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Favorite Posters/Promo Shots


Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
I haven't seen a thread like this before, so I thought I would open one for the discussion of movie and television posters and promotional shots. Album covers and promo shots for bands are probably worth posting too, if you so desire.

I spoiler tagged everything because they are mostly large images.

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I love this one. I think the way you can see Uma Thurman's reflection slightly on the bottom of the all yellow is really cool. I have this one, along with multiple others, hanging in my rec room. This is the only one of those that is really one of my favorites though. The others were chosen because I liked the movies or the colors looked good with the rest of the room.

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Probably one of the funniest movie posters I have ever seen. I remember seeing this on the theater wall, and at the time Steve Carrell was still relatively unknown, being known for only the Daily Show and as Brick in Anchorman. I thought he was funny in both of those and laughed out loud when I saw this. The concept of it seemed so ridiculous I couldn't imagine how it was going to be a movie.

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As far as I know, Jaws has one of the only promo posters that is almost as ingrained in pop-culture as the movie itself.

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I loved this promo shot. It made me so hyped for the last season of Lost when I saw it, even if I did end up slightly disappointed, partially just because it did not live up to my expectations based on this particular shot. For those who didn't watch the show, what exactly was going with the character John Locke (the man in the center, who everyone is staring at) was left on a complete cliffhanger and all that anyone knew was that he would be very central to the next season. One of my favorite parts is the way all the other characters are staring at him and sort of thinking "what the hell is up with this guy?", because that is exactly what the viewer was wondering themselves. It really drew you into the show.
Well, on the topic of posters ingrained in pop-culture and Uma Thurman, how about Pulp Fiction?
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