backpack has numerous rockets that use a guidance system to destroy anything that is a threat with terrifying accuracy. The Rockets are in fact Mini Nukes as the Undying have no fear of radiation and can happily live in a blighted irradiated land. The size and personal strength of the Warbot should not be ignored, it is capable of curshing or flinging aside anything in its path, that is, if anything survived the lasers and nukes.

Science - 10 (retains pre-war levels of technology)
Politics - 7 (Undying appearance is a negative to NPCs but the Brightlord combined with a stable semi-immortal population is a huge force for stability)
Economics - 6 (While production is good, the economy is not geared towards trade)
Combat - 10 (A Army of War Bots)
Intelligence - 3 (Ghouls and Robots are not stealthy)
Arts - 1 (GHOULS MAN!)
Luck - 3 (GHOULS MAN!)


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Spoiler :

A long time ago when people gave more craps about gold than bottlecaps, the Spanish steamrolled the Incan Empire. They did this partly for aforementioned gold but mainly because they're jerks. Seeing their empire's destruction, part of the Incan elite did something that sounds exactly like what Vault Tech did except without the horrifying experiments on purpose and formed a Vault-like compound deep in the Andes with the ability to self-sustain itself. It did quite well until the dreaded llama-eating mosquitobear completely wrecked their domesticated animal population and they all died of sadness. However, during the Great War, a nuke accidentally hit the mountain peak and irradiated the crap out of everything, including the one and only Incan mummy shaman accountant, who promptly became a zombie dude and made zombie dudes out of all his late emo buddies. Fortunately, they can communicate in more than moans and groans. Unfortunately, there are like two people alive who even think they know what Incan sounds like, so the zombies have no choice but to eat everyone's faces. Now they're on a roaring rampage of revenge, out to murderdeathify everyone who speaks Spanish because screw that Pizarro guy. Thanks to how zombification works, they also now have knowledge of the wheel, llama cavalry, and laser contact lenses.

No guns yet, though. That would be silly.

Science - 7
Politics - 4
Economics - 8
Combat - 6
Intelligence - 4
Arts - 2
Luck - 9
I actually was going to but then I remembered Ghouls have no luck at all, so I pulled some crap out of my ass.
I see a ghoul nation to be my nearest nation?

Good. My order will be open to those gifted from the great doom. Let us dance to the song of the great channels of the ethos. We are but echoes of ethos to the mysteries of the ethos.

OOC: I will be considering a expansion plan later to ask RS and AA of to see how we agree to slice up Latin America between us.
OOC: Well of course I had to be a Ghoul nation! So far its all stupid smoothskins. No Mutants, Intelligent Deathclaws or even AIs. Just not right! At least AA joined as something cool.

So my two neighbours are corpses irradiated back into life as flesh eating zombie-ghouls, and a mysterious human religious cult? Groovy.

OOC: Well of course I had to be a Ghoul nation! So far its all stupid smoothskins. No Mutants, Intelligent Deathclaws or even AIs. Just not right! At least AA joined as something cool.

So my two neighbours are corpses irradiated back into life as flesh eating zombie-ghouls, and a mysterious human religious cult? Groovy.


OOC: I do have plans of setting a mad "deathcraw taming programme" that will involve plenty of deaths in the attempt to tame a deathcraw. But it will be worth it... :)

OOC: Would that not be Easterners since the Americas is to China's East? ;)

Also been updating my sheet. Now you will fear the colour purple! :run:
Semi-OOC: Ah, but your nations emphasize the trappings of bourgeois "western" society!

Science - 5
Politics - 7
Economics - 9
Combat - 6
Intelligence - 7
Arts - 1
Luck - 5

Hanza Government:
The Hanza is governed by a Council, made up of 9 elected leaders (3 from each of the city-states of the Hanza) who make all economic, political, and legislative decisions. Their job is to bring as much profit to the city-states as possible, and have the authority to order them to use their military for the good of the whole Hanza.

Hanza Economy: Primarily a trading league, they use force to force smaller and weaker neighbors into trade agreements that are good for the Hanza. Their currency is pre-war, military grade bullets.

Hanza Military:

Light Trooper: Merchant

Hanza merchants are expert negotiators and fighters; their primary job is to ply trade routes to other trading cities amongst the Hanza and to other friendly cities, but they are also their to force neutral or hostile cities and nations into trade agreements or into protectorate status. When the Hanza seeks to incorporate new cities or regions into the Hanza, or force them into good trade deals, the Merchants are the first out there.

Their general armament includes:

1 .45 Revolver (12 to 36 bullets)

1 bastard gun, a cheap and unreliable sub-machine gun produced in the Hanza's own armories. 5.45 caliber. 30 round magazine. (1-5 magazines)

Spoiler :

1 duplet, a sawn-off double barrel shotgun that is also produced in Hanza armories. It has a lot of kick, but it is extremely reliable and, as it shoots 12 gauge slugs or buckshot, has enormous power. (2-30 shells, varying between slugs and buckshot)

1 Trench Knife

1 Reinforced Leather Jacket (thin metal plates inserted into the front)

Merchants also sometimes possess jury-rigged, homemade motorcycles (or repaired, pre-war ones), who are powered off of large, rechargable batteries (that can be charged through a hand crank, if times are desperate enough).

Medium Soldier: Hanza Infantry

Hanza infantry are feared and elite; they put down rebellious provinces and enforce the will of the Hanza's Council. They defend the various city-states that make up the Hanza and are also the primary offensive arm of the military, if a hostile nation or city state or league is too organized and prepared for Merchants to take on.
Their general armament includes:

1 assault rifle (generally a pre-war Kalishnokov or AR15) with 5-10 magazines


1 "Valve" - a bolt action, franken-rifle produced in Hanza armories, with a 5-round magazine. (2-10 magazines). Deadly accurate and powerful.

Spoiler :

1 .45 Revolver (12-48 bullets)

1 "Shambler" - a 6-round shotgun, created in Hanza armories. It is essentially a revolver, but with shotgun shells. (48-96 slugs/buckshot)

Spoiler :

1 Trench Knife

2 Grenades (PVC pipe filled with scrap metal and gunpowder, with a fuse sticking out the end)

1 Steel helmet, produced in Hanza

1 Armored Vest

Heavy Soldiers: Vanguard
The vanguards are the elite, the cream of the crop: they are well outfitted and well armored with the best weapons Hanza's wealth can buy. They are the stormtroopers, the vanguard: if Hanza needs to knock down the door of hostile entity, the vanguards will be sent in first. They undergo strenous, painful, and often times life-threatening training to turn them into enforcers of the Council's will.
They possess the same armament as regular Hanza Infantry, but with their armor reinforced and more ammunition. They also have "sticky" grenades - grenades with nails driven through them that will impale anything they are thrown at.
Vanguards are the ones trained to operate Hanza "trolleys." (Description below).

Hanza's Vehicles:
Motorcycle: The Hanza jury-rigs or repairs pre-war motorcycles in their armories, outfitting them with rechargable batteries. They are fast and manueverable, though not well armored - they are generally provided to either merchants, on attack missions, or sold to civilians/merchants for personal use.

Armored Transport: Old, wrecked cars and trucks that were stripped down and put together into franken-APCs, these are used to transport Hanza Infantry or Vanguards to their destination, or used by merchants to transport goods on long distance, dangerous trips. Also used for escorting high-value political or diplomatic targets. They are equipped with a light machine gun, mounted so that it can swivel, on top. Can carry 10 soldiers comftorably or 20 if necessary. Consumes large amounts of gas.

Transport Trolley: A skeleton of a truck or car stripped down and given one of the rechargable batteries found on motorcycles. Used only for trading or for transporting large amounts of Merchants. They are not well armored (they are just skeletal frames) and have no armament, only what their guards have (usually Merchants or, in times of war or on dangerous routes, Hanza Infantry)

Armored Trolley: The key in Hanza military success, at least on land, is the Hanza Armored Trolley. It has several inches of steel armor, welded onto a frame, with two light machine guns and a 45 mm cannon (equipped with a standard 5 incendiary, 5 armor piercing, and 10 high-explosive rounds). It can transport one pilot, one mechanic, two machine gunners, and one person to man the cannon. Only vanguards are trained how to operate Armored Trolleys.

Freighter: One of the two ship types in the Hanza fleet. The freighter is what it sounds like: a large freight ship. Freighters are used to transport goods to trade partners. They are outfitted with four 45 mm guns and one 127 mm guns, for both naval combat and shore bombardment. Can be used to transport large numbers of troops if the guns and cargo are stripped out.

Patrol boat: The other type of ship in the Hanza Navy. They are small, lightly armed boats mostly used to escort freighters, armed with two heavy machine guns and a 20 mm gun. They can be used as message ships or blockade runners.
If you make bullets currency, I demand your economy explodes in the most literal possible sense.

Semi-OOC: Ah, but your nations emphasize the trappings of bourgeois "western" society!

Mine doesn't even know what western society is like other than "full of jerks."
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