Family Feuds: Prestige Game


Jan 9, 2011
United States
Family Fueds

The idea for this game came from Government and Politics and the Prestige Interactive AAR games from the Civ V Story forum. Basically the point of the game is to become the most presigious family by 2050 A.D. We will be playing on the CivIV earth map. At the start of the game all countries will be ruled by an npc despot.

Sessions- Basically every session (sessions last 10 turns) I will post a session update, and send each player a Player Report. The update will tell what has happened in the empire since the last session. Everyone will be given 2 days to respond with their movements, than there will be a Midsession update. Midsession Updates reflect any new movements and actions preformed by players. Finally 2 days later there will be a Conclusion update, they reflect any new actions/movements taken after the midsession update. Time per session is subject to change (at the beginning not as slow, slower towards middle-end). Everyone will start in rome, but players are free to change countries.

Events- Throughout the game special events (player prompted or otherwise) might cause the death of a family, an npc revolution, improvements to be wiped out, ect.

Influence- As you preform certain actions you will gain influence points. Influence is calculated by the number of influence points you have on a tile divided by the total number of points on a tile. It is rare anyone will have 100% control of a tile because they will be competing with other players, npcs, factions, and the general population. Every unit your family owns on a tile will give a bonus to Some actions will gain you local influence (influence upon the tile you are in and all surrounding tiles), while others will gain you national/international influence (gain influence in every tile with a countries cultural borders). Inluence over tiles will fluxuate depending on religon, ethnicity and civics. (for example in a republic the general population will gain a boost to influence in every tile). On death of your main character your influence points in ever tile will be cut by 50%, accept for the tile you live in, and in some special instances (A kings influence in a tile will be cut by 10% of points every generation, Lords will always have a minimum of 51% influence in tiles they own). You also gain influence in all tiles in the province of a city you help to capture.

Prestige- The point of the game is to have played the family with the highest amount of presteige by the year 2050. When a family dies their final presteige is recorded and added to the score board (I will post a scorboard every session).
-1pt of Presteige is gained for every turn a family holds a lord or similar status.
-2pts of Presteige for every turn a family holds a Kingship, or similar status
-Prestige is gained for every battle your family leads an army for and wins. You are given 1pt for every 1% chance you have of losing a battle in the field. You are given 5pts for every defending unit in a city your family kills, 5pts for every 1% chance of losing against a unit defending a city. Prestige is awarded to the unit that takes the city depending on how challenging it was to take it. No prestige is given if you lose a battle/retreat.
-Gain prestige upon the event of a successful coup/revolution. (depends upon the circumstance)
-You gain 1pt of prestige for every point of influence a character has in all tiles upon death, and 2 points of presteige for every point of influence in a tile.
- You can gain presteige in many more ways, I will award presteige points at my own discretion. For example, I will give prestiege points for good rp.

Shame- You can shame you family in many ways. For acts that cause shame you will lose a precentage of influence in all tiles, and 1/2 that percentage in presteige. (for example if you are caught trying to assassinate someone you will lose 10% influence in all tiles and 5% of your presteige).

Death- Everyone must die. Players will gain +0.5% chance of sickness every year (of a players age, not in game years). Depending on health in a city this will be higher or lower, and the severity of the sickness can change. When a character reaches life expectancy for a country they will gain +2% chance of death for every year they live beyond.

Ethnicity- The world's population will be seperated into 4 main categories: European, Middle Eastern, African, Asian. It will be harder for your character to immigrate to a country of a different Ethnic category. On top of ethnic categories, depending on relationships it will be harder or easier to migrate to a different country.

Actions and Movements- You can move once per turn (order movements during sessions), you can preform as many actions as you wish during and out of sessions. All actions can by Pmed to me, make sure to include your characters name in your subject line.

Each player will control mortal characters. Every session I will provide a character report, via pm, for each player. The report will conist of the following:

Age- You characters age. Characters will age at a rate of 2yrs:1turn

Money- Money will be as big a part in this history as it was in our history.

Family- Characters will be able to marry and have families of their own. I will also track immediate family lineage on the fathers side. Players will be able to control the head of the family, and the eldest son. At the start of the game the only way to get new family members to control is to have twins. There is always a 5% chance of twins. I don't intend for families to last an entire game. I hope each player is made to start over with a new family 2-3 times. After awhile your family will gain a reputation, and characters will get bonuses in certain areas.

Influence- I will always tell your local influence in the tile you are currently in. To get information on other tiles you must send someone or go their yourself. Influence on a tile will be based on a score between 1-100.

Occupation- Peasants can work jobs to gain a steady income every turn, a player must remain in a tile to work a job there. More occupation types will be added with certain techs/improvements. Occupation types:
-Farmer (0.25 gpt) (requires farm improvement)
-Merchant (based upon trade routes)(requires trade routes to be in a city)
-Miner (0.5gpt)(requires mine improvement, +1% chance of death every turn worked)
-Tradesman (1gpt)(requires cottage improvement, available slots equals amount of commerce)
-Soldier (based upon rank)(Ranks: Soldier[0.5gpt], Captain[1gpt], General[2gpt]) can be lorded based on deeds

At the start of the game each player will be a farmer. When lorded (initially must be lorded by NPCs) a player is granted a plot of land. Lords and their immediate family cannot work in an occupation.

Representation- In the game players will be represented by an in game unit. You can only move as fast as your unit.
-Peasants/civilians will be represented by Spies
-Lords with body guards will be represented by Military units.
-Lords without body guards will be represented by great people (based upon their family's history)

Personal Armies- Upon becoming a lord, if you build a fort you can raise personal armies. Personal Armies increase influence and prestige. When a lord has an army he is able to go on campaign. Anything units defeated, or cities taken on campaign gains extra prestige. Personal Armies will be added by me via worldbuilder. Any units built in cities will be under the command of the current government.

Actions-Actions can be preformed at anytime, and can be sent to me via pm.
You can do whatever you can think of (with my approval), but here are some basic actions:
-Spread Propaganda
-Hire Spies
-Hire Assassins
-Hire Bodyguards (decreases chance of a sucessful assassination targeted at your character). You can choose what kind of unit you want as your bodyguard. (Horsemen for example can move more quickly but aren't as good at defending when not traveling)
-Start a revolution - Revolutions are specail actions. To start a revolution you will need a majority of the total influence in a country. (A players total influence is calculated by averaging all the % influence the player has in the country). By teaming up with other players your influence is added to theirs, and any influence the general will has in a province around an unhappy city is also added. If the general will agrees with the revolution there is also a chance lords will be murdered (the chance for this happening is equal to the influence of the general will in a tile, and if condoned by the revolutionaires this is added to the influence of all participating players in a tile).

Based on the type of tile you character is currently in you will have special/limited actions.
-can visit different districts in a city (Rich, Middle, Poor)
-can visit governors palace (Palace if in capital)
-can order a ship (depending upon the size it will cost more and take longer to build)
-can embark if you own a ship and the city is coastal
-merchants can trade on trade routes and get 3g for ever +1g the traderoute gives in game.
-Road Tile
-can rob travelers
-can visit town
-with sailing you can travel rivers 0.5 tiles faster than normal movement speed

Tiles- Tiles will play a large role in the economy and politics of the game.

Buying tiles-
-Only tiles within cultural borders can be bought.
-Cannot own sea tiles
-Initially a tile is owned by the government of the country. This can chaged by implementing laws.
-3g from commerce, 2g from hammers, 1 g from food on tiles. This is modified by city buildings. (granary gives +50% more yield from food, market gives 25% more money from commerce, ect)

Special Improvements-
-Forts. When a lord owns a fort he gains the ability to recruit units for his own personal army.

I will add more as the game goes on. Any takers?
Steel Knight
I might join.
I'll give it a shot.
Jwitti, of course. :lol: let's see.... Jwitti Salvata, age (if necessary) 23, I want to be of Noble Birth, of course :) and of a "warrior lineage" (my grandad and dad were soldiers)
Everyone starts at 20yrs old, and everyone has to start as a peasant. Though your family backstory will gain you influence in the military (you will start at a higher rank, if you choose to join the military).

Added Soldier to the occupations list.
Danke! 3 years less is ok
GAP was a great game on civ 5 (and still is). I suggest you join. I join as Steel Knight and my occupation will be a tradesmen.
I join as BigTin, my father was an excellent tradesman, always ripping off everyone and donated heavily to the lordship.
I am joining! My name will be Nikolai Vadin and I am a soldier. My family has a long line of being the military advisers and their sons being soldiers until they become the advisers to the lords and therefore have a special connection with the lords. Should we choose an ethnic group?
GAP was a great game on civ 5 (and still is). I suggest you join. I join as Steel Knight and my occupation will be a tradesmen.
Welcome. I'm just going to split up your name. So your last name will for the rest of history be Knight :)

I join as BigTin, my father was an excellent tradesman, always ripping off everyone and donated heavily to the lordship.

Same with you, your last name will be Tin. Welcome.

I'll join this. Info to come later.
Welcome, for now all I need is a name.

Most recent one. You could use it for ideas and/or inspiration.

I am joining this though.
Hmm, I will look through the thread. I need a name.

To everyone, next to each occupation there is an improvement requirement and other information. Everyone will have start as a subsistence farmer/fisher or part of the military (we have no cottages, farms ect). Your family backstories will effect your characters even if you can't start out as a tradesman. Also, I want to stress role play is encouraged and is a good way of getting early prestige.

EDIT: Welcome Seron, added. No on the ethnic group, we all are European. If enough people join than maybe I'll let some players start in another country/ethnic reigon.
Ok, hopefully more people join. :) Is mine a good start of a backstory?
No on the ethnic group, we all are European. If enough people join than maybe I'll let some players start in another country/ethnic reigon.
Hmm, then I might wait a little longer before creating my character. Unless we start, of course :D
Well if we get enough than I'll announce it and 1/2 the amount of players will be allowed to switch.

Your's is good Seron. I don't want to say what bonuses you'll get for backstory because I don't want others to just copy hoping to get the same result :) Backstory will affect your first couple characters in some way. It will be kind of like a start family rep.

I just sensed this and gravitated towards it. I will join tentatively join this primarily for the lols :p. I will think of a name for the family and original character later.

Oh, you might like to elaborate a bit more on protocol though, just a suggestion.
I will join.
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