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Fantasy Baseball 2014

I will play in this league of we make it a keeper league.

I will also of course still play in the other CFC league.
I will play in this league of we make it a keeper league.

I will also of course still play in the other CFC league.

What's the appeal of keeper leagues? I find the draft to be one of the best parts of fantasy sports. Don't keepers diminish that aspect?
Keeper leagues still draft. Teams have a limited # of players they keep per year.

The draw is that it's a dynasty. You have more of a connection with your team and there is more strategy because you have to think about next year, not just this year.
Something I would like to try is an auction keeper league. Salary cap, with some sort of system for increasing salaries for keepers. Options include: straight across the board % increases for kept players; % increases that differ based on rank of the player (a better player is more expensive to keep from year to year); or a more true to life signing system where to keep a player beyond a set number of years (say, after the first 2 or 3 years) you have to sign them to an extension which must be a certain minimum # of increasing dollars per year.

That type of stuff. I am currently in a league that uses a draft-round keeper system, where you keep players in the rounds they were drafted, but the draft-round they take up increases each year. It's a nice system and would work here but I would like to try something different.

I would assist in running the league if need be. The commish job is much more involved in a keeper league. El is right that you do need a dedicated core of players who will not jump ship. Might be hard to do that here.
Whomp used to try to get us to think about auction-type settings. i think it's a little ambitious for a site such as cfc (but not impossible). i've always liked the idea of a keeper league...but it would be a pretty big leap imho to get each and every gm back every year. and then what happens when a gm bails ? very hard to get replacements. it's complicated, right ?
I'm in.
I'd definitely be up for a keeper league. Being an armchair GM is a lot more interesting if you can actually rebuild.
Whomp used to try to get us to think about auction-type settings. i think it's a little ambitious for a site such as cfc (but not impossible). i've always liked the idea of a keeper league...but it would be a pretty big leap imho to get each and every gm back every year. and then what happens when a gm bails ? very hard to get replacements. it's complicated, right ?

If you can get a good core of say 10 or so people, you can replace 2 or 3 or 4 each season if need be. Depends on how big of a league you want.

I'd like as big a league as possible...
Illram dragged me out of retirement for a keeper league. I am a serious fantasy player, who likes deep leagues. Tell me you can do that.;)

If you can get a good core of say 10 or so people, you can replace 2 or 3 or 4 each season if need be. Depends on how big of a league you want.

I'd like as big a league as possible...

We could do an only league with six to eight.

replacing guys in keeper leagues is a lot harder than that...i mean, getting people to pick up another man's garbage (so to speak) ain't easy. and as a commish, it's a daunting task each year. so this is why, for me at least, it's important to sort of 'know' the guys who are in the league and to be able to sort of know where they're at and can communicate well etc etc.

what type of scoring system is being considered for this league ? what site to host ? of course, i think the scoring system that me and Backwards Logic put together for the cfc league is super-polished. yahoo is probably the best site imho. just me 2 cents.
I am not so worried about getting players. As I said, your can get by with OP and five more, though seven is better. Ideally, it should be difficult to find a full time starting player on WW, but that could take a year or two.

What you want to avoid is a star at every position. I was stuck in a football league that started two QB, but Carson Palmer, Eli Manning and Joe Flacco were still on WW for week 1. That was ridiculous. If those players are not at least injury subs, why bother?

That said, some guidelines about rules would be nice.

Whither Cryptic Snow? I don't want to bogart his thread... but I sort of am.

If we can get some of the CFC league regulars, like jay said I am not worried about replacements each year. Taking over a crap team can actually be fun, I did it in another league. Good drafting and team management can get you back in the running the next year. (Something I did not do...)

Anyways some rule suggestions:
- Auction draft, open to suggestion on best way to ensure that people can't just hang on to their entire team forever. E.g. players must be resigned after 3 years, mandatory min salary for any contract extended, or salary increases across the board based on rank, or whatever.
- Large rosters and/or benches to max out team size so the league is challenging. CFC league rosters are good. Suggestion: C, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, CI, OF OF OF OF, UTIL, SP SP SP, PPPPPP, 2 DL spots, full bench;
- CFC league scoring but more of a mix in the counting stats and maybe remove one or two from each. That's up for discussion. El J I am offended you and BL take sole credit for that league's scoring rules ...j/k ;) Suggestion: R, RBI, TB, HR, SB, AVG, OBP, BB, K; QS, SV, HLD, CG, K, ERA, WHIP, K/9, K/BB
- Weekly roster changes
-forum (slow) auction draft so we can all participate, 24 hour rule before BAPAY, 12 hours late rounds, I think for bidding that would also mean we need a limited bidding period.... anyone done a slow auction draft before?
-use Yahoo (devil we all know)
sorry to leave you out illram ;) you did indeed help craft and refine the scoring.

and yes :) the better the devil we know. yahoo is pretty simple.

8 teams would be bare minimum to start. 6 is just too shallow. 10-12 is ideal. but starting at 8 would allow for a decent floor and room to expand. i've done fantasy expansion drafts before and they're fun. we almost have to have an even number of teams btw for scheduling etc.

real low total keepers, say 3; no more than 5 imho.
I agree with you guys that a Keeper league would be a big commitment and potential headache for the commissioner. That is why I prefer doing a re-draft league with a dedicated core of players. Even if a player leaves or is inactive its much easier to have a replacement manager step in.
If you can get a good core of say 10 or so people, you can replace 2 or 3 or 4 each season if need be. Depends on how big of a league you want.

I'd like as big a league as possible...

This will be a 20 team league.
I dislike Ks as a hitting stat, though K/9 or K/BB would work. SLG is a ratio stat and TB is a counting stat. I think we need more ratios for the hitters, since you have four for pitching.

For 20 teams, that is a big active roster. Do you want 9 active pitchers? Why CI and not MI and 4 OF?

Lets not settle stats til we know what Y! has available. Y! does manage keepers, if you can figure out their system.

I think a 10 team only league would be a more practical start. a 20 team full draft is not usually workable in a forum. It can be done using schedules, but that is an advanced system.

I dislike Ks as a hitting stat, though K/9 or K/BB would work. SLG is a ratio stat and TB is a counting stat. I think we need more ratios for the hitters, since you have four for pitching.

For 20 teams, that is a big active roster. Do you want 9 active pitchers? Why CI and not MI and 4 OF?

Lets not settle stats til we know what Y! has available. Y! does manage keepers, if you can figure out their system.

I think a 10 team only league would be a more practical start. a 20 team full draft is not usually workable in a forum. It can be done using schedules, but that is an advanced system.

I don't use made-up positions like CI and MI.

I've done 20 team drafts a countless numbers of times over the years. I think that number of teams actually works the best for fantasy baseball and fantasy football.

Now getting 20 people from just this forum to commit might be a challenge, but that's why I'm starting this thread in January to see how many we can get. I would have no problem filling it with people outside of this forum, but let's see how many in-house people we can get first.
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