Few small things you want to add/fix in the incoming DLC


~ knightmare13 ~
Feb 19, 2012
Sa Puso mo
Hi folks, News is spreading that there might be a new DLC.
I think everyone got some few small things they would like to be fix or add in this coming new DLC, if ever there would be. So what would you like to add or to be fix in the game?.

I got few myself.

1. Sudden Adaption of my CityArtStyle when I captured an enemy City with a different CityArtStyle. I don't think that its really that hard to fix.

2. The "wait for animation to finish first before you could end turn". This is really annoying especially if you only got limited time for playing.

3. CS who got GP but not using it.
I know this isn't happening and its a pretty big change, but I'm really hoping one day they'll change India's bonus to take away the unhappiness penalty from founding cities or give it smaller penalty. :undecide:
I know this isn't happening and its a pretty big change, but I'm really hoping one day they'll change India's bonus to take away the unhappiness penalty from founding cities or give it smaller penalty. :undecide:
India is the only civ with penalty on trait.
How about a screen in the cultural overview that shows all the others civs tourism influence on you? I know you can find the info by checking each civ individually but frankly that's a pain in the butt.
Most of these ideas, especially those that involve 'fixing' or changing aspects of the game, sound like they are more likely to be implemented in a patch rather than in the rumoured DLC, which will probably just add new content rather than change what is already there.
Where are these rumors coming from? When are they expecting the DLC?
Well it all started because somebody found this

In the rest of the thread that the quote links, there's someone who actually points out that the Bison depot contains the base game and both expansions, likely making it nothing more than a Platinum pack for purposes of the Steam store. And this is the most logical conclusion, as

1) there's yet to be a press release by Firaxis regarding any further DLC
2) IIRC, Firaxis and/or PC Gamer already stated there would only be two more DLCs prior to the two map packs a month or two ago
3) there's also yet to be an all-inclusive Civ 5 bundle, as BNW is left out of any package deal thus far

Why it would be called Bison is beyond me, as it seems to be beyond almost everyone. Probably a place-holder word until someone comes up with the final package name.

Though I can't 100% rule out any further Civ 5 DLC, I seriously doubt they'd do anymore at this point.
How about a screen in the cultural overview that shows all the others civs tourism influence on you? I know you can find the info by checking each civ individually but frankly that's a pain in the butt.
This very much. I just had this thought today, that it should be able to switch from "outgoing" to "incoming" tourism (or maybe it would actually be from incoming to outgoing, but anyway ...).
In the rest of the thread that the quote links, there's someone who actually points out that the Bison depot contains the base game and both expansions, likely making it nothing more than a Platinum pack for purposes of the Steam store. And this is the most logical conclusion, as

1) there's yet to be a press release by Firaxis regarding any further DLC
2) IIRC, Firaxis and/or PC Gamer already stated there would only be two more DLCs prior to the two map packs a month or two ago
3) there's also yet to be an all-inclusive Civ 5 bundle, as BNW is left out of any package deal thus far

Why it would be called Bison is beyond me, as it seems to be beyond almost everyone. Probably a place-holder word until someone comes up with the final package name.

Though I can't 100% rule out any further Civ 5 DLC, I seriously doubt they'd do anymore at this point.

While I do think a "Platinum" bundle is coming, I think it's highly unlikely that it is Bison. Civ 5 "Gold" doesn't have a depot, when you buy it you just get keys to all the component DLC/expansions. There's no reason to think a platinum bundle would work any differently. Besides, a Platinum bundle wouldn't require more test builds, etc, it's just sticking everything that currently exists together into one box.

As long as enough people will buy DLC to pay for it's development it makes sense for them to make it.
Making a Civ VI that isn't an improvement over BNW will probably piss people off like vanilla Civ V did. Unless you have good ideas for a definite improvement over BNW that requires a clean re-build, it's much safer to release expansions and DLC.
Just because there has never been a 3rd Civ expansion doesn't mean there never will be. Also, if we go by the Civ IV precedent we're due for a Civ V based spin-off game as the next major release.
Gothic civilization. You know you want to, Firaxis.
One thing they could do is to change the role of ranged units during battles . Currently,they are the dominant force in combats . Changing their roles to support would vastly improve combat . Some suggestions for that are:

- Give to all ranged/siege units an attack penalty when they attack a weakened military unit . The only ranged attack in the game without such penalty are ranged attacks from cities;
- Missiles will also have the same attack penalty;
- With the penalty above,increase the range of Gatling gun/Machine gun back to 2;
- Ranged sea units can only target land units if they are on the coast or embarked . They can't ranged attack land units that are not inside the coast;
- Mounted/Armored units have no moviment cost when they destroy an enemy unit;

Those simple changes could vastly improve combat and would force civilizations to fill the battlefield with different units .
Allow Helicopters to hover over water tiles. If they can hover indefinitely over enemy terrain, or pass over mountains, then why not allow them to go over a lake?

Make it so ranged units can only attack/damage enemy units on the offensive (No damaging enemy units while being attacked). I think this would significantly balance ranged units.
Allow Helicopters to hover over water tiles. If they can hover indefinitely over enemy terrain, or pass over mountains, then why not allow them to go over a lake?

Make it so ranged units can only attack/damage enemy units on the offensive (No damaging enemy units while being attacked). I think this would significantly balance ranged units.
Loud YES on the helicopter thing. Helicopter doesn't make any sense the way it works in game now!

The idea about ranged units is actually not bad, although it's not a top priority for me.
This very much. I just had this thought today, that it should be able to switch from "outgoing" to "incoming" tourism (or maybe it would actually be from incoming to outgoing, but anyway ...).

I am 100% behind this idea. I do believe that it should not be a DLC but a patch instead. Most DLC is used for new additions to the game, however. If it adds something new to the game then yes, we as players should feel the need to purchase it. But since this is more of an missed feature. This Incoming influence tab should be a free patch. Even when you are or are not persuing a cultural victory, you should be aware of all the other civs pressure upon your civ with an easy click in the tourism menu.

As for new DLC, some of my hopes could be stated as follows:

#1 more civs.

#2 another scenario. (Preferably a post apocalyptic one.)

#3 More resources.

#4 More techs.

#5 More Units.

#6 More Wonders.

#7 More promotions.

#8 More Espionage options. (Like wrecking production, wrecking city buildings, stealing gold, wrecking a unit's fortification bonus, wrecking tile improvements.)

#9 More Diplomatic Options. (Like selling Techs, Giving Techs.)

Just a few things to ponder.
How about a screen in the cultural overview that shows all the others civs tourism influence on you? I know you can find the info by checking each civ individually but frankly that's a pain in the butt.

go to culture victory and see who has how much tourism. Only the civs that actually have high tourism are a threat...

also, I don't see Venices restriction as a penalty, you don't need to found cities as Venice to succeed, but even as India, you have to found a few cities and the double unhappiness makes that really hard in the early game.

I really hope another large patch comes out, leaving this game 95% finished and then moving on despite a basically broken multiplayer (compared to what other games have for multiplayer now) makes me sad.
Loud YES on the helicopter thing. Helicopter doesn't make any sense the way it works in game now!

The idea about ranged units is actually not bad, although it's not a top priority for me.

I'd actually like helicopters to at least hover over coastal tiles that are connected to land.
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