• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Feature Requests

Like adding the ability to have Animated Terrain, Buildings such as Windmills, Waterfalls, etc... without having to make them as Units and place them on Impassable Terrain.
I also like the idea of having some additional Buildings and Structures that appear around the Cities when gained.
...of course, like the City Walls, any such additions would probably have to be specifically programed for those Game additions.

Nearly one year ago here in this forum I made a list about features for this project. I have posted many of these items in the thread of the Flintlock mod/patch, too.

High priority:

Fixed bugs (nearly all of them now fixed by Flintlock):

- Submarine bug fixed
- Fix of the houseboat bug (last settler of a civ on a boat after loosing the last city) added
- AI routine for land artillery fixed
- Stealth Attack fixed (attacking unit can take out a single target in a stack)
- Phantom resources bug fixed

New general features:

- Barbarians and Pirates can hold cities and are working like in Civ 2
- more culture groups (and city graphics)
- Canals
- navigable rivers
- working "water-cities"
- "Water workers" (possible in current C3C, but AI suddenly kills them without any reason)
- Unit production needs special building in the city
- Buildings can transform one strategic resource into another strategic resource (p.e. oil to petrol)
- Railroad-movement factor adjustable, different speed on different tracks
- Events (as in Civ 2 TOT or with lua in ToTPP)

New unit features:

- Unit, that can move over sea and land, but gains damage every turn not in a city or airfield (like Civ 2 helicopters)
- Caravans as in Civ 2 and 'ship caravans' (tankers)
- AI Land units can carry other land-, air- and/or missile units
- An additional new attack and defense setting:
  • Diplomats that can work as in Civ 2 (especially bribing other units - additional new attack)
  • Soft attack- (against foot troops) and hard attack values (against tanks) for units
  • Units that can only be attacked by special other units (p.e. night bombers by night fighters and flak)
- Combat bonus vs specific units
- Ignore city walls flag for units (as in Civ 2)
- Stack kill flag for units
- different radius of destruction for nuclear attacks
- move of special units (p.e. tanks) costs money (= fuel)
- Different Walk animation for units activated
(units can use different graphics on different terrain, p.e. landunits can use ship graphics when running over land that has water graphics )

Lower priority:

- Adjustable different leader names for all 4 eras in C3C
- more than 512 cities
- more than 31 civs
- more than 256 resources
- more than 8192 units
- Diplomacy talks need certain tech (important for SciFi scenarios; translator)
- custom text for landtiles (p.e. river- and desert names, spots like rock of Gibraltar)
- multiple maps and teleporters (as in Civ 2 ToT and TOTPP)
- different mountain hights (and defense bonus)
- production carryover
- major objective flag (giving more victory points as in Civ 2)

Heh no wonder we get along well, I like how you guys think. :)

+1 to everything they said with personal emphasis on the 1- the more animating terrain & world objects and 2- the ToT, MoM & AoW like extra linked world maps (allowing for underground levels, space levels, dark mirror worlds etc). Just imagine the things talented modders like these guys and others could do with such creative life like world expanding weapons in their arsenal. :)

The even more beautiful and insane stuff @Vuldacon could do with Escape from Zombie island with that extra animation, just imagine an enhanced combined multi world version of @Drift 's Master of Myrror & Arcanus, and I'm sure @KingArthur would also love that for his Steampunk Worlds scenario as I'm not sure what it's using now but I saw in an old version it was using a map with 4 worlds shoved into one map (like we had to do in the good old Civ2 MGE days for multi world scenarios).

Oh and I love the idea of Barbarians that can take and hold cities like in other Civ games too.

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So I've looked through the entire thread to date, and grabbed multiple slivers which inspired me to add my own tuppence worth of spitballs:
Add Size to units. Heavier units should consume more space inside the transport;
I agree.

Presumably the intention would be to use a unit's shield-cost as the in-game proxy for its weight, and then set a boat's transport-capacity to be measured in shields rather than absolute number of units? So taking the existing epic-game units as an example, a Galley might be set to load 40 shields, allowing it to transport 4 Warriors, or a Warrior + Settler, or a Spearman + Archer, or a single MedInf — but not a Knight.

(Yes, the default epic-game .biq also lacks an intermediate, larger-sized transport-ship between the Galley and Caraval for the early Feudal period, but modding one in would be trivial)

A shield-based transport-capacity would probably need to be adjusted by cost-factor to keep things "fair" though. i.e. to continue the example above, a Regent-level AI would get the same weight-limits as a human player, but an Emperor-level Galley would only be able to carry (40 * 0.8 =) 32 shields. Otherwise Monarch+ AI-Civs would (theoretically, eventually) be able to carry more units in any given boat-design than the human player would.

But maybe that transport-capacity needn't be a hard cap? i.e. a player might be allowed to overload their transport-boats, but with some penalty, e.g. the boat's probability of sinking over the interturn — regardless of current water-tile navigational safety/ tech-level — could increase proportionally with the percentage over max. capacity (+10% overload = +10% sinking-probability?). Or an overloaded boat could incur a movement-penalty (–1 MP per +20% overload?). And vice versa of course: unladen boats could be given a lower risk of sinking, and/or move faster.

Alternatively, transport-capacity could be limited by total HP, with less-advanced units having HP-penalties, and more advanced units having HP-bonuses (which is easily moddable already).

On more general subject of naval-movement, I would also love to see a Civ3-clone with a random-map-generator which could generate oceanic circulation patterns and alongshore currents, with the intended impact on gameplay that e.g. sailing with the prevailing current might reduce sinking-probability, but sailing across or against them might increase it (this sinking-risk would have to be implemented during the movement-phase rather than over the interturn, when the unit is 'stationary' as far as the game-engine is concerned). These effects would be (mostly) invisible to the player during the early game, but a later tech (e.g. mid-late Medieval 'Navigation') could reveal the patterns, allowing a player to see the safest/most efficient shipping lanes.

Whether the AI-Civs would (be allowed to) see the currents (and adjust their navigations accordingly) prior to acquiring the needed tech or not until afterwards, would be up to the programmers to decide... ;)
How do you see this working for the player? Would there be a radius from the nearest city/border beyond which the terrain is impassable?
Units healing on selective types of terrain would be interesting for specific scenarios. Or some types of terrain allowing for healing and some not.
the unit takes X amount of HP damage per turn until it dies. Otherwise, you might get units camped out a certain distance from the cultural border that would just sit there forever.
How about giving every (maintenance-requiring) unit a (50%?) probability of losing 1 HP (and/or unable to heal) for every interturn it spends
— off-road in friendly/neutral territory (= no supply-line), and/or
— >1 tile inside hostile borders (all terrains), and/or
— on any terrain-tile that does not produce enough food to feed one citizen (so units advancing over Mountains would still enjoy a boosted D-value, but potentially lose HP)
... down to a minimum of 1 HP remaining, and then it would be forced to retreat back to its own borders (as the AI does already).

Tying that back into the above idea of HP-penalties and bonuses, that would make it much less worth sending low-HP (early) units into enemy territory in the first place.
- Barbarians and Pirates can hold cities and are working like in Civ 2
It might be good if a flag could be set — maybe related to the unit and/or to a tech — to allow (HN) naval-units to heal when fortified ("anchored"?) anywhere along a Coast, not only in friendly towns — just like land-units.
Diplomacy talks need certain tech (important for SciFi scenarios; translator)
Wouldn't this be the equivalent of "[Tech] Allows Embassies", though?

I would also prefer if both Civs were required to know a tech before they could do the "[Diplo-thing] allowed by [Tech]". e.g. in the epic-game, Navigation allows map-trading, and Nationalism allows MPPs, but only one trade-partner needs to know the relevant tech to make such a deal, which allows more advanced civs to sucker their neighbours even further into disadvantageous positions.

Ooh, would also be an improvement if the AI-Civs could properly value an MPP (i.e. shouldn't the weaker Civ be the one needing to pay for protection?), and/or an MPP should necessarily involve a mutual exchange of Strategic resources(?) — and even better if they could be made less eager to sign MPPs with both sides of an ongoing war...
If they could get active and at least upgrade their units (or just build newer ones, because a barrackless upgrade might be too much for the engine), or occupy colonies and cities and capture workers and settlers instead of destroying them, it would already work better.
Back when I was still playing CivDOS (which I played almost exclusively on the supplied Earth-Map), one of the things I really liked (with hindsight!) was that the Barbarians would keep up in tech.

Due to the larger landmasses on the Earthmap, combined with the hardcoded limit of 128 towns, there would likely still be large tracts of unsettled land (e.g. in the hinterlands of northern Russia) in the late game, where I'd get Barbarian Rifles and possibly even MechInfs spawning.

So I would love it if Civ3 Barbs could also evolve, with the units sent out from camps being e.g. the most recent "resourceless" unit (Warriors, then Archer —> TOW line in the epic-game) common to the 2 Civs with the nearest capitals to that camp.
(since we're at it, the fact that a battleship costs as much gold to maintain as a warrior is strange)
Yes, it's always struck me as kinda dumb that the maintenance-cost per (excess) unit is fixed, identical from the beginning of the game to the end, and related to the chosen government, rather than the unit's complexity (i.e. shield-cost)!

The best that can be currently done to get round that limitation is a combination of switching the maintenance-requirement on/off for the unit itself, and/or treating unit-HP as a proxy for total manpower, so that the 'same' unit-maintenance supports proportionately more/less HP (e.g. if a company of Cavalry should cost more to run per soldier than a company of Riflemen, the only way to simulate this is to give the Cavalry lower HP relative to the Riflemen).

But it would be far preferable if a unit's maintenance-cost could be set on a per-unit basis and/or proportional to its shield-cost — provided that the AI could also be taught to recognise that building a 1-dimensional stack of its "best" (highest shield-cost) units might then become cripplingly expensive.
-Continued city unrest could lead to cities ‘flipping’ to nearby enemy civs, but also to their drawing in nomads to take them over, or to simply split apart and reject your rule to start their own government!.
I really wish that Firaxis had implemented an instant-defection-dependent-on-Cultural-flip-probability mechanic for both the "Elimination" and "Regicide" options!
I myself would give the barbarians longships or other fighting craft. In my (in-house) mod the dromon is a separate war galley; already I've experienced the displeasure and chagrin of downgrading from Dromon to caravel, losing sea supremacy as the Byzantines.
Psst... I did something similar, but I have Dromons upgrading to Frigates instead.
Is this a default option in the epic game?
Randomly generated maps never include LM terrain, so I guess that's a "no"?
Also Civ3's colonies being handled like a terrain improvement (cannot be captured, are disbanded automatically by enemy culture, cannot connect through water or air) needs improving since we're at it.
Certain Techs should also allow certain types of ships and Land Units - Conquistadors - to move beyond whatever bounds are in place, and to be able to found "true" Colonies - Towns limited to Size=1, until whatever other, requisite conditions are in play.
I agree, it would be cool if e.g. long-established (10 turns?) resource-colonies could turn into towns (e.g. where the terrain allowed "Build city"), and/or act as a trade-net node (if coastal).
I suppose roads & railroads are a similar form of multi-levelled improvement, and perhaps there'd be a reason why some modder would want to do the same with mines
How about "Surface mines" (lower productivity) vs. "Deep mines" (higher output, but not available until the late-game).

I also think it would have been more interesting if Civ3 had allowed at least 3 levels of "roads": unpaved roads (spontaneously generated by working a given tile for a set number of years/turns, or Worker-built; connects resources/increases commerce, but not movement), paved roads (must be Worker-built over existing unpaved road; increases commerce + movement; requires Stone?) and Rails (Worker-built over unpaved/paved road; infinite movement, boosts output; requires Iron + Stone), and/or later Freeways (Worker-built on paved road; infinite movement, requires Stone + Oil)

Failing the above, I would still really like to detach the "[Terrain] allows roads" flag from the "[Terrain] allows rails" flag.

I would also like the option to force (paved) roads/rails to require gold to maintain them, and/or degrade if that maintenance is not paid/ those tiles are not worked (á la SimCity).

It would be really cool if Forests and Jungle could spread naturally, too.
Other rivers in rougher terrain require the same maintenance as well as sluices and locks; what about a river's navigability being interrupted by building a dam for irrigation and/or hydroelectricity?
In the epic-game, there's no downside (apart from the shield-cost!) to building a Hydro Plant.

But what if you could only build one in a town with Hills nearby, and/or building one would flood a (semi-)random BFC-tile (adjacent to the river? Flatland or Hill?), forming a 1-tile lake...?
The aqueduct is defined as not needed for cities adjacent to fresh water - not as adjacent to tiles that hold fresh water. Another question is, if it would really be bad, if the options for cities that can grow without an aqueduct is reduced.
Since the Palace's shield-cost already scales with civilization-size, I don't see why it wouldn't also be reasonable to use a similar mechanism to make the Aqueduct's build-cost (and ideally also maintenance-cost) similarly dependent on the minimum path-length — also taking into account the movement-costs of the intervening terrain-tiles — from the town-to-be-ducted to its nearest freshwater-source (whether a river/lake, or the nearest already-Ducted friendly town).

That would have been a far more "realistic" way of representing a towns' need for freshwater, and limiting growth in the towns progressively further away from a source (or towns on islands which lack any freshwater; in that situation, a "Desalination Plant" coastal-improvement could perform the Duct's function later), and would also have taken some of the sting out of capturing an AI-town which had been built one tile away from a river instead of next to it...
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Some quick comments:

Unit costs: it's always difficult to balance. A warrior is a man with a stone axe, or, well, we might say that it represents a platoon of them?
Costs 1 maintenance. Takes ten turns (10×50 years=500 years) to build at first.
A battleship is a huge ship with radars, heavy artillery, communications devices, sonar, missiles, a crew of a couple thousand… and supplies for all of them.
Costs 1 maintenance. Takes maybe 1 or 2 turns by the time you can really build it. At most, 6 or 7 (7×1 years= 7 years) in all.

The scale isn't right.
Psst... I did something similar, but I have Dromons upgrading to Frigates instead.
I already do the same! Warship upgrades to warship, transport/cargo ship upgrades to the same. Wooden ships are then replaced by in the city's build screen by metal-hulled ones.
tjs282 said:
I agree, it would be cool if e.g. long-established (10 turns?) resource-colonies could turn into towns (e.g. where the terrain allowed "Build city"), and/or act as a trade-net node (if coastal).
This would be a cheat! A city for only half the popheads as the other? No way.
But being able to actually upgrade a colony to a city could be a possibility.

Also, colonies being stolen by simply cultural expansion… uggh, that's one feature I've always disliked.

Hell, we should be able to build colonies on enemy territory just as we do cities. Bang! Resource stolen. War on me all you like, AI!
Also, apologies if I've already transcribed this post:

Another suggestion after a lot of Civ3-playing over this past week: How about making governments not necessarily have to choose between forced labour or overpayment to hurry construction at cities, but instead having bonuses or penalties for one or the other, and/or the modder setting which to allow?

Also, how about having more than one construction queue, possibly one for buildings and one for units? (this is just brainstorming, if there is a better thread for my ramblings-of-a-madman bursts of inspiration redirect me there)
Wouldn´t this reduce massively the number of tiles that allow founding cities that don´t need an aqueduct in C3C ? :think:

i don't have an issue with Cities being founded on (hypothetical) River Tiles. Historically, Rivers have been, first and foremost, economically and civically unifying. Consider Paris and the Seine. Venice arguably qualifies. No matter which side of the Dnieper Novgorod was founded on, I can't imagine that the Varangians' longboats [etc.] Vienna essentially "straddled" the Danube from its inception.

In this model, we begin with every River Tile, and adjacent Tile, can be Irrigated.
Further thoughts on the hard population-caps...

I've never much liked this mechanic, which feels very artificial to me. Fair enough, have 3 "Settlement-sizes", but why make the size-caps hard? There's no good (gameplay) reason why a town should be limited to 6 or 12 popheads (or whatever), just because it hasn't got a Duct or Hospital yet.

The game already includes a "subject to disease" mechanic for towns with Floodplains/ Jungle/ Marsh in the BFC, so why not extend that to all towns which have grown beyond the limits of their freshwater/healthcare supply — with the risk of a disease-outbreak increasing with every pophead above the preset size-threshold(s)? i.e. instead of the building-flag being "Allows Size-2(/3)", why not "Eliminates disease-risk at Size-2(/3)"?

That way, the player would be making a tradeoff between allowing their towns to grow to potentially unsafe levels, and keeping their population alive. As an added incentive to build Ducts/Hospitals, disease-outbreaks might also add to "overpopulation" unhappiness...
I'm not sure it would be really bad if that were the case. On the one hand, it would reflect the absolutely crucial role of water access for the growth of early states, and on the other hand, with later techs, we could make it possible for cities to grow past a certain size without aqueducts if we wanted to, right?

Agreed! Aqueducts can be one of several Improvements to achieve this -

- And, along those lines, I really hate adjacency to a River allowing a 1 size "bump."
i don't have an issue with Cities being founded on (hypothetical) River Tiles. Historically, Rivers have been, first and foremost, economically and civically unifying. Consider Paris and the Seine. Venice arguably qualifies. No matter which side of the Dnieper Novgorod was founded on, I can't imagine that the Varangians' longboats [etc.] Vienna essentially "straddled" the Danube from its inception.

In this model, we begin with every River Tile, and adjacent Tile, can be Irrigated.
Of course, and, since we're at it with how to place rivers so as not to have too many of them, if tiles can have elevation then we can have watersheds separating basins and so on, to make it more realistic.

But there's also one thing: you want to build cities directly on a river tile. How does this affect navigation along it? Some cities have been built, historically, on islands amid river branches, but they didn't actually stand on the riverbed itself. The same for cities like Constantinople athwart the straits or Singapore on the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula.
The game already includes a "subject to disease" mechanic for towns with Floodplains/ Jungle/ Marsh in the BFC, so why not extend that to all towns which have grown beyond the limits of their freshwater/healthcare supply — with the risk of a disease-outbreak increasing with every pophead above the preset size-threshold(s)? i.e. instead of the building-flag being "Allows Size-2(/3)", why not "Eliminates disease-risk at Size-2(/3)"?

That way, the player would be making a tradeoff between allowing their towns to grow to potentially unsafe levels, and keeping their population alive. As an added incentive to build Ducts/Hospitals, disease-outbreaks might also add to "overpopulation" unhappiness...
That's a great idea!

But there's also one thing: you want to build cities directly on a river tile. How does this affect navigation along it? Some cities have been built, historically, on islands amid river branches, but they didn't actually stand on the riverbed itself. The same for cities like Constantinople athwart the straits or Singapore on the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula.
I guess if you control the city, you can travel up and down the river, but otherwise not? Not sure of another way around it. Maybe it's all the more important to control Constantinople or Singapore, then?
But there's also one thing: you want to build cities directly on a river tile. How does this affect navigation along it? Some cities have been built, historically, on islands amid river branches, but they didn't actually stand on the riverbed itself. The same for cities like Constantinople athwart the straits or Singapore on the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula.

Depends on your relations with the owner. Hearts of Iron IV models it this way and it works pretty well. I don't remember all the details, but basically in most cases if you have neutral or better relations, you can navigate the Dardanelles or the Suez Canal. If the Soviets end up at war with Turkey, they can't navigate the Dardanelles anymore, and if Britain loses the Suez Canal to Italy, they have to take the long way around Africa.

Of course that all depends on whether we ever get to the point of rivers-as-a-tile-overlay being an option. It also may depend on whether multiple units are allowed on a tile. To some extent they likely will be (submarines; I just saw a Civ3 AI war started by the sub bug), but of course the default in Civ (III) is they aren't. Although I can see how Civ4's model is a bit simpler from an implementation standpoint. In Civ4, units from different nations can be on the same tile as long as they aren't at war. That option could allow river traversal; it also is somewhat simpler from a pathing standpoint than Civ3's model (which in turn is much better than the Civ5/Civ6 1UPT model... having thought about and written some pathing for C7, I can see why the Civ5 AI is not very good at moving their units in an effective manner).
War on me all you like, AI!
Sidenote: I posted this and a couple of turns after resuming my ongoing civ game a massive stack of Immortals sneak-attacked me! Since then the Persians've triggered a Golden Age, given me not one but two leaders, and lost -so far- three cities.

Anyway, back to C7.
That way, the player would be making a tradeoff between allowing their towns to grow to potentially unsafe levels, and keeping their population alive.
Which already happens to me with pollution from large cities and/or factories, but at the current difficulty having 5-6 cities as a core industrial hub to produce heavy military matériel and late-age wonders while the rest furnish workers is enough.
I guess if you control the city, you can travel up and down the river, but otherwise not? Not sure of another way around it. Maybe it's all the more important to control Constantinople or Singapore, then?
But even when the Romans still held Constantinople, Callipolis, Chrysopolis, Nicæa, Nicomedia, etc. fleets of e.g. Gothic invaders managed to cross the Straits and pillage as far as Athens!

What actually prevented the Avars and Persians from completing their encirclement of Constantinople was the Roman fleets, so it's clearly not just a matter of having a port but actually how you use your ships.
Depends on your relations with the owner. Hearts of Iron IV models it this way and it works pretty well. I don't remember all the details, but basically in most cases if you have neutral or better relations, you can navigate the Dardanelles or the Suez Canal. If the Soviets end up at war with Turkey, they can't navigate the Dardanelles anymore, and if Britain loses the Suez Canal to Italy, they have to take the long way around Africa.

Of course that all depends on whether we ever get to the point of rivers-as-a-tile-overlay being an option. It also may depend on whether multiple units are allowed on a tile. To some extent they likely will be (submarines; I just saw a Civ3 AI war started by the sub bug), but of course the default in Civ (III) is they aren't. Although I can see how Civ4's model is a bit simpler from an implementation standpoint. In Civ4, units from different nations can be on the same tile as long as they aren't at war. That option could allow river traversal; it also is somewhat simpler from a pathing standpoint than Civ3's model (which in turn is much better than the Civ5/Civ6 1UPT model... having thought about and written some pathing for C7, I can see why the Civ5 AI is not very good at moving their units in an effective manner).
Your first paragraph reminds me very much of how it works in Wesnoth: you can move across an occupied tile (the game allows one unit per hex) if
a) you have enough remaining movement points to complete the movement and
b) the unit occupying the intervening tile is friendly (unless your unit has a special ability that allows you to bypass this last part)

Then your second reminds me… can't we still have minor water-courses? Brooks and so on that are simply not navigable, but would provide fresh water and still prove a hassle to cross?
Or would that be too much ‘zooming in’ contrary to civ 3's philosophy of grand strategy rather than micromanaged tactics? (which we break anyway whenever somebody comes up with the Playground mod or EFZI or WAC)

Would it be game-breaking if rivers cost too much to cross normally but could be crossed easily if you had a fleet on them to ferry them across? It could be run like the Telepad units enabled by the cracked editor, to prevent them from being overused, but instead of costing HP it could cost the ship some MPs.
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But there's also one thing: you want to build cities directly on a river tile. How does this affect navigation along it? Some cities have been built, historically, on islands amid river branches, but they didn't actually stand on the riverbed itself. The same for cities like Constantinople athwart the straits or Singapore on the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula.

Consider a US Civil War mod: control of cities/fortresses (Vicksburg; Cairo) denied movement of gunboats, river transports, and supplies. I would imagine that an Ottoman siege of Vienna might also be analogous - and Paris, under attack by the Vikings, definitely so.

I think that placing Rivers this way should also allow passage to great lakes.

One last: this could truly underscore the importance of places like the Dardanelles - Constantinople/Istanbul - and somehow needing a Coast Tile to allow unfettered access between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean simply doesn't "feel" right.

Also, this was a direct cross post with your last one! :)
Depends on your relations with the owner. Hearts of Iron IV models it this way and it works pretty well. I don't remember all the details, but basically in most cases if you have neutral or better relations, you can navigate the Dardanelles or the Suez Canal. If the Soviets end up at war with Turkey, they can't navigate the Dardanelles anymore, and if Britain loses the Suez Canal to Italy, they have to take the long way around Africa.
That sounds pretty cool! It would be sweet if we could have friendly units occupy tiles occupied by friendlies or allies (would be cool to have that as an option for modders). I sure hope we allow unit stacking in C7! I really don't like the one-unit-per-tile mechanic in Civ6.

But even when the Romans still held Constantinople, Callipolis, Chrysopolis, Nicæa, Nicomedia, etc. fleets of e.g. Gothic invaders managed to cross the Straits and pillage as far as Athens!

What actually prevented the Avars and Persians from completing their encirclement of Constantinople was the Roman fleets, so it's clearly not just a matter of having a port but actually how you use your ships.
On the world map I typically play (Rhye's, I think), the Dardanelles is a coastal tile, so you can sail through it even if you're at war with whoever holds Constantinople. I have no idea how the width of those straits compare to the width of the Seine at Paris or whatever, but I guess that it's easier to use a city on a river to block traffic past it than it would be to interdict shipping through straits. Maybe not?

I think that placing Rivers this way should also allow passage to great lakes.
I agree!

Then your second reminds me… can't we still have minor water-courses? Brooks and so on that are simply not navigable, but would provide fresh water and still prove a hassle to cross?
Or would that be too much ‘zooming in’ contrary to civ 3's philosophy of grand strategy rather than micromanaged tactics? (which we break anyway whenever somebody comes up with the Playground mod or EFZI or WAC)
Y'know, maybe we could have something like "major" rivers and "minor" ones, and the major ones are navigable because they go through the middle of tiles like in Civ2, whereas the minor ones aren't because they follow the edjes of tiles like in Civ3. And they could flow into each other, maybe?
Y'know, maybe we could have something like "major" rivers and "minor" ones, and the major ones are navigable because they go through the middle of tiles like in Civ2, whereas the minor ones aren't because they follow the edjes of tiles like in Civ3. And they could flow into each other, maybe?

I've been :shifty: obsessing :shifty: about Rivers since Civ 3 came out. In Civ 2, I thought it was great, and reasonable, to allow Units to move along Rivers as quickly as upon Roads ... Added to your "major/minor" thought, I wanted to be able to know/show which way upstream/downstream were (the Varangians went downstream as far as Constantinople - and could never have reversed that journey.)
I've been :shifty: obsessing :shifty: about Rivers since Civ 3 came out. In Civ 2, I thought it was great, and reasonable, to allow Units to move along Rivers as quickly as upon Roads ... Added to your "major/minor" thought, I wanted to be able to know/show which way upstream/downstream were (the Varangians went downstream as far as Constantinople - and could never have reversed that journey.)
I hadn't thought of going upstream in a Viking longboat. Surely they would have gone upstream for a bit, though, if they were sailing into places from the sea? At some point, though, I assume the river would have gotten too shallow or narrow for navigation by boats of that size. Not sure how much current would have played into it. They had a lot of rowers! The fur trade in Canada did a lot of upstream movement with many-paddled canoes and York boats (which were designed by Orkney Islander shipwrights).
Actually, what they did was beach the ships and push them (over skates or rollers if they could find/make them) until they reached the next stretch of navigable river. This wasn't just to cover the portage between the north-flowing rivers of the Baltic basin and the south-flowing rivers that led to the Black and Caspian seas. So, yes, they did reverse the journey.
Actually, what they did was beach the ships and push them (over skates or rollers if they could find/make them) until they reached the next stretch of navigable river. This wasn't just to cover the portage between the north-flowing rivers of the Baltic basin and the south-flowing rivers that led to the Black and Caspian seas. So, yes, they did reverse the journey.
Nice! I actually recall reading that Greeks did that with triremes across the Corinthian isthmus because sailing around the Peloponnesian peninsula was often too risky, for some reason?
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